Public policy

Discussion of public policy around technological issues, especially but not only surveillance and privacy.

April 18, 2010

I’ll be speaking in Washington, DC on May 6

My clients at Aster Data are putting on a sequence of conferences called “Big Data Summit(s)”, and wanted me to keynote one. I agreed to the one in Washington, DC, on May 6, on the condition that I would be allowed to start with the same liberty and privacy themes I started my New England Database Summit keynote with. Since I already knew Aster to be one of the multiple companies in this industry that is responsibly concerned about the liberty and privacy threats we’re all helping cause, I expected them to agree to that condition immediately, and indeed they did.

On a rough-draft basis, my talk concept is:

Implications of New Analytic Technology in four areas:

I haven’t done any work yet on the talk besides coming up with that snippet, and probably won’t until the week before I give it. Suggestions are welcome.

If anybody actually has a link to a clear discussion of legislative and regulatory data retention requirements, that would be cool. I know they’ve exploded, but I don’t  have the details.

April 8, 2010

Information found in public-facing social networks

Here are some examples illustrating two recent themes of mine, namely:

Pete Warden scraped all of Facebook’s social graph (at least for the United States), and put up a really interesting-looking visualization of same. Facebook’s lawyer’s came down on him, and he quickly agreed to destroy the data he’d scraped, but also published ideas on how other people could duplicate his work.

Warden has since given an interview in which he outlines some of the things researchers hoped to do with this data: Read more

April 4, 2010

The retention of everything

I’d like to reemphasize a point I’ve been making for a while about data retention: Read more

April 4, 2010

Liberty and privacy, once again

I’ve long argued three points:

*And indeed in many ways even desirable

I surprised people by leading with the liberty/privacy subject at my New England Database Summit keynote; considerable discussion ensued, largely supportive. I hope for a similar outcome when I keynote the Aster Big Data Summit in Washington, DC in May. And I expect to do even more to advance the liberty/privacy discussion as 2010 unfolds.

Fortunately, I’m not the only only thinking or talking about these liberty/privacy issues. Read more

January 31, 2010

Data-based snooping — a huge threat to liberty that we’re all helping make worse

Every year or two, I get back on my soapbox to say:

But this time I don’t plan to be so quick to shut up.

My best writing about the subject of liberty to date is probably in a November, 2008 blog post. My best public speaking about the subject was undoubtedly last Thursday, early in my New England Database Summit keynote address; I got a lot of favorable feedback on that part from the academics and technologists in attendance.

My emphasis is on data-based snooping rather than censorship, for several reasons:

Read more

November 16, 2008

When people don’t want accurate predictions made about them

In a recent article on governmental anti-terrorism data mining efforts — and the privacy risks associated with same — The Economist wrote (emphasis mine):

Abdul Bakier, a former official in Jordan’s General Intelligence Department, says that tips to foil data-mining systems are discussed at length on some extremist online forums. Tricks such as calling phone-sex hotlines can help make a profile less suspicious. “The new generation of al-Qaeda is practising all that,” he says.

Well, duh. Terrorists and fraudsters don’t want to be detected. Algorithms that rely on positive evidence of bad intent may work anyway. But if you rely on evidence that shows people are not bad actors, that’s likely to work about as well as Bayesian spam detectors.* Read more

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