Software as a Service (SaaS)

Analysis of software-as-a-service offerings with a database or analytic focus, or data connectivity tools focused on SaaS. Related subjects include:

March 25, 2008

Elastra launched today

At Elastra’s request, I didn’t write further about them back when I was interested in doing so. But you can go find out about them yourself. Basically, their secret sauce is that they write deployment instructions in a few hundred lines of two proprietary markup languages. They have ambitions beyond DBMS, and beyond the Amazon cloud.

According to their slides, they have 13 paying customers.

March 21, 2008

Cast Iron Systems focuses on SaaS data integration

When I wrote about data integration vendor Cast Iron Systems a year ago, its core message was “simplicity, simplicity, simplicity.” Supporting points included:

  1. An appliance delivery format.
  2. Lots of heuristics for automatic mapping and quick set-up. E.g., Cast Iron claims that 70% of a typical connection can be done straight out of the box.
  3. The absence of data cleaning/transformation features that might complicate things.

Cast Iron still believes in all that.

Even so, its messaging has changed a bit. Cast Iron now bills itself, in the first sentence of its press release boilerplate, as “the fastest growing SaaS integration appliance vendor.” And when I talked with marketing chief Simon Peel today, the only use cases we discussed were connections between SaaS and on-premises apps. Read more

March 6, 2008

Microsoft SQL Server Data Services

As usual, Microsoft forgot to brief me, but Mary Jo Foley reports on Microsoft SQL Server Data Services. A look at the official site clarifies that this database-in-a-cloud offering uses “Microsoft SQL Server as a data storage node.” However, there seems to be a software layer on top of SQL Server providing scale-out and appropriate management.

In addition to the more-than-SQL-Server layer, there seems to be a less-than-SQL-Server aspect as well. In a particular, Microsoft SQL Server Data Services boasts “Support for simple types: string, numeric, datetime, boolean.” XML is the “primary wire format,” and hints dropped about the schema philosophy sound XMLish too.

Interestingly, Foley reports that Microsoft plans to offer an on-premises version of Microsoft SQL Server Data Services as well.

February 14, 2008

EnterpriseDB on Elastra, early stages

I finally caught up with Bob Zurek about EnterpriseDB’s foray into the Elastra cloud. Here are some highlights:

January 31, 2008

Why not database SaaS?

After a flurry of recent announcements of database SaaS (Software as a Service), eWeek has published a backlash article. The angle is that database SaaS is too expensive, because you can get decent DBMS for free and per-gig usage charges might be expensive for big databases.

I think that’s missing the point. Most OLTP databases are pretty small. Or, if they’re big, they get that way through a lot of transactions. In the first case, hosted management is cheap. In the second case, hosted management is taking care of a large burden for you. Read more

January 30, 2008

EnterpriseDB joins Elastra in the Amazon cloud

When Elastra announced their service to host MySQL and PostgreSQL in the Amazon S3/EC2 cloud, I immediately told my dear darling clients at EnterpriseDB they should do the same. Whereupon they told me it would happen soon. However, they neglected to tell me when it was actually announced. So I know no more than can be found in this Computerworld article.

But I’ll say this — it’s a very tempting option, both for new web-based applications or businesses, or simply as a development platform pending later redeployment.

January 18, 2008

The Great MapReduce Debate

Google’s highly parallel file manipulator MapReduce has gotten great attention recently, after a research paper revealed:

(Niall Kennedy popularized the paper and surveyed its results.)

David DeWitt and Mike Stonebraker then launched a blistering attack on MapReduce, accusing it of disregarding almost all the lessons of database management system theory and practice. A vigorous comment thread has ensued, pointing out that MapReduce is not a DBMS and asserting it therefore shouldn’t be judged as one.

While correct, that defense begs the question – what is MapReduce good for? Proponents of MapReduce highlight two advantages:

  1. MapReduce makes it very easy to program data transformations, including ones to which relational structures are of little relevance.
  2. MapReduce runs in massively parallel mode “for free,” without extra programming.

Based on those advantages, MapReduce would indeed seem to have significant uses, including: Read more

January 14, 2008

LongJump is probably doing something interesting

According to VentureBeat, LongJump is offering a SaaS version of a “relational database architecture.” It’s also a “simple XML server.” And there are apps and workflow management. According to LongJump itself, there is “full search” and “wide palette of field types” and “multi-app mashup.” And since it’s a SaaS offering, the LongJump website also spends a whole page telling us how wonderful RackSpace is.

If VentureBeat got the “relational” part of the story wrong — perhaps out of confusion with Longjump’s parent company’s name “Relationals” — then the rest of it kind of hangs together: XML, composite apps, and so on. Otherwise — well, relational access, XML, and search can certainly be combined in a single package, as per MarkLogic, Attivio, or for that matter Oracle, DB2, and Microsoft SQL Server. But all that and apps and app dev too seem a lot to bite off for a single self-funded startup.

December 18, 2007

Elastra – somewhat more sensible Amazon-based DBMS option

Elastra is a startup offering MySQL and PostgreSQL SaaS instances in the Amazon S3/EC2 cloud. On their board is John Hummer, which I generally regard as a good thing, although it’s hardly a guarantee of success.* High Scalability raises some doubts about Elastra’s pricing, but I think that may be missing the point. Read more

December 18, 2007

Amazon SimpleDB – when less is, supposedly, enough

I’ve posted several times about Amazon as an innovative, super-high-end user — doing transactional object caching with ObjectStore, building an inhouse less-than-DBMS called Dynamo, or just generally adopting a very DBMS2-like approach to data management. Now Amazon is bring the Dynamo idea to the public, via a SaaS offering called SimpleDB. (Hat tip to Tim Anderson.)

SimpleDB is obviously meant to be a data server for online applications. There are no joins, and queries don’t run over 5 seconds, so serious analytics are out of the question. Domains are limited to 10GB for now, so extreme media file serving also isn’t what’s intended; indeed, Amazon encourages one to use SimpleDB to store pointers to larger objects stored as files in Amazon S3.

On the other hand, if you think of SimpleDB as an OLTP DBMS, your head might explode. There’s no sense of transaction, no mechanisms to help with integrity, no way to do arithmetic, and indeed no assurance that writes will be immediately reflected in reads. Read more

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