Analysis of data integration products and technologies, especially ones related to data warehousing, such as ELT (Extract/Transform/Load). Related subjects include:
Notes on data security
1. In June I wrote about burgeoning interest in data security. I’d now like to add:
- Even more than I previously thought, demand seems to be driven largely by issues of regulatory compliance.
- In an exception to that general rule, many enterprise have vague mandates for data encryption.
- In awkward contradiction to that general rule, there’s a general sense that it’s just security’s “turn” to be a differentiating feature, since various other “enterprise” needs are already being well-addressed.
We can reconcile these anecdata pretty well if we postulate that:
- Enterprises generally agree that data security is an important need.
- Exactly how they meet this need depends upon what regulators choose to require.
2. My current impressions of the legal privacy vs. surveillance tradeoffs are basically: Read more
Categories: Data warehousing, Databricks, Spark and BDAS, EAI, EII, ETL, ELT, ETLT, Hadoop, Surveillance and privacy | Leave a Comment |
The data security mess
A large fraction of my briefings this year have included a focus on data security. This is the first year in the past 35 that that’s been true.* I believe that reasons for this trend include:
- Security is an important aspect of being “enterprise-grade”. Other important checkboxes have been largely filled in. Now it’s security’s turn.
- A major platform shift, namely to the cloud, is underway or at least being planned for. Security is an important thing to think about as that happens.
- The cloud even aside, technology trends have created new ways to lose data, which security technology needs to address.
- Traditionally paranoid industries are still paranoid.
- Other industries are newly (and rightfully) terrified of exposing customer data.
- My clients at Cloudera thought they had a chance to get significant messaging leverage from emphasizing security. So far, it seems that they were correct.
*Not really an exception: I did once make it a project to learn about classic network security, including firewall appliances and so on.
Certain security requirements, desires or features keep coming up. These include (and as in many of my lists, these overlap):
- Easy, comprehensive access control. More on this below.
- Encryption. If other forms of security were perfect, encryption would never be needed. But they’re not.
- Auditing. Ideally, auditing can alert you to trouble before (much) damage is done. If not, then it can at least help you do proactive damage control in the face of breach.
- Whatever regulators mandate.
- Whatever is generally regarded as best practices. Security “best practices” generally keep enterprises out of legal and regulatory trouble, or at least minimize same. They also keep employees out of legal and career trouble, or minimize same. Hopefully, they even keep data safe.
- Whatever the government is known to use. This is a common proxy for “best practices”.
More specific or extreme requirements include: Read more
Categories: Business intelligence, Data warehousing, EAI, EII, ETL, ELT, ETLT, Hadoop, QlikTech and QlikView, Tableau Software | 4 Comments |
Light-touch managed services
Cloudera recently introduced Cloudera Altus, a Hadoop-in-the-cloud offering with an interesting processing model:
- Altus manages jobs for you.
- But you actually run them on your own cluster, and so you never have to put your data under Altus’ control.
Thus, you avoid a potential security risk (shipping your data to Cloudera’s service). I’ve tentatively named this strategy light-touch managed services, and am interested in exploring how broadly applicable it might or might not be.
For light-touch to be a good approach, there should be (sufficiently) little downside in performance, reliability and so on from having your service not actually control the data. That assumption is trivially satisfied in the case of Cloudera Altus, because it’s not an ordinary kind of app; rather, its whole function is to improve the job-running part of your stack. Most kinds of apps, however, want to operate on your data directly. For those, it is more challenging to meet acceptable SLAs (Service-Level Agreements) on a light-touch basis.
Let’s back up and consider what “light-touch” for data-interacting apps (i.e., almost all apps) would actually mean. The basics are: Read more
Categories: Cloud computing, Cloudera, Data warehousing, EAI, EII, ETL, ELT, ETLT, Hadoop, Software as a Service (SaaS), Surveillance and privacy | 3 Comments |
“Real-time” is getting real
I’ve been an analyst for 35 years, and debates about “real-time” technology have run through my whole career. Some of those debates are by now pretty much settled. In particular:
- Yes, interactive computer response is crucial.
- Into the 1980s, many apps were batch-only. Demand for such apps dried up.
- Business intelligence should occur at interactive speeds, which is a major reason that there’s a market for high-performance analytic RDBMS.
- Theoretical arguments about “true” real-time vs. near-real-time are often pointless.
- What matters in most cases is human users’ perceptions of speed.
- Most of the exceptions to that rule occur when machines race other machines, for example in automated bidding (high frequency trading or otherwise) or in network security.
A big issue that does remain open is: How fresh does data need to be? My preferred summary answer is: As fresh as is needed to support the best decision-making. I think that formulation starts with several advantages:
- It respects the obvious point that different use cases require different levels of data freshness.
- It cautions against people who think they need fresh information but aren’t in a position to use it. (Such users have driven much bogus “real-time” demand in the past.)
- It covers cases of both human and automated decision-making.
Straightforward applications of this principle include: Read more
Are analytic RDBMS and data warehouse appliances obsolete?
I used to spend most of my time — blogging and consulting alike — on data warehouse appliances and analytic DBMS. Now I’m barely involved with them. The most obvious reason is that there have been drastic changes in industry structure:
- Many of the independent vendors were swooped up by acquisition.
- None of those acquisitions was a big success.
- Microsoft did little with DATAllegro.
- Netezza struggled with R&D after being bought by IBM. An IBMer recently told me that their main analytic RDBMS engine was BLU.
- I hear about Vertica more as a technology to be replaced than as a significant ongoing market player.
- Pivotal open-sourced Greenplum. I have detected few people who care.
- Ditto for Actian’s offerings.
- Teradata claimed a few large Aster accounts, but I never hear of Aster as something to compete or partner with.
- Smaller vendors fizzled too. Hadapt and Kickfire went to Teradata as more-or-less acquihires. InfiniDB folded. Etc.
- Impala and other Hadoop-based alternatives are technology options.
- Oracle, Microsoft, IBM and to some extent SAP/Sybase are still pedaling along … but I rarely talk with companies that big. 🙂
Simply reciting all that, however, begs the question of whether one should still care about analytic RDBMS at all.
My answer, in a nutshell, is:
Analytic RDBMS — whether on premises in software, in the form of data warehouse appliances, or in the cloud — are still great for hard-core business intelligence, where “hard-core” can refer to ad-hoc query complexity, reporting/dashboard concurrency, or both. But they aren’t good for much else.
Introduction to data Artisans and Flink
data Artisans and Flink basics start:
- Flink is an Apache project sponsored by the Berlin-based company data Artisans.
- Flink has been viewed in a few different ways, all of which are similar to how Spark is seen. In particular, per co-founder Kostas Tzoumas:
- Flink’s original goal was “Hadoop done right”.
- Now Flink is focused on streaming analytics, as an alternative to Spark Streaming, Samza, et al.
- Kostas seems to see Flink as a batch-plus-streaming engine that’s streaming-first.
Like many open source projects, Flink seems to have been partly inspired by a Google paper.
To this point, data Artisans and Flink have less maturity and traction than Databricks and Spark. For example: Read more
Notes on Spark and Databricks — generalities
I visited Databricks in early July to chat with Ion Stoica and Reynold Xin. Spark also comes up in a large fraction of the conversations I have. So let’s do some catch-up on Databricks and Spark. In a nutshell:
- Spark is indeed the replacement for Hadoop MapReduce.
- Spark is becoming the default platform for machine learning.
- SparkSQL (nee’ Shark) is puttering along predictably.
- Databricks reports good success in its core business of cloud-based machine learning support.
- Spark Streaming has strong adoption, but its position is at risk.
- Databricks, the original authority on Spark, is not keeping a tight grip on that role.
I shall explain below. I also am posting separately about Spark evolution, especially Spark 2.0. I’ll also talk a bit in that post about Databricks’ proprietary/closed-source technology.
Spark is the replacement for Hadoop MapReduce.
This point is so obvious that I don’t know what to say in its support. The trend is happening, as originally decreed by Cloudera (and me), among others. People are rightly fed up with the limitations of MapReduce, and — niches perhaps aside — there are no serious alternatives other than Spark.
The greatest use for Spark seems to be the same as the canonical first use for MapReduce: data transformation. Also in line with the Spark/MapReduce analogy: Read more
Categories: Cloudera, Databricks, Spark and BDAS, EAI, EII, ETL, ELT, ETLT, Hadoop, MapReduce, Market share and customer counts, Predictive modeling and advanced analytics | 6 Comments |
Some checklists for making technical choices
Whenever somebody asks for my help on application technology strategy, I start by trying to ascertain three things. The absolute first is actually a prerequisite to almost any kind of useful conversation, which is to ascertain in general terms what the hell it is that we are talking about. 🙂
My second goal is to ascertain technology constraints. Three common types are:
- Compatible with legacy systems and/or enterprise standards.
- Cheap, free and/or open source.
- Proven, vetted by sufficiently many references, and/or generally having an “enterprise-y” reputation.
That’s often a short and straightforward discussion, except in those awkward situations when all three of my bullet points above are applicable at once.
The third item is usually more interesting. I try to figure out what is to be accomplished. That’s usually not a simple matter, because the initial list of goals and requirements is almost never accurate. It’s actually more common that I have to tell somebody to be more ambitious than that I need to rein them in.
Commonly overlooked needs include:
- If you want to sell something and have happy users, you need a good UI.
- You will also soon need tools and a UI for administration.
- Customers demand low-latency/fresh data. Your explanation of why they don’t really need it doesn’t contradict the fact that they want it.
- Providing data access and saying “You can hook up any BI tool you want and build charts” is not generally regarded as offering a good UI.
- When “adding analytics” to something previously focused on short-request processing, it is common to underestimate the variety of things users will soon want to do. (One common reason for this under-estimate is that after years of being told it can’t be done, they’ve learned not to ask.)
And if you take one thing away from this post, then take this:
- If you “know” exactly which features are or aren’t helpful to users, …
- .. and if you supply only what you “know” they should use, …
- … then you will discover that what you “knew” wasn’t really accurate.
I guarantee it.
Categories: Business intelligence, Buying processes, EAI, EII, ETL, ELT, ETLT, Predictive modeling and advanced analytics | 2 Comments |
Kafka and more
In a companion introduction to Kafka post, I observed that Kafka at its core is remarkably simple. Confluent offers a marchitecture diagram that illustrates what else is on offer, about which I’ll note:
- The red boxes — “Ops Dashboard” and “Data Flow Audit” — are the initial closed-source part. No surprise that they sound like management tools; that’s the traditional place for closed source add-ons to start.
- “Schema Management”
- Is used to define fields and so on.
- Is not equivalent to what is ordinarily meant by schema validation, in that …
- … it allows schemas to change, but puts constraints on which changes are allowed.
- Is done in plug-ins that live with the producer or consumer of data.
- Is based on the Hadoop-oriented file format Avro.
Kafka offers little in the way of analytic data transformation and the like. Hence, it’s commonly used with companion products. Read more
Cloudera in the cloud(s)
Cloudera released Version 2 of Cloudera Director, which is a companion product to Cloudera Manager focused specifically on the cloud. This led to a discussion about — you guessed it! — Cloudera and the cloud.
Making Cloudera run in the cloud has three major aspects:
- Cloudera’s usual software, ported to run on the cloud platform(s).
- Cloudera Director, which for example launches cloud instances.
- Points of integration, e.g. taking information about security-oriented roles from the platform and feeding then to the role-based security that is specific to Cloudera Enterprise.
Features new in this week’s release of Cloudera Director include:
- An API for job submission.
- Support for spot and preemptable instances.
- High availability.
- Kerberos.
- Some cluster repair.
- Some cluster cloning.
I.e., we’re talking about some pretty basic/checklist kinds of things. Cloudera Director is evidently working for Amazon AWS and Google GCP, and planned for Windows Azure, VMware and OpenStack.
As for porting, let me start by noting: Read more