
Analysis of storage technologies, especially in the context of database management. Related subjects include:

April 5, 2010

Notes on the evolution of OLTP database management systems

The past few years have seen a spate of startups in the analytic DBMS business. Netezza, Vertica, Greenplum, Aster Data and others are all reasonably prosperous, alongside older specialty product vendors Teradata and Sybase (the Sybase IQ part).  OLTP (OnLine Transaction Processing) and general purpose DBMS startups, however, have not yet done as well, with such success as there has been (MySQL, Intersystems Cache’, solidDB’s exit, etc.) generally accruing to products that originated in the 20th Century.

Nonetheless, OLTP/general-purpose data management startup activity has recently picked up, targeting what I see as some very real opportunities and needs. So as a jumping-off point for further writing, I thought it might be interesting to collect a few observations about the market in one place.  These include:

I shall explain. Read more

February 1, 2010

Open issues in database and analytic technology

The last part of my New England Database Summit talk was on open issues in database and analytic technology. This was closely intertwined with the previous section, and also relied on a lot that I’ve posted here. So I’ll just put up a few notes on that part, with lots of linkage to prior discussion of the same points. Read more

January 31, 2010

Interesting trends in database and analytic technology

My project for the day is blogging based on my “Database and analytic technology: State of the union” talk of a few days ago. (I called it that because of when it was given, because it mixed prescriptive and descriptive elements, and because I wanted to call attention to the fact that I cover the union of database and analytic technologies – the intersection of those two sectors is an area of particular focus, but is far from the whole of my coverage.)

One section covered recent/ongoing/near-future trends that I thought were particularly interesting, including: Read more

January 31, 2010

Flash, other solid-state memory, and disk

If there’s one subject on which the New England Database Summit changed or at least clarified my thinking,* it’s future storage technologies. Here’s what I now think:

*When the first three people to the question microphone include both Mike Stonebraker and Dave DeWitt, your thinking tends to clarify in a hurry.

Related links

Other posts based on my January, 2010 New England Database Summit keynote address

January 31, 2010

The disk rotation speed bottleneck

I’ve been referring to the disk (rotation) speed bottleneck for years, but I don’t really have a clean link for it. Let me fix that right now.

The first hard disks ever were introduced by IBM in 1956. They rotated 1,200 times per minute. Today’s state-of-the-art disk drives rotate 15,000 times per minute. That’s a 12.5-fold improvement since the first term of the Eisenhower Administration. (I understand that the reason for this slow improvement is aerodynamic — a disk that spins too fast literally flies off the spindle.)

Unfortunately, random seek time is bounded below, on average, by 1/2 of a disk’s rotation time. Hence disk seek times can never get below 2 milliseconds.

15,000 RPM = 250 rotations/second, which implies 4 milliseconds/rotation.

From that, much about modern analytic DBMS design follows.

January 22, 2010

Two cornerstones of Oracle’s database hardware strategy

After several months of careful optimization, Oracle managed to pick the most inconvenient* day possible for me to get an Exadata update from Juan Loaiza. But the call itself was long and fascinating, with the two main takeaways being:

And by the way, Oracle doesn’t make its storage-tier software available to run on anything than Oracle-designed boxes.  At the moment, that means Exadata Versions 1 and 2. Since Exadata is by far Oracle’s best DBMS offering (at least in theory), that means Oracle’s best database offering only runs on specific Oracle-sold hardware platforms. Read more

December 31, 2009

Research agenda for 2010

As you may have noticed, I’ve been posting less research/analysis in November and December than during some other periods. In no particular order, reasons have included: Read more

December 11, 2009

Ray Wang on SAP

Ray Wang made a terrific post based on SAP’s annual influencer love-in, an event which I no longer attend. Ray believes SAP has been in a “crisis”, and sums up his views as

The Bottom Line  – SAP’s Turning The Corner

Credit must be given to SAP for charting a new course.  A shift in the management philosophy and product direction will take years to realize, however, its not too late for change.  SAP must remember its roots and become more German and less American.  The renewed focus must put customer requests and priorities ahead of SAP’s bureaucracy.  The emphasis must focus on the relationship.  When that reemerges in how SAP works with customers, partners, influencers, and its own employees, SAP will be back in good graces. In the meantime, its  time to get to work and deliver.  Oracle’s Fusions Apps are coming soon and competitors such as IBM, Microsoft, Epicor, IFS, and will not relent.

I recall the 1980s, when SAP’s main differentiator, at least in the English-speaking US, was a total commitment to customer success, and when it could be taken for granted that SAP would do business ethically. Things change, and not always for the better.

Anyhow, the reason I’m highlighting Ray’s post is that he makes reference to a number of interesting SAP-cetric technology trends or initiatives. Read more

December 7, 2009

A framework for thinking about data warehouse growth

There are only three ways that the amount of data stored in data warehouses can grow:

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November 23, 2009

Boston Big Data Summit keynote outline

Last month, Bob Zurek asked me to give a talk on “Big Data”, where “big” is anything from a few terabytes on up, then moderate a panel on cloud computing. We agreed that I could talk just from notes, without slides. So, since I have them typed up, I’m posting them below.

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