Data models and architecture
Discussion of issues in data modeling, and whether databases should be consolidated or loosely coupled. Related subjects include:
The database architecture of,, and,, and use exactly the same database infrastructure and architecture. That’s the good news. The bad news is that is somewhat obscure about technical details, for reasons such as:
- A long-ago marketing decision to not give infrastructure details, so as to convey a “Don’t worry; we’ll take care of everything” message.
- Even so, a long-ago and perhaps now-regretted marketing decision to disclose and even exaggerate’s reliance on Oracle, as part of an early-days attempt to prove salesforce was using enterprise-class technology.
- A desire to hide the recipe for’s secret sauce.
- Force of habit — I’m not sure salesforce even knows how to tell its technical story with any clarity.
Actually, has moved some kinds of data out of Oracle that previously used to be stored there. Besides Oracle, salesforce uses at least a file system and a RAM-based data store about which I have no details. Even so, much of’s data is stored in Oracle — a single instance of Oracle, which it believes may be the largest instance of Oracle in the world.
Categories: Data models and architecture, Market share and customer counts, Memory-centric data management, Object, OLTP, Oracle,, Software as a Service (SaaS) | 19 Comments |
“Big data” has jumped the shark
I frequently observe that no market categorization is ever precise and, in particular, that bad jargon drives out good. But when it comes to “big data” or “big data analytics”, matters are worse yet. The definitive shark-jumping moment may be Forrester Research’s Brian Hopkins’ claim that:
… typical data warehouse appliances, even if they are petascale and parallel, [are] NOT big data solutions.
Nonsense almost as bad can be found in other venues.
Forrester seems to claim that “big data” is characterized by Volume, Velocity, Variety, and Variability. Others, less alliteratively-inclined, might put Complexity in the mix. So far, so good; after all, much of what people call “big data” is collections of disparate data streams, all collected somewhere in a big bit bucket. But when people start defining “big data” to include Variety and/or Variability, they’ve gone too far.
Derived data, progressive enhancement, and schema evolution
The emphasis I’m putting on derived data is leading to a variety of questions, especially about how to tease apart several related concepts:
- Derived data.
- Many-step processes to produce derived data.
- Schema evolution.
- Temporary data constructs.
So let’s dive in. Read more
Categories: Data models and architecture, Data warehousing, Derived data, MarkLogic, Text | Leave a Comment |
Data management at Zynga and LinkedIn
Mike Driscoll and his Metamarkets colleagues organized a bit of a bash Thursday night. Among the many folks I chatted with were Ken Rudin of Zynga, Sam Shah of LinkedIn, and D. J. Patil, late of LinkedIn. I now know more about analytic data management at Zynga and LinkedIn, plus some bonus stuff on LinkedIn’s People You May Know application. 🙂
It’s blindingly obvious that Zynga is one of Vertica’s petabyte-scale customers, given that Zynga sends 5 TB/day of data into Vertica, and keeps that data for about a year. (Zynga may retain even more data going forward; in particular, Zynga regrets ever having thrown out the first month of data for any game it’s tried to launch.) This is game actions, for the most part, rather than log files; true logs generally go into Splunk.
I don’t know whether the missing data is completely thrown away, or just stashed on inaccessible tapes somewhere.
I found two aspects of the Zynga story particularly interesting. First, those 5 TB/day are going straight into Vertica (from, I presume, memcached/Membase/Couchbase), as Zynga decided that sending the data to some kind of log first was more trouble than it’s worth. Second, there’s Zynga’s approach to analytic database design. Highlights of that include: Read more
Categories: Aster Data, Couchbase, Data models and architecture, Games and virtual worlds, Greenplum, Hadoop, Petabyte-scale data management, Specific users, Vertica Systems, Zynga | 27 Comments |
Terminology: Dynamic- vs. fixed-schema databases
E. F. “Ted” Codd taught the computing world that databases should have fixed logical schemas (which protect the user from having to know about physical database organization). But he may not have been as universally correct as he thought. Cases I’ve noted in which fixed schemas may be problematic include:
- “A bunch of apps in one, similar but not the same” (in my recent post on MongoDB).
- Out-of-control product catalogs (ditto).
- Analytic use cases in which one keeps enhancing the database with derived data.
And if marketing profile analysis is ever done correctly, that will be a huge example for the list.
So what do we call those DBMS — for example NoSQL, object-oriented, or XML-based systems — that bake the schema into the applications or the records themselves? In the MongoDB post I went with “schemaless,” but I wasn’t really comfortable with that, so I took the discussion to Twitter. Comments from Vlad Didenko (in particular), Ryan Prociuk, Merv Adrian, and Roland Bouman favored the idea that schemas in such systems are changeable or late-bound, rather than entirely absent. I quickly agreed.
Categories: Data models and architecture, NoSQL, Object, Structured documents | 48 Comments |
The Ted Codd guarantee
I write a lot about whether or not to use relational DBMS. For example:
- In May I surveyed relational vs. non-relational pros and cons at some length.
- Last November I mused about when it might be OK to do without joins.
- The question is implicit in a variety of posts about, say, document-oriented or object-oriented DBMS.
Before going further in that vein, I’d like to do a quick review of what E. F. “Ted” Codd was getting at with the relational model in the first place. Read more
Categories: Data models and architecture, IBM and DB2, MOLAP, NoSQL | 3 Comments |
MongoDB users and use cases
I spoke with Eliot Horowitz and Max Schierson of 10gen last month about MongoDB users and use cases. The biggest clusters they came up with weren’t much over 100 nodes, but clusters an order of magnitude bigger were under development. The 100 node one we talked the most about had 33 replica sets, each with about 100 gigabytes of data, so that’s in the 3-4 terabyte range total. In general, the largest MongoDB databases are 20-30 TB; I’d guess those really do use the bulk of available disk space. Read more
Categories: Data models and architecture, Games and virtual worlds, Log analysis, MongoDB, NoSQL, Solid-state memory, Specific users, Splunk, Telecommunications, Web analytics | 13 Comments |
Soundbites: the Facebook/MySQL/NoSQL/VoltDB/Stonebraker flap, continued
As a follow-up to the latest Stonebraker kerfuffle, Derrick Harris asked me a bunch of smart followup questions. My responses and afterthoughts include:
- Facebook et al. are in effect Software as a Service (SaaS) vendors, not enterprise technology users. In particular:
- They have the technical chops to rewrite their code as needed.
- Unlike packaged software vendors, they’re not answerable to anybody for keeping legacy code alive after a rewrite. That makes migration a lot easier.
- If they want to write different parts of their system on different technical underpinnings, nobody can stop them. For example …
- … Facebook innovated Cassandra, and is now heavily committed to HBase.
- It makes little sense to talk of Facebook’s use of “MySQL.” Better to talk of Facebook’s use of “MySQL + memcached + non-transparent sharding.” That said:
- It’s hard to see why somebody today would use MySQL + memcached + non-transparent sharding for a new project. At least one of Couchbase or transparently-sharded MySQL is very likely a superior alternative. Other alternatives might be better yet.
- As noted above in the example of Facebook, the many major web businesses that are using MySQL + memcached + non-transparent sharding for existing projects can be presumed able to migrate away from that stack as the need arises.
Continuing with that discussion of DBMS alternatives:
- If you just want to write to the memcached API anyway, why not go with Couchbase?
- If you want to go relational, why not go with MySQL? There are many alternatives for scaling or accelerating MySQL — dbShards, Schooner, Akiban, Tokutek, ScaleBase, ScaleDB, Clustrix, and Xeround come to mind quickly, so there’s a great chance that one or more will fit your use case. (And if you don’t get the choice of MySQL flavor right the first time, porting to another one shouldn’t be all THAT awful.)
- If you really, really want to go in-memory, and don’t mind writing Java stored procedures, and don’t need to do the kinds of joins it isn’t good at, but do need to do the kinds of joins it is, VoltDB could indeed be a good alternative.
And while we’re at it — going schema-free often makes a whole lot of sense. I need to write much more about the point, but for now let’s just say that I look favorably on the Big Four schema-free/NoSQL options of MongoDB, Couchbase, HBase, and Cassandra.
Hadapt update
I met with the Hadapt guys today. I think I can be a bit crisper than before in positioning Hadapt and its use cases, namely:
- Hadapt is additional software on a cluster that also runs fully functional Hadoop/HDFS. (Cloudera Hadoop more than straight-from-Apache Hadoop to date, but that’s not a requirement.)
- The cluster also runs a DBMS on every node, such as PostgreSQL or one of Infobright/Vectorwise.
- Hadapt’s software manages parallel SQL queries by distributing them to the DBMS living on each node. Hadapt says that the resulting query performance far outshines Hive’s.
- Hadapt further says that, by exploiting the partner DBMS, its SQL functionality outpaces Hive’s as well.
- Target Hadapt use cases are centered around keeping machine-generated or other poly-structured data in Hadoop, and extracting, enhancing, or otherwise deriving some of it to live in the relational store.
- In particular, Hadapt seems like an interesting choice when you want to use that relational data as you work on other data that’s still in HDFS, or if you want to keep using the relational data in other kinds of MapReduce jobs.
- That all fits well with my thoughts about the importance of derived data.
Other evolution from what I wrote about Hadapt a few months ago includes:
- Hadapt is in beta now.
- Hadapt has added adult supervision in the form of Philip Wickline, late of Endeca.
In other news, Hadapt is our newest client.
Citrusleaf RTA
Citrusleaf has released an add-on product called Citrusleaf RTA (Real-Time Attribution). It’s to be used when:
- You want to update dashboards within a minute.
- You want to update predictive models fairly quickly (within the hour?), although it’s not clear to me how much the models are being updated or changed with that latency.
The metrics envisioned are:
- 100 or so ad impressions per person …
- … for 1 billion or so people …
- … stored for 30-90 days …
- … where each ad impression is a fairly short record …
- … stored on disk …
- … but indexed in a way so that the index can fit into RAM.
- 50-100,000 writes per second. (I didn’t ask on what amount of hardware.)
- Several hundred reads per second.
A consistent relational schema is NOT assumed.
Citrusleaf’s solution is:
- Have one index entry for each of the 1 billion people.
- Bang each new object/record to disk. Include in it a pointer to the previous object/record for the same person.
- Each time a new object/record is added, update the index in place so that it now points to the new once. Hence, the index is sized according to the number of people, not according to the total number of objects/records.
- Eventually let objects/records age off in the obvious way.
The downside is that when you do read 100 objects/records per person, you might need to do 100 seeks.