Application areas
Posts focusing on the use of database and analytic technologies in specific application domains. Related subjects include:
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- (in Text Technologies) Specific application areas for text analytics
Couchbase update
I checked in with James Phillips for a Couchbase update, and I understand better what’s going on. In particular:
- Give or take minor tweaks, what I wrote in my August, 2010 Couchbase updates still applies.
- Couchbase now and for the foreseeable future has one product line, called Couchbase.
- Couchbase 2.0, the first version of Couchbase (the product) to use CouchDB for persistence, has slipped …
- … because more parts of CouchDB had to be rewritten for performance than Couchbase (the company) had hoped.
- Think mid-year or so for the release of Couchbase 2.0, hopefully sooner.
- In connection with the need to rewrite parts of CouchDB, Couchbase has:
- Gotten out of the single-server CouchDB business.
- Donated its proprietary single-sever CouchDB intellectual property to the Apache Foundation.
- The 150ish new customers in 2011 Couchbase brags about are real, subscription customers.
- Couchbase has 60ish people, headed to >100 over the next few months.
Categories: Basho and Riak, Cassandra, Couchbase, CouchDB, DataStax, Market share and customer counts, MongoDB, NoSQL, Open source, Parallelization, Web analytics, Zynga | 7 Comments |
Splunk update
Splunk is announcing the Splunk 4.3 point release. Before discussing it, let’s recall a few things about Splunk, starting with:
- Splunk is first and foremost an analytic DBMS …
- … used to manage logs and similar multistructured data.
- Splunk’s DML (Data Manipulation Language) is based on text search, not on SQL.
- Splunk has extended its DML in natural ways (e.g., you can use it to do calculations and even some statistics).
- Splunk bundles some (very) basic, Splunk-specific business intelligence capabilities.
- The paradigmatic use of Splunk is to monitor IT operations in real time. However:
- There also are plenty of non-real-time uses for Splunk.
- Splunk is proudest of its growth in non-IT quasi-real-time uses, such as the marketing side of web operations.
As in any release, a lot of Splunk 4.3 is about “Oh, you didn’t have that before?” features and Bottleneck Whack-A-Mole performance speed-up. One performance enhancement is Bloom filters, which are a very hot topic these days. More important is a switch from Flash to HTML5, so as to accommodate mobile devices with less server-side rendering. Splunk reports that its users — especially the non-IT ones — really want to get Splunk information on the tablet devices. While this somewhat contradicts what I wrote a few days ago pooh-poohing mobile BI, let me hasten to point out:
- Splunk is used for a lot of (quasi) real-time monitoring.
- Splunk’s desktop user interfaces are, by BI standards, quite primitive.
That’s pretty much the ideal scenario for mobile BI: Timeliness matters and prettiness doesn’t.
Categories: Business intelligence, Data models and architecture, Data warehousing, Log analysis, Specific users, Splunk, Structured documents, Web analytics | 3 Comments |
Big data terminology and positioning
Recently, I observed that Big Data terminology is seriously broken. It is reasonable to reduce the subject to two quasi-dimensions:
- Bigness — Volume, Velocity, size
- Structure — Variety, Variability, Complexity
given that
- High-velocity “big data” problems are usually high-volume as well.*
- Variety, variability, and complexity all relate to the simply-structured/poly-structured distinction.
But the conflation should stop there.
*Low-volume/high-velocity problems are commonly referred to as “event processing” and/or “streaming”.
When people claim that bigness and structure are the same issue, they oversimplify into mush. So I think we need four pieces of terminology, reflective of a 2×2 matrix of possibilities. For want of better alternatives, my suggestions are:
- Relational big data is data of high volume that fits well into a relational DBMS.
- Multi-structured big data is data of high volume that doesn’t fit well into a relational DBMS. Alternative: Poly-structured big data.
- Conventional relational data is data of not-so-high volume that fits well into a relational DBMS. Alternatives: Ordinary/normal/smaller relational data.
- Smaller poly-structured data is data for which dynamic schema capabilities are important, but which doesn’t rise to “big data” volume.
Agile predictive analytics – the heart of the matter
I’ve already suggested that several apparent issues in predictive analytic agility can be dismissed by straightforwardly applying best-of-breed technology, for example in analytic data management. At first blush, the same could be said about the actual analysis, which comprises:
- Data preparation, which is tedious unless you do a good job of automating it.
- Running the actual algorithms.
Numerous statistical software vendors (or open source projects) help you with the second part; some make strong claims in the first area as well (e.g., my clients at KXEN). Even so, large enterprises typically have statistical silos, commonly featuring expensive annual SAS licenses and seemingly slow-moving SAS programmers.
As I see it, the predictive analytics workflow goes something like this Read more
Categories: Investment research and trading, Predictive modeling and advanced analytics, SAS Institute, Telecommunications, Web analytics | 22 Comments |
Agile predictive analytics — the “easy” parts
I’m hearing a lot these days about agile predictive analytics, albeit rarely in those exact terms. The general idea is unassailable, in that it boils down to using data as quickly as reasonably possible. But discussing particulars is hard, for several reasons:
- Pundits tend to sketch castles in the air.
- Vendors tend to confuse part of the story — generally the part they happen to offer 🙂 — with the whole.
- Different use cases give rise to different kinds of issues.
At least three of the generic arguments for agility apply to predictive analytics:
- Doing the correct thing soon is usually better than doing the same correct thing later.
- If it doesn’t take much time to do something, hopefully it doesn’t take that much expense (labor and so on) either.
- It’s hard to get new stuff completely right on the first try. Often, the best strategy is to come close fast, then fix what’s still not ideal.
But the reasons to want agile predictive analytics don’t stop there.
Categories: EAI, EII, ETL, ELT, ETLT, Investment research and trading, Predictive modeling and advanced analytics | 15 Comments |
Terminology: Data mustering
I find myself in need of a word or phrase that means bring data together from various sources so that it’s ready to be used, where the use can be analysis or operations. The first words I thought of were “aggregation” and “collection,” but they both have other meanings in IT. Even “data marshalling” has a specific meaning different from what I want. So instead, I’ll go with data mustering.
I mean for the term “data mustering” to encompass at least three scenarios:
- Integrated (relational) data warehouse.
- Big bit bucket.
- Big bit stream.
Let me explain what I mean by each. Read more
Categories: Data warehousing, Investment research and trading, Streaming and complex event processing (CEP), Sybase, Teradata | 12 Comments |
Some big-vendor execution questions, and why they matter
When I drafted a list of key analytics-sector issues in honor of look-ahead season, the first item was “execution of various big vendors’ ambitious initiatives”. By “execute” I mean mainly:
- “Deliver products that really meet customers’ desires and needs.”
- “Successfully convince them that you’re doing so …”
- “… at an attractive overall cost.”
Vendors mentioned here are Oracle, SAP, HP, and IBM. Anybody smaller got left out due to the length of this post. Among the bigger omissions were:
- (multiple subjects).
- The evolution of Hadoop.
StreamBase catchup
While I was cryptic in my general CEP/streaming catchup, I’ll say a bit more regarding StreamBase in particular. At the highest level, non-technically:
- StreamBase once planned to conquer the world.
- However, StreamBase really only sold effectively in the financial trading and intelligence markets.
- StreamBase retrenched, focusing almost exclusively on the financial trading market.
- With StreamBase LiveView, StreamBase is expanding from embedded operational analytics to do (also operational) business intelligence as well.
- StreamBase is hopeful that, perhaps starting with Version 2 or so, LiveView will be successful outside the financial trading market.
Categories: Investment research and trading, Parallelization, StreamBase, Streaming and complex event processing (CEP) | 2 Comments |
The cool aspects of Odiago WibiData
Christophe Bisciglia and Aaron Kimball have a new company.
- It’s called Odiago, and is one of my gratifyingly more numerous tiny clients.
- Odiago’s product line is called WibiData, after the justly popular We Be Sushi restaurants.
- We’ve agreed on a split exclusive de-stealthing launch. You can read about the company/founder/investor stuff on TechCrunch. But this is the place for — well, for the tech crunch.
WibiData is designed for management of, investigative analytics on, and operational analytics on consumer internet data, the main examples of which are web site traffic and personalization and their analogues for games and/or mobile devices. The core WibiData technology, built on HBase and Hadoop,* is a data management and analytic execution layer. That’s where the secret sauce resides. Also included are:
- REST APIs for interactive access.
- Import/export tools, including JDBC access.
- Management tools.
- Analytic libraries — data mining, predictive analytics, machine learning, and so on.
The whole thing is in beta, with about three (paying) beta customers.
*And Avro and so on.
The core ideas of WibiData include:
- ALL data pertaining to a single user (or mobile device) is kept in a single, possibly very long, HBase row.
- There are two primary operators in WibiData, Produce and Gather.
- Produce operates on single rows. It can operate on one row at HBase speed (milliseconds) if you need to inform an interactive user response. Or it can operate on the whole database in batch via Hadoop MapReduce.
- It is reasonable to think of Produce as mainly doing two things. One is the aforementioned serving of data out of WibiData into interactive applications. The other is scoring, classifying, recommending, etc. on individual users (i.e. rows), in line with an analytic model.
- Gather typically operates on all your rows at once, and emits suitable input for a MapReduce Reduce step. It is reasonable to think of Gather as being a key cog in the training of analytic models.
- HBase schema management is done at the WibiData system level, not directly in applications. There’s a WibiData HBase data dictionary, powered by a set of system tables, that specifies cell data types/record types and, in effect, primitive schemas.
Categories: Data models and architecture, Hadoop, HBase, NoSQL, Predictive modeling and advanced analytics, Web analytics, WibiData | 14 Comments |
MarkLogic 5, and why you might care
MarkLogic is releasing MarkLogic 5. Key elements of the announcement are:
- More-of-the-same in line with MarkLogic’s core positioning.
- A new bi-directional Hadoop connector.
- A free MarkLogic Express edition, limited in license terms more than in actual features, as per Slide 27 of the deck MarkLogic graciously supplied for me to post.
Also, MarkLogic is early with a feature that most serious DBMS vendors will soon have – support for tiered storage, with writes going first to solid-state storage, then being flushed to disk via a caching-style algorithm.* And as befits a sometime search-engine-substitute, MarkLogic has finally licensed a large set of document filters, from an Australian company called Isys. Apparently, the special virtue of the Isys filters is that they’re good at extracting not only text, but metadata as well.
*If there’s a caching algorithm that doesn’t contain a major element of LRU (Least Recently Used), I don’t recall ever hearing about it.
MarkLogic seems to have settled on a positioning that, although distressingly buzzword-heavy, is at least partly based upon reality. The real part includes:
- MarkLogic is a serious, enterprise-class DBMS (see for example Slide 12 of the MarkLogic deck) …
- … which has been optimized from the getgo for poly-structured data.
- MarkLogic can and does scale out to handle large amounts of data.
- MarkLogic is a general-purpose DBMS, suitable for both short-request and analytic tasks.
- MarkLogic is particularly well suited for analyses with long chains of “progressive enhancement” (MarkLogic’s favorite term when talking about derived data).
- MarkLogic often plays the role of a content assembler and/or search engine, and the people who use MarkLogic in those ways are commonly doing things that can be described as research and analysis.
Based on that reality, MarkLogic talks a lot about Volume, Velocity, Variety, Big Data, unstructured data, semi-structured data, and big data analytics.