Memory-centric data management

Analysis of technologies that manage data entirely or primarily in random-access memory (RAM). Related subjects include:

May 3, 2011

Oracle and Exadata: Business and technical notes

Last Friday I stopped by Oracle for my first conversation since January, 2010, in this case for a chat with Andy Mendelsohn, Mark Townsend, Tim Shetler, and George Lumpkin, covering Exadata and the Oracle DBMS. Key points included:  Read more

April 21, 2011

In-memory, parallel, not-in-database SAS HPA does make sense after all

I talked with SAS about its new approach to parallel modeling. The two key points are:

The whole thing is called SAS HPA (High-Performance Analytics), in an obvious reference to HPC (High-Performance Computing). It will run initially on RAM-heavy appliances from Teradata and EMC Greenplum.

A lot of what’s going on here is that SAS found it annoyingly difficult to parallelize modeling within the framework of a massively parallel DBMS such as Teradata. Notes on that aspect include:

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April 13, 2011

What Starcounter may be up to

Starcounter seems to be offering an in-memory object-based/object-oriented/whatever short-request DBMS that also talks SQL. I haven’t been briefed at this point, and hence don’t have detail beyond what’s on their rather breathless web site. I’m guessing this isn’t an H-Store/VoltDB architecture, but rather something more like what Workday runs.

Most of the crunch I found on the Starcounter website (emphasis mine) is:

Let’s say that it is possible to make a database that is 10,000 times faster than what you use today. It would then be possible for your computer language objects to live inside the database from the very beginning. From the first { Customer a = new Customer(); }. The objects could live in the database, not as a copy, but as both database object and a Java or C# object at the same time. The database would transparently be your heap. The time it would take to save your object to the database would be reduced to nothing.

If such a database existed, you could say goodbye to caches and the duality of business objects, the database objects/rows and the complexity that follows. The speed would be amazing. Goodbye to time consuming scale-out solutions. Actually, you would be able to say good bye to the databases as you know them. You only need your simple objects.

Such a technology would be the ultimate NoSQL database. But what if the ultimate NoSQL database had SQL support, ACID, checkpoints and recovery and other enterprise features? Your pure, clean objects would then become the fastest and most powerful database in the world.

Beside that, other clues to what Starcounter is doing include references to Hibernate and to the declining cost of RAM.

February 14, 2011

Some quick notes on HP-Vertica

HP is acquiring Vertica.  Read more

February 8, 2011

Membase and CouchOne merged to form Couchbase

Membase, the company whose product is Membase and whose former company name is Northscale, has merged with CouchOne, the company whose product is CouchDB and whose former name is The result (product and company) will be called Couchbase. CouchDB inventor Damien Katz will join the Membase (now Couchbase) management team as CTO. Couchbase can reasonably be regarded as a document-oriented NoSQL DBMS, a product category I not coincidentally posted about yesterday.

In essence, Couchbase will be CouchDB with scale-out. Alternatively, Couchbase will be Membase with a richer programming interface. The Couchbase sweet spot is likely to be:  Read more

October 22, 2010

Notes and links October 22, 2010

A number of recent posts have had good comments. This time, I won’t call them out individually.

Evidently Mike Olson of Cloudera is still telling the machine-generated data story, exactly as he should be. The Information Arbitrage/IA Ventures folks said something similar, focusing specifically on “sensor data” …

… and, even better, went on to say:  Read more

October 18, 2010

More notes on Membase and memcached

As a companion to my post about Membase last week, the company has graciously allowed me to post a rather detailed Membase slide deck. (It even has pricing.) Also, I left one point out.

Membase announced a Cloudera partnership. I couldn’t detect anything technically exciting about that, but it serves to highlight what I do find to be an interesting usage trend. A couple of big Web players (AOL and ShareThis) are using Hadoop to crunch data and derive customer profile data, then feed that back into Membase. Why Membase? Because it can serve up the profile in a millisecond, as part of a bigger 40-millisecond-latency request.

And why Hadoop, rather than Aster Data nCluster, which ShareThis also uses? Umm, I didn’t ask.

When I mentioned this to Colin Mahony, he said Vertica had similar stories. However, I don’t recall whether they were about Membase or just memcached, and he hasn’t had a chance to get back to me with clarification.  (Edit: As per Colin’s comment below, it’s both.)

October 17, 2010

Where ParAccel is at

Until recently, I was extremely critical of ParAccel’s marketing. But there was an almost-clean sweep of the relevant ParAccel executives, and the specific worst practices I was calling out have for the most part been eliminated. So I was open to talking and working with ParAccel again, and that’s now happening. On my recent California trip, I chatted with three ParAccel folks for a few hours. Based on that and other conversation, here’s the current ParAccel story as I understand it.
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October 11, 2010

Membase simplifies name, goes GA

The company Northscale that makes the product Membase is now the company Membase that makes the product Membase. Good. Also, the product Membase has now gone GA.

I wrote back in August about Membase, and that covers most of what I think, with perhaps a couple of exceptions:  Read more

August 26, 2010

More on NoSQL and HVSP (or OLRP)

Since posting last Wednesday morning that I’m looking into NoSQL and HVSP, I’ve had a lot of conversations, including with (among others):

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