Vertica Systems

Analysis of columnar data warehouse DBMS vendor Vertica Systems. Related subjects include:

May 12, 2010

Quick reactions to SAP acquiring Sybase

SAP is acquiring Sybase. On the conference call SAP said Sybase would be run as a separate division of SAP (no surprise). Most of the focus was on Sybase’s mobile technology, which is forecast at >$400 million in 2010 revenues (which would be 30%ish of the total). My quick reactions include: Read more

April 29, 2010

Vertica update

Last month, Vertica’s CEO Ralph Breslauer quit,* and Vertica made it sound like there would be a new CEO late in April. And indeed, as of April 29, there was. He’s a guy I’ve never heard of before named Chris Lynch, apparently quite the sales machine builder. The most substance I’ve found is a pair of Mass High Tech articles — the latter exceedingly typo-ridden — to the general effect that:

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April 16, 2010

Story of an analytic DBMS evaluation

One of our readers was kind enough to walk me through his analytic DBMS evaluation process. The story is:

Notes on the Vertica vs. ParAccel selection include: Read more

March 19, 2010

Vertica update

I caught up with Jerry Held (Chairman) and Dave Menninger (VP Marketing) of Vertica for a chat yesterday. The immediate reason for the call was that a competitor had tipped me off to the departure of Vertica CEO Ralph Breslauer, which of course raises a host of questions. Highlights of the call included:

NDA parts of the conversation also gave me the impression that Vertica is moving forward just as eagerly as its peers. I.e., I didn’t uncover any reason to think that Ralph’s departure is a sign of trouble, of the company being shopped, etc. Read more

February 22, 2010

February 2010 data warehouse DBMS news roundup

February is usually a busy month for data warehouse DBMS product releases, product announcements, and other real or contrived data warehouse DBMS news, and it can get pretty confusing trying to keep those categories of “news” apart.*  This year is no exception, although several vendors – including Teradata and Netezza – are taking “rolling thunder” approaches, doing some of their announcements this month while holding others back for March or April.

*I probably have it worse than most people in that regard, because my clients run tentative feature lists and announcement schedules by me well in advance, which may get changed multiple times before the final dates roll around. I also occasionally miss some detail, if it wasn’t in a pre-briefing but gets added at the end.

Anyhow, the three big themes of this month’s announcements are probably:

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February 22, 2010

Vertica 4.0

Vertica briefed me last month on its forthcoming Vertica 4.0 release. I think it’s fair to say that Vertica 4.0 is mainly a cleanup/catchup release, washing away some of the tradeoffs Vertica had previously made in support of its innovative DBMS architecture.

For starters, there’s a lot of new analytic functionality. This isn’t Aster/Netezza-style ambitious. Rather, there’s a lot more SQL-99 functionality, plus some time series extensions of the sort that financial services firms – an important market for Vertica – need and love. Vertica did suggest a couple of these time series extensions are innovative, but I haven’t yet gotten detail about those.

Perhaps even more important, Vertica is cleaning up a lot of its previous SQL optimization and execution weirdnesses. In no particular order, I was told: Read more

February 11, 2010

Intelligent Enterprise’s Editors’/Editor’s Choice list for 2010

As he has before, Intelligent Enterprise Editor Doug Henschen

(Actually, he’s really called it an “award.”)

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January 15, 2010

Vertica slaughters Sybase in patent litigation

Back in August, 2008, I pooh-poohed Sybase’s patent lawsuit against Vertica. Filed in the notoriously patent-holder-friendly East Texas courts, the suit basically claimed patent rights over the whole idea of a columnar RDBMS. It was pretty clear that this suit was meant to be a model for claims against other columnar RDBMS vendors as well, should they ever achieve material marketplace success.

If a recent Vertica press release is to be believed, Sybase got clobbered. The meat is:

…  Sybase has admitted that under the claim construction order issued by the Court on November 9, 2009, “Vertica does not infringe Claims 1-15 of U.S. Patent No. 5,794,229.” Sybase further acknowledged that because the Court ruled that all the remaining claims in the patent (claims 16-24) were invalid, “Sybase cannot prevail on those claims.”

For those counting along at home — the patent only has 24 claims in total.

I have no idea whether Sybase can still cobble together grounds for appeal, or claims under some other patent. But for now, this sounds like a total victory for Vertica.

Edit: I’ve now seen a PDF of a filing suggesting the grounds under which Sybase will appeal. Basically, it alleges that the judge erred in defining a “page” of data too narrowly. Note that if Sybase prevails on appeal on that point, Vertica has a bunch of other defenses that haven’t been litigated yet. It further seems that Sybase may have recently filed another patent case against Vertica, in a different venue, based on a different patent.

One annoying blog troll excepted, is anybody surprised at this outcome?

December 29, 2009

This and that

I have various subjects backed up that I don’t really want to write about at traditional blog-post length.  Here are a few of them. Read more

October 10, 2009

How 30+ enterprises are using Hadoop

MapReduce is definitely gaining traction, especially but by no means only in the form of Hadoop. In the aftermath of Hadoop World, Jeff Hammerbacher of Cloudera walked me quickly through 25 customers he pulled from Cloudera’s files. Facts and metrics ranged widely, of course:

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