Business intelligence

Analysis of companies, products, and user strategies in the area of business intelligence. Related subjects include:

January 14, 2009

A Who’s-Who of BI Twitterers

I noted recently that there’s an active BI community on Twitter. It turns out that Shawn Rogers is attempting to keep a master list of BI Twitterers.  If you want to plug into the discussion, that’s a good list of URLs to start with.

January 12, 2009

Intelligent Enterprise’s Editors’/Editor’s Choice list

I have a blog on Intelligent Enterprise, which actually amounts to editor Doug Henschen’s selections of a few posts a month from DBMS2 (I still haven’t persuaded him to take anything from Text Technologies).  Accordingly, I was asked to contribute thoughts this year for his annual article Editors’ Choice article.  It’s out now, and as usual is a good piece. Read more

January 12, 2009

Database SaaS gains a little visibility

Way back in the 1970s, a huge fraction of analytic database management was done via timesharing, specifically in connection with the RAMIS and FOCUS business-intelligence-precursor fourth-generation languages.  (Both were written by Gerry Cohen, who built his company Information Builders around the latter one.)  The market for remoting-computing business intelligence has never wholly gone away since. Indeed, it’s being revived now, via everything from the analytics part of to the service category I call data mart outsourcing.

Less successful to date are efforts in the area of pure database software-as-a-service.  It seems that if somebody is going for SaaS anyway, they usually want a more complete, integrated offering. The most noteworthy exceptions I can think of to this general rule are Kognitio and Vertica, and they only have a handful of database SaaS customers each. To wit: Read more

January 10, 2009

Some reasons business intelligence is in a funk

I wrote recently that BI is in a “funk”.  Let me now offer a few ideas as to why that is so. Read more

January 8, 2009

The business intelligence funk

Gartner analyst Andreas Bitterer’s rarely-updated blog has gotten some recent attention because of his kerfuffle with Yves de Montcheuil of Talend.   Reading same, I went on to notice another post by Andreas that captured my own feelings, to wit:

Sure, the BI market has enjoyed consistent growth, has seen a lot of action on the M&A front, technology has advanced significantly (I remember when gigabytes were considered wild), and yet we are still discussing same old business intelligence. I keep hearing vendors announce that the next version of their tool will be able to address that untapped market within their customer base, growing penetration beyond those 10-15% that are using BI today. I heard this 5 years ago already, but what has changed since then? Not much.

Of course, that post was probably met with considerable PR/AR outreach to the effect “I’m so glad you said that. OUR firm really IS different, and we’d love to tell you about how.”

November 16, 2008

Graphjam: I can haz BI

Charts and graphs, from the folks who brought you a whole lot of cute kitten photos:

October 20, 2008

Coral8 proposes CEP as a BI data platform

It used to be that Coral8 and StreamBase were the two complex event/stream processing (CEP) vendors most committed to branching out beyond the super-low-latency algorithmic trading marketing. But StreamBase seems to have pulled in its horns after a management change, focusing much more on the financial market (and perhaps the defense/intelligence market as well). Aleri, Truviso, and Progress Apama, while each showing signs of branching out, don’t seem to have gone as far as Coral8 yet. And so, though it’s a small company with not all that many dozens of customers, my client Coral8 seems to be the one to look at when seeing whether CEP really is relevant to a broad range of mainstream – no pun intended – applications.

Coral8 today unveiled a new product release – the not-so-concisely named “Coral8 Engine and Portal Release 5.5” – and a new buzzphrase — “Continuous Intelligence.” The interesting part boils down to this:

Coral8 is proposing CEP — excuse me, “Continuous Intelligence” — as a data-store-equivalent for business intelligence.

This includes both operational BI (the current sweet spot) and dashboards (the part with cool, real-time-visualization demos). Read more

September 23, 2008

A few operational BI/BPM/business rules stories

Intersystems is rolling out DeepSee, which is a Cache’-specific BI engine. Since some Intersystems OEMs have been known to pay more money to Business Objects/Crystal Reports than to Intersystems itself, the business motivation is obvious. Technically, Intersystems’ claims include: Read more

September 19, 2008

When BI, CEP, BAM, and Gartner meet together

Doug Henschen has two good articles based on Gartner’s Event Processing conference, on the theme of BI/event processing integration — an overview, and a detailed interview with Roy Schulte. And as I note elsewhere, Seth Grimes has a good article based on the conference too.

I have my own thoughts on these subjects, but I’m not ready to post them at the moment. In the mean time, I recommend the articles linked above.

September 14, 2008

Introduction to Jaspersoft – the actual business

There were so many numbers in my introductory call with Jaspersoft that I’ve split them out in a separate post. With that out of the way, here’s what’s really going on, per Nick Halsey.

The Jaspersoft Business Intelligence Suite is BI technology designed to be integrated with operational apps. Thus, Jaspersoft says that operational BI is the core of its business. In particular: Read more

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