Groovy Corporation

Analysis of Groovy Corporation and it’s memory-centric DBMS, the Groovy SQL Switch. Related subjects include:

August 18, 2010

I’m collecting data points on NoSQL and HVSP adoption

I was asked to do a magazine article on NoSQL, where by “NoSQL” is meant “whatever they talk about at NoSQL conferences.” By now the number of publications planning to run the article is up to 2, the deadline is next week and, crucially, it has been agreed that I may talk about HVSP in general, NoSQL and SQL alike.

It also is understood that, realistically, I can’t be expected to know and mention the very latest news for all the many products in the categories. Even so, I think this would be fine time to check just where NoSQL and HVSP adoption stand. Here is most of what I know, or links to same; it would be great if you guys would contribute additional data in the comment thread.

In the NoSQL area:  Read more

March 27, 2010

Quick news, links, comments, etc.

Some notes based on what I’ve been reading recently: Read more

July 30, 2009

Groovy Corp puts out a ridiculous press release

I knew Groovy Corp’s press release today would be bad, as it was pitched in advance as being about an awe-inspiring benchmark.  That part met my very low expectations, emphasizing how the Groovy SQL Switch massively outperformed MySQL* in a benchmark, and how this supposedly shows the Groovy SQL Switch would outperform every other competitive RDBMS by at least similar margins.

*While a few use cases are exceptions, being “better than MySQL” for a DBMS is basically like being “better than Pabst Blue Ribbon” for a beer. Unless price is your top consideration, why are you even making the comparison?

Even worse, the press release, from its subhead and very first sentence, emphasizes the claim “the Groovy SQL Switch’s ability to significantly outperform relational databases.” As CEO Joe Ward quickly agreed by email, that’s not accurate.  As you would expect from the “SQL” in its name, the Groovy SQL Switch is just as relational as the products it’s being contrasted to.  Unfortunately for Joe, who I gather aspires to edit it to say something more sensible, the press release is out already in multiple places.

More favorably, Renee Blodgett has a short, laudatory post about Groovy, with some kind of embedded video.

July 28, 2009

The Groovy SQL Switch

I’ve now had a chance to talk with Groovy Corporation CEO Joe Ward, and can add to what Groovy advisor Tony Bain wrote about Groovy Corp and its SQL Switch DBMS. Highlights include: Read more

July 11, 2009

Groovy Corp

Groovy Corp sent over a press release and apparently suggested I write about the company’s wonderfulness immediately. This was without any kind of briefing. I don’t do that kind of thing.

However, a Twitter check revealed that Tony Bain is familiar with Groovy Corp and the Groovy SQL Switch (apparently they started out in Australia, where he lives and works, and he evidently knows the guys).  Tony’s take, in summary, is (emphasis mine):

There’s a little more detail at the above link.

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