Vertica Systems
Analysis of columnar data warehouse DBMS vendor Vertica Systems. Related subjects include:
Database SaaS gains a little visibility
Way back in the 1970s, a huge fraction of analytic database management was done via timesharing, specifically in connection with the RAMIS and FOCUS business-intelligence-precursor fourth-generation languages. (Both were written by Gerry Cohen, who built his company Information Builders around the latter one.) The market for remoting-computing business intelligence has never wholly gone away since. Indeed, it’s being revived now, via everything from the analytics part of to the service category I call data mart outsourcing.
Less successful to date are efforts in the area of pure database software-as-a-service. It seems that if somebody is going for SaaS anyway, they usually want a more complete, integrated offering. The most noteworthy exceptions I can think of to this general rule are Kognitio and Vertica, and they only have a handful of database SaaS customers each. To wit: Read more
Gartner’s 2008 data warehouse database management system Magic Quadrant is out
February, 2011 edit: I’ve now commented on Gartner’s 2010 Data Warehouse Database Management System Magic Quadrant as well.
Gartner’s annual Magic Quadrant for data warehouse DBMS is out. Thankfully, vendors don’t seem to be taking it as seriously as usual, so I didn’t immediately hear about it. (I finally noticed it in a Greenplum pay-per-click ad.) Links to Gartner MQs tend to come and go, but as of now here are two working links to the 2008 Gartner Data Warehouse Database Management System MQ. My posts on the 2007 and 2006 MQs have also been updated with working links. Read more
More from Vertica on data warehouse load speeds
Last month, when Vertica releases its “benchmark” of data warehouse load speeds, I didn’t realize it had previously released some actual customer-experience load rates as well. In a July, 2008 white paper that seems thankfully free of any registration requirements, Vertica cited four examples:
- (Comcast) Trickle loads 48MB/minute – SNMP data generated by devices in the Comcast cable network is trickle loaded on a 24×7 basis at rates as high as 135,000 rows/second. The system runs on 5 HP ProLiant DL 380 servers.
- (Verizon) Bulk loads to memory 300MB/minute – 50MB to 300MB of call detail records (1K record size—150 columns per row) are loaded every 10 minutes. Vertica runs on 6 HP ProLiant DL380 servers.
- (Level 3 Communications) Bulk loads to disk 5GB/minute – The loading and enrichment (i.e., summary table creation) of 1.5TB of call detail records formerly took 5 days in a row-oriented data warehouse database. Vertica required 5 hours to load the same data.
- (“Global investment firm”) Trickle loads 2.6GB/minute – Historic financial trade and quote (TaQ) data was bulk loaded into the database at a rate of 125GB/hour. New TaQ data was trickled into the database at rates as high as 90,000 rows per second (480b per row).
Categories: Vertica Systems | Leave a Comment |
More grist for the column vs. row mill
Daniel Abadi and Sam Madden are at it again, following up on their blog posts of six months arguing for the general superiority of column stores over row stores (for analytic query processing). The gist is to recite a number of bases for superiority, beyond the two standard ones of less I/O and better compression, and seems to be based largely on Section 5 of a SIGMOD paper they wrote with Neil Hachem.
A big part of their argument is that if you carry the processing of columnar and/or compressed data all the way through in memory, you get lots of advantages, especially because everything’s smaller and hence fits better into Level 2 cache. There also is some kind of join algorithm enhancement, which seems to be based on noticing when the result wound up falling into a range according to some dimension, and perhaps using dictionary encoding in a way that will help induce such an outcome.
The main enemy here is row-store vendors who say, in effect, “Oh, it’s easy to shoehorn almost all the benefits of a column-store into a row-based system.” They also take a swipe — for being insufficiently purely columnar — at unnamed columnar Vertica competitors, described in terms that seemingly apply directly to ParAccel.
Categories: Columnar database management, Data warehousing, Database compression, ParAccel, Vertica Systems | 2 Comments |
Data warehouse load speeds in the spotlight
Syncsort and Vertica combined to devise and run a benchmark in which a data warehouse got loaded at 5 ½ terabytes per hour, which is several times faster than the figures used in any other vendors’ similar press releases in the past. Takeaways include:
- Syncsort isn’t just a mainframe sort utility company, but also does data integration. Who knew?
- Vertica’s design to overcome the traditional slow load speed of columnar DBMS works.
The latter is unsurprising. Back in February, I wrote at length about how Vertica makes rapid columnar updates. I don’t have a lot of subsequent new detail, but it made sense then and now. Read more
Silly website tricks
Vertica’s marketing is usually good-to-outstanding, but they made a funny misstep this time. If you go to the Vertica home page, you’ll see seasonal art suggesting that their product is a turkey and/or that it’s terrified it’s about to get the ax.
Live by the pun, die by the pun.
Categories: Humor, Vertica Systems | 6 Comments |
Vertica offers some more numbers
Eric Lai interviewed Dave Menninger of Vertica. Highlights included:
- $20 million in trailing revenue. Removing a single multi-million-dollar deal from the list, that’s a few hundred thousand dollars each for 50ish customers. At $100K or so per terabyte, that’s an average of several terabytes of user data each, or more depending on what you assume about discounting.
- Dave used a figure of $100K per terabyte of user data, down from the $150K Vertica has previously used.
Categories: Data warehousing, Market share and customer counts, Pricing, Vertica Systems | 10 Comments |
Vertica finally spells out its compression claims
Omer Trajman of Vertica put up a must-read blog post spelling out detailed compression numbers, based on actual field experience (which I’d guess is from a combination of production systems and POCs):
- CDR – 8:1 (87%)
- Consumer Data – 30:1 (96%)
- Marketing Analytics – 20:1 (95%)
- Network logging – 60:1 (98%)
- Switch Level SNMP – 20:1 (95%)
- Trade and Quote Exchange – 5:1 (80%)
- Trade Execution Auditing Trails – 10:1 (90%)
- Weblog and Click-stream – 10:1 (90%)
It’s clear what Omer means by most of those categories from reading the post, but I’m a little fuzzy on what “Consumer Data” or “Marketing Analytics” comprise in his taxonomy. Anyhow, Omer’s post is a huge improvement over my recent one — based on a conversation with Omer 🙂 — which featured some far less accurate or complete compression numbers.
Omer goes on to claim that trickle-feed data is harder for rival systems to compress than it is for Vertica, and generally to claim that Vertica’s compression is typically severalfold better than that of competitive row-based systems.
Categories: Database compression, Vertica Systems, Web analytics | 5 Comments |
Database compression is heavily affected by the kind of data
I’ve written often of how different kinds or brands of data warehouse DBMS get very different compression figures. But I haven’t focused enough on how much compression figures can vary among different kinds of data. This was really brought home to me when Vertica told me that web analytics/clickstream data can often be compressed 60X in Vertica, while at the other extreme — some kind of floating point data, whose details I forget for now — they could only do 2.5X. Edit: Vertica has now posted much more accurate versions of those numbers. Infobright’s 30X compression reference at TradeDoubler seems to be for a clickstream-type app. Greenplum’s customer getting 7.5X — high for a row-based system — is managing clickstream data and related stuff. Bottom line:
When evaluating compression ratios — especially large ones — it is wise to inquire about the nature of the data.
Categories: Data warehousing, Database compression, Greenplum, Infobright, Vertica Systems, Web analytics | 4 Comments |
Web analytics — clickstream and network event data
It should surprise nobody that web analytics – and specifically clickstream data — is one of the biggest areas for high-end data warehousing. For example:
- I believe that both of the previously mentioned petabyte+ databases on Greenplum will feature clickstream data.
- Aster Data’s largest disclosed database, by almost two orders of magnitude, is at MySpace.
- Clickstream analytics is a big application area for Vertica Systems.
- Clickstream analytics is a big application area for Netezza.
- Infobright’s customer success stories appear to be concentrated in clickstream analytics.
- Coral8 tells me that CEP is also being used for clickstream data, although I suspect that a lot of Coral8’s evidence in that regard comes from a single flagship account. Edit: Actually, Coral8 has a bunch of clickstream customers.