Databricks, Spark and BDAS

Discussion of BDAS (Berkeley Data Analytics Systems), especially Spark and related projects, and also of Databricks, the company commercializing Spark.

December 2, 2012

Are column stores really better at compression?

A consensus has evolved that:

Still somewhat controversial is the claim that:

A strong plausibility argument for the latter point is that new in-memory analytic data stores tend to be columnar — think HANA or Platfora; compression is commonly cited as a big reason for the choice. (Another reason is that I/O bandwidth matters even when the I/O is from RAM, and there are further reasons yet.)

One group that made the in-memory columnar choice is the Spark/Shark guys at UC Berkeley’s AMP Lab. So when I talked with them Thursday (more on that another time, but it sounds like cool stuff), I took some time to ask why columnar stores are better at compression. In essence, they gave two reasons — simplicity, and speed of decompression.

In each case, the main supporting argument seemed to be that finding the values in a column is easier when they’re all together in a column store. Read more

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