Business intelligence

Analysis of companies, products, and user strategies in the area of business intelligence. Related subjects include:

April 22, 2009

Clearing some of my buffer

I have a large number of posts still in backlog.  For starters, there are ones based on recent visits with Aster, Greenplum, Sybase, Vertica, and a Very Large User.  I suspect I’ll write more soon on Oracle as well.  Plus there’s my whole future-of-online-media area.  And quite a bit more will grow out of planned research.

So there are a whole lot of other worthy subjects I doubt I’ll be getting to any time soon.  In some cases, of course, other people are doing great jobs of writing about same. Here are pointers to a few links that I am glad to recommend:

April 1, 2009

Donald Farmer knocks the April Fool 8-ball out of the park

Donald Farmer has an excellently-crafted April Fool post about a revolution in business intelligence. Look at the character names, for example.

I wonder whether Donald learned operations research from that textbook where two main decision-making characters were Mark Off and his father Pop, an example company was Edifice Wrecks, and an example CEO was Dawn Shirley Light …

April 1, 2009

Business intelligence notes and trends

I keep not finding the time to write as much about business intelligence as I’d like to. So I’m going to do one omnibus post here covering a lot of companies and trends, then circle back in more detail when I can. Top-level highlights include:

A little more detail Read more

March 9, 2009

Independent CEP vendors continue to flounder

Independent CEP (Complex/Event Processing) vendors continue to flounder, at least outside the financial services and national intelligence markets.

CEP’s penetration outside of its classical markets isn’t quite zero. Customers include several transportation companies (various vendors), Sallie Mae (Coral8), a game vendor or two (StreamBase, if I recall correctly), Verizon (Aleri, I think), and more. But I just wrote that list from memory — based mainly on not-so-recent deals — and a quick tour of the vendors’ web sites hasn’t turned up much I overlooked. (Truviso does have a recent deal with Technorati, but that’s not exactly a blue chip customer these days.)

So far as I can tell, this is a new version of a repeated story. Read more

March 2, 2009

Ideas for BI POCs

Kevin Spurway of Altosoft has a post up offering his suggestions on how to do business intelligence POCs (Proofs-of-Concept). Among the best ideas in his post are:

The post’s worst, or at least most self-serving, idea is:

Of course, he didn’t phrase it exactly that way, but that was the gist.

Actually, the more realistically your POC models:

the more reliable it will be.

February 26, 2009

HP and Neoview update

I had lunch with some HP folks at TDWI. Highlights (burgers and jokes aside) included:

Given the emphasis on trying to exploit HP’s other expertise in the data warehousing business, I suggested it was a pity that HP spun off Agilent (HP’s instrumentation division, aka HP Classic). Nobody much disagreed.

February 19, 2009

Microstrategy tidbits

I chatted with Microstrategy Wednesday in a call focused on the upcoming Microstrategy 9. There wasn’t a lot of technical content, but I did glean:

February 7, 2009

Analytics’ role in a frightening economy

I chatted yesterday with the general business side (as opposed to the trading operation) of a household-name brokerage firm, one that’s in no immediate financial peril. It seems their #1 analytic-technology priority right now is changing planning from an annual to a monthly cycle.* That’s a smart idea. While it’s especially important in their business, larger enterprises of all kinds should consider following suit. Read more

January 27, 2009

Introduction to Pentaho

I finally caught up with Pentaho, which along with Jaspersoft is one of the two most visible open source business intelligence companies, Actuate perhaps excepted. Highlights included:

Read more

January 22, 2009

Gartner’s 2009 Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence

A few days ago I tore into the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Warehouse DBMS.  Well, the 2009 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence Platforms is out too.  Unlike the data warehouse MQ, Gartner’s BI MQ clusters its “Leaders” together tightly. But while less bold, the Business Intelligence Magic Quadrant’s claims are just as questionable as those in data warehousing.

February, 2011 edit: Here’s a partial link that works right now.

Of course, some parts do make sense.  E.g.: Read more

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