Application areas
Posts focusing on the use of database and analytic technologies in specific application domains. Related subjects include:
- Any subcategory
- (in Text Technologies) Specific application areas for text analytics
People’s facility with statistics — extremely difficult to predict
My recent post on broadening the usefulness of statistics presupposed two things about the statistical sophistication of business intelligence tool users:
- It varies a lot.
- In many cases, it isn’t be very high.
Let me now say a little more on the subject. My basic message is — people’s facility with statistics is extremely difficult to predict.
If you DO have to make a point estimate, however, you could do worse than just putting quotation marks around the last four words of that sentence …
Suppose we measure people’s statistical understanding on a 5-point scale:
- People who haven’t clue what a p-value is.
- People who think a p-value of .05 signifies a 95% chance of truth.
- People who know better than that, but who still think that “statistically significant” is pretty close to the same as “true”.
- People who know better yet, but aren’t fluent in using statistical techniques correctly.
- People who are fluent in statistics.
Just knowing somebody’s job description, can you confidently predict their ranking to within, say, +/- 1 point? I suggest you can’t. People differ wildly in general numeracy and in specific statistical knowledge.
Even our guesses about average knowledge may be off, not least because education is changing things. Read more
Some Vertica 6 features
Vertica 6 was recently announced, and so it seemed like a good time to catch up on Vertica features. The main topics I want to address are:
- External tables and the associated new Hadoop connector.
- Online schema evolution.
- Workload management.
- I have some tidbits to add to my June, 2011 coverage of Vertica’s analytic functionality.
- I’ll stand for now on my previous coverage of Vertica’s database organization.
In general, the main themes of Vertica 6 appear to be:
- Enterprise/SaaS-friendliness, high uptime, and so on.
- Improved analytic usefulness.
Let’s do the analytic functionality first. Notes on that include:
- Vertica has extended its user-defined function/analytic procedure/whatever functionality to include user-defined load. (Same SDK, different specific classes.)
- One of the languages Vertica supports is R. But for now, parallel R is limited to “Of course, you can run the same functions and procedures on many nodes at once.”
- Based on community activity around bugs and so on, it seems there are users for Vertica’s JSON-based Twitter sentiment analysis plug-in.
I’ll also take this opportunity to expand on something I wrote about a few vendors — including Vertica — at the end of my post on approximate query results. When I probed how customers of Vertica and other RDBMS-based analytic platform vendors used vendor-proprietary advanced analytic SQL and other analytic capabilities, answers included: Read more
Notes on Datameer
In a short October, 2011 post about Datameer, I wrote:
Datameer is designed to let you do simple stuff on large amounts of data, where “large amounts of data” typically means data in Hadoop, and “simple stuff” includes basic versions of a spreadsheet, of BI, and of EtL (Extract/Transform/Load, without much in the way of T).
That’s all still mainly true, although with the recent Datameer 2.0:
- You can run Datameer and the underlying Hadoop on a desktop or workgroup group.
- There are some infographics pretty-picture-drawing capabilities, which will surely delight those who like vector-based HTML 5 pictures of coffee cups, saucers and macaroons.
- No doubt Datameer has been generally enhanced on multiple fronts.
In essence, Datameer has two positionings.
- One is “OK, you’ve got Hadoop — now wouldn’t you like to do something useful with it?” That can include both business intelligence and ETL.
- Beyond that, Datameer founder/CEO Stefan Groschupf’s core argument is that schema-on-read is really, really useful, even at the cost of absorbing a potentially large performance hit. In other words, he’s making a case for a form of non-relational BI.
Categories: Business intelligence, Data models and architecture, Datameer, EAI, EII, ETL, ELT, ETLT, Hadoop, Log analysis, Market share and customer counts, Web analytics | 8 Comments |
Memory-centric data management when locality matters
Ron Pressler of Parallel Universe/SpaceBase pinged me about a data grid product he was open sourcing, called Galaxy. The idea is that a distributed RAM grid will allocate data, not randomly or via consistent hashing, but rather via a locality-sensitive approach. Notes include:
- The original technology was developed to track moving objects on behalf of the Israeli Air Force.
- The commercial product is focused on MMO (Massively MultiPlayer Online) games (or virtual worlds).
- The underpinnings are being open sourced.
- Ron suggests that, among other use cases, Galaxy might work well for graphs.
- Ron argues that one benefit is that when lots of things cluster together — e.g. characters in a game — there’s a natural way to split them elastically (shrink the radius for proximity).
- The design philosophy seems to be to adapt as many ideas as possible from the way CPUs manage (multiple levels of) RAM cache.
The whole thing is discussed in considerable detail in a blog post and a especially in a Hacker News comment thread. There’s also an error-riddled TechCrunch article. Read more
Categories: Cache, Clustering, Games and virtual worlds, GIS and geospatial, Open source, RDF and graphs, Scientific research, Streaming and complex event processing (CEP) | 2 Comments |
Issues in regulatory compliance
From time to time, I hear of regulatory requirements to retain, analyze, and/or protect data in various ways. It’s hard to get a comprehensive picture of these, as they vary both by industry and jurisdiction; so I generally let such compliance issues slide. Still, perhaps I should use one post to pull together what is surely a very partial list.
Most such compliance requirements have one of two emphases: Either you need to keep your customers’ data safe against misuse, or else you’re supposed to supply information to government authorities. From a data management and analysis standpoint, the former area mainly boils down to:
- Information security. This can include access control, encryption, masking, auditing, and more.
- Keeping data in an approved geographical area. (E.g., its country of origin.) This seems to be one of the three big drivers for multi-data-center processing (along with latency and disaster recovery), and hence is an influence upon numerous users’ choices in areas such as clustering and replication.
The latter, however, has numerous aspects.
First, there are many purposes for the data retention and analysis, including but by no means limited to: Read more
Categories: Archiving and information preservation, Clustering, Data warehousing, Health care, Investment research and trading, Text | 4 Comments |
Introduction to Neo Technology and Neo4j
I’ve been talking some with the Neo Technology/Neo4j guys, including Emil Eifrem (CEO/cofounder), Johan Svensson (CTO/cofounder), and Philip Rathle (Senior Director of Products). Basics include:
- Neo Technology came up with Neo4j, open sourced it, and is building a company around the open source core product in the usual way.
- Neo4j is a graph DBMS.
- Neo4j is unlike some other graph DBMS in that:
- Neo4j is designed for OLTP (OnLine Transaction Processing), or at least as a general-purpose DBMS, rather than being focused on investigative analytics.
- To every node or edge managed by Neo4j you can associate an arbitrary collection of (name,value) pairs — i.e., what might be called a document.
Numbers and historical facts include:
- > 50 paying Neo4j customers.
- Estimated 1000s of production Neo4j users of open source version.*
- Estimated 1/3 of paying customers and free users using Neo4j as a “system of record”.
- >30,000 downloads/month, in some sense of “download”.
- 35 people in 6 countries, vs. 25 last December.
- $13 million in VC, most of it last October.
- Started in 2000 as the underpinnings for a content management system.
- A version of the technology in production in 2003.
- Neo4j first open-sourced in 2007.
- Big-name customers including Cisco, Adobe, and Deutsche Telekom.
- Pricing of either $6,000 or $24,000 per JVM per year for two different commercial versions.
Categories: Market share and customer counts, Neo Technology and Neo4j, Open source, Pricing, RDF and graphs, Structured documents, Telecommunications | 11 Comments |
Introduction to Yarcdata
Cray’s strategy these days seems to be:
- Move forward with the classic supercomputer business.
- Diversify into related areas.
At the moment, the main diversifications are:
- Boxes that are like supercomputers, but at a lower price point.
- Storage.
- “(Big) data”.
The last of the three is what Cray subsidiary Yarcdata is all about. Read more
Introduction to MemSQL
I talked with MemSQL shortly before today’s launch. MemSQL technology basics are:
- In-memory relational DBMS.
- Being released single-box only. Transparent sharding is under development for release in the fall. Basic replication is under development too.
- Subset of SQL-92.
- MySQL wire-compatible (SQL coverage issues excepted).
MemSQL’s performance claims include:
- Read performance 10% or so worse than memcached.
- Write performance 20% or so better than memcached.
- 1.2 million inserts/second on a 64-core, 1/2 TB of RAM machine.
- Similarly, 1/2 billion records loaded in under 20 minutes.
MemSQL company basics include: Read more
Categories: Database compression, In-memory DBMS, Investment research and trading, Market share and customer counts, memcached, MemSQL, OLTP, Pricing, Web analytics | 3 Comments |
Introduction to Metamarkets and Druid
I previously dropped a few hints about my clients at Metamarkets, mentioning that they:
- Have built vertical-market analytic platform technology.
- Use a lot of Hadoop.
- Throw good parties. (That’s where the background photo on my Twitter page comes from.)
But while they’re a joy to talk with, writing about Metamarkets has been frustrating, with many hours and pages of wasted of effort. Even so, I’m trying again, in a three-post series:
- Introduction to Metamarkets and Druid (this post)
- Druid overview
- Metamarkets’ back-end technology
Much like Workday, Inc., Metamarkets is a SaaS (Software as a Service) company, with numerous tiers of servers and an affinity for doing things in RAM. That’s where most of the similarities end, however, as Metamarkets is a much smaller company than Workday, doing very different things.
Metamarkets’ business is SaaS (Software as a Service) business intelligence, on large data sets, with low latency in both senses (fresh data can be queried on, and the queries happen at RAM speed). As you might imagine, Metamarkets is used by digital marketers and other kinds of internet companies, whose data typically wants to be in the cloud anyway. Approximate metrics for Metamarkets (and it may well have exceeded these by now) include 10 customers, 100,000 queries/day, 80 billion 100-byte events/month (before summarization), 20 employees, 1 popular CEO, and a metric ton of venture capital.
To understand how Metamarkets’ technology works, it probably helps to start by realizing: Read more
Quick-turnaround predictive modeling
Last November, I wrote two posts on agile predictive analytics. It’s time to return to the subject. I’m used to KXEN talking about the ability to do predictive modeling, very quickly, perhaps without professional statisticians; that the core of what KXEN does. But I was surprised when Revolution Analytics told me a similar story, based on a different approach, because ordinarily that’s not how R is used at all.
Ultimately, there seem to be three reasons why you’d want quick turnaround on your predictive modeling: Read more