Pervasive Software

Discussion of Pervasive Software and its products in database management (PSQL), data integration, and high-speed analytics (Datarush). Related subjects include:

April 26, 2007

More on Cast Iron Systems

I chatted again recently with Simon Peel of Cast Iron Systems, and this time I got a better understanding of Cast Iron’s simplicity claim. It refers largely to a drag-and-drop interface that furthermore provides default mappings between pairs of application suites. Simon bristled a bit when I referred to this as mapping “like to like,” because he’s proud that it’s a little smarter than that. Still, “like to like” seems to be what it typically amounts to — customers go to customers, customer addresses go to customer addresses, and so on. Read more

March 17, 2007

The boom in integration

SaaS integration is in the air.

But of course this makes sense. Without good data integration, SaaS applications would be pretty useless, at least at large and medium-sized enterprises.

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