January 4, 2008

DBMS2 should now be trojan-free, the feeds should work too, and so should my email

On New Year’s Eve, I got the impression there might be trojans being served up on monash.com. New Year’s Day, Melissa Bradshaw confirmed that there were indeed trojans on both monash.com and dbms2.com. My web hosting company tracked this problem down into the server OS, and recompiled it last night. The resulting planned outage caused our FeedBlitz-based email feed to include broken links.

The malware appears to have been inserted during a Christmas Eve mailbombing, so I can’t be sure how soon trojans first appeared. What I CAN be sure of is that some of my email was lost forever, and that other mail was sent back with bounce messages.

Needless, to say, this has not been fun. And I am very apologetic to any of you who have been inconvenienced. I’d offer you all a refund — but the blogs are already free. 🙂 So the best I can do is try to have great posts going forward, making it worth your while to keep reading here.

At this point, I am optimistic that the technical problems are behind us. My sites are up. My email is working. I’ll be shocked if the feeds don’t work.


2 Responses to “DBMS2 should now be trojan-free, the feeds should work too, and so should my email”

  1. Jaune Tom on January 4th, 2008 6:03 am

    Is DBMS2’s web hosting company using Linux?


  2. Curt Monash on January 4th, 2008 10:18 am


    Frankly, it sounds as if they were a bit slow patching a known vulnerability. But I’m not totally sure of that. I infer it from having been told they were caught by a known exploit, and not being able to think of any other way to interpret that. 🙂


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