September 6, 2007

The Vertica guys have their own blog now

I’ve written a considerable amount about Vertica and/or the opinions of Mike Stonebraker. Now the Vertica guys have their own blog, which they pledge will not just be a rehash of Vertica marketing pitches — notwithstanding the Vertica-related wordplay in the blog’s name.*

*Those guys are good at wordplay.

February 1, 2007

Leaving Microsoft with a laugh

Jim Allchin’s farewell blog post is a hoot. There’s even a bit of database stuff in it.

January 31, 2007

It’s a good week for puns …

… unless you think that is inherently an oxymoron. I thought I was doing well catching and expanding on a clever pop culture reference. But the folks at columnar DBMS start-up Vertica Systems may have topped that with their slogan

The tables have turned


May 13, 2006

Hot times at Intersystems

About a year ago, I wrote a very favorable column focusing on Intersystems’ OODBMS Cache’. Cache’ appears to be the one OODBMS product that has good performance even in a standard disk-centric configuration, notwithstanding that random pointer access seems to be antithetical to good disk performance.

Intersystems also has a hot new Cache’-based integration product, Ensemble. They attempted to brief me on it (somewhat belatedly, truth be told) last Wednesday. Through no fault of the product, however, the briefing didn’t go so well. I still look forward to learning more about Ensemble.

March 27, 2006

God’s programming language

God’s programming language.

To the melody of the classic filk song “God Lives on Terra.” Parody lyrics written in 1996.

It’s wonderful. But then, I love filk. And I also love flexible data structures.

The lyrics start

I was taught assembler in my second year of school.
It’s kinda like construction work — with a toothpick for a tool.
So when I made my senior year, I threw my code away,
And learned the way to program that I still prefer today.

Now, some folks on the Internet put their faith in C++.
They swear that it’s so powerful, it’s what God used for us.
And maybe it lets mortals dredge their objects from the C.
But I think that explains why only God can make a tree.

January 19, 2006

And now a moment of humor

A classic hacker jest, and also the best blonde joke ever.

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