Notes on Hadoop adoption
I successfully resisted telephone consulting while on vacation, but I did do some by email. One was on the oft-recurring subject of Hadoop adoption. I think it’s OK to adapt some of that into a post.
Notes on past and current Hadoop adoption include:
- Enterprise Hadoop adoption is for experimental uses or departmental production (as opposed to serious enterprise-level production). Indeed, it’s rather tough to disambiguate those two. If an enterprise uses Hadoop to search for new insights and gets a few, is that an experiment that went well, or is it production?
- One of the core internet-business use cases for Hadoop is a many-step ETL, ELT, and data refinement pipeline, with Hadoop executing some or many of the steps. But I don’t think that’s in production at many enterprises yet, except in the usual forward-leaning sectors of financial services and (we’re all guessing) national intelligence.
- In terms of industry adoption:
- Financial services on the investment/trading side are all over Hadoop, just as they’re all over any technology. Ditto national intelligence, one thinks.
- Consumer financial services, especially credit card, are giving Hadoop a try too, for marketing and/or anti-fraud.
- I’m sure there’s some telecom usage, but I’m hearing of less than I thought I would. Perhaps this is because telcos have spent so long optimizing their data into short, structured records.
- Whatever consumer financial services firms do, retailers do too, albeit with smaller budgets.
Thoughts on how Hadoop adoption will look going forward include: Read more
Categories: Cloud computing, Data warehouse appliances, Data warehousing, EAI, EII, ETL, ELT, ETLT, Hadoop, Investment research and trading, Telecommunications | 3 Comments |
Database challenges in multi-tenancy support
I predicted 2 months ago that Oracle 12c would have some kind of improved support for multi-tenancy; Larry Ellison confirmed on this week’s earnings call that it will. So maybe it’s time to think about what such support could or should mean. I’m actually still on vacation, so I’d like to keep this short, but here are a few notes.
- The goal of multi-tenancy is:
- SaaS (Software as a Service) users should get all the flexibility, performance, security, and control they would expect if their SaaS vendor hosted a software instance and database just for them.
- SaaS vendors shouldn’t have to do any more than host a single instance of the application software and a single database.
- In its purest form, that goal is a nice dream.
- Separation-of-access and related security issues are the most obvious requirement of multi-tenancy. However, the simplest ways to meet the requirement stress your SELECT statements. I alluded to that in a post about
- In a clustered, multi-tenant SaaS database, you want each tenant’s individual database to be properly clustered. Perhaps you want it all on one server. Perhaps you want it striped across the cluster. In any case, your DBMS’ clustering has to be flexible and granular enough to make that possible.
- Caching should also be as good for each tenant as if that tenant had a standalone database.
- Individual tenants need to be able to administer their databases, at least in certain ways, as if they were standalone, or else the SaaS vendor needs to be able to do it for them.
- This is implicit in what I said above about users/roles/permissions, clustering, and caching.
- It really gets interesting when we take into account application customization and the resulting schema changes.
- And before we get too excited about any of this, please note that there are many SaaS vendors in the world doing just fine without explicit DBMS multi-tenancy features.
Categories: Clustering, Oracle, Software as a Service (SaaS) | 8 Comments |
Integrated internet system design
What are the central challenges in internet system design? We probably all have similar lists, comprising issues such as scale, scale-out, throughput, availability, security, programming ease, UI, or general cost-effectiveness. Screw those up, and you don’t have an internet business.
Much new technology addresses those challenges, with considerable success. But the success is usually one silo at a time — a short-request application here, an analytic database there. When it comes to integration, unsolved problems abound.
The top integration and integration-like challenges for me, from a practical standpoint, are:
- Integrating silos — a decades-old problem still with us in a big way.
- Dynamic schemas with joins.
- Low-latency business intelligence.
- Human real-time personalization.
Other concerns that get mentioned include:
- Geographical distribution due to privacy laws, which for some users is a major requirement for compliance.
- Logical data warehouse, a term that doesn’t actually mean anything real.
- In-memory data grids, which some day may no longer always be hand-coupled to the application and data stacks they accelerate.
Let’s skip those latter issues for now, focusing instead on the first four.
Aerospike, the former Citrusleaf
My new clients at Aerospike have a range of minor news to announce:
- A company and product name change (they used to be Citrusleaf).
- Some new people and funding.
- In association with an acqui-hire — of AlchemyDB guy Russ Sullivan — some unspecified future technical plans.
- A community edition (Aerospike, nee’ Citrusleaf, is closed-source).
Mainly, however, they want to call your attention to the fact that they’ve been selling a fast, reliable key-value store, with a number of production references, and want to suggest that other organizations should perhaps buy it as well.
Generally, the Aerospike product story is as I described in two posts last year. At the highest level:
- Aerospike has a key-value data model.
- Secondary indexes and so on are still futures.
- Aerospike is clustered, of course.
- Two hardware/storage choices are encouraged:
- Spinning disk, but you keep all your data in RAM.
- Solid-state disk.
AeroSpike’s three core marketing claims are performance, consistent performance, and uninterrupted operations.
- Aerospike’s performance claims are supported by a variety of blazing internal benchmarks.
- Aerospike’s consistent performance claims are along the lines of sub-millisecond latency, with 99.9% of responses being within 5 milliseconds, and even a node outage only borking performance for some 10s of milliseconds.
- Uninterrupted operation is a core AeroSpike design goal, and the company says that to date, no AeroSpike production cluster has ever gone down.
Aerospike technical details start with the expected: Read more
Categories: Aerospike, Market share and customer counts, Memory-centric data management, NoSQL, Pricing | 2 Comments |
How immediate consistency works
This post started as a minor paragraph in another one I’m drafting. But it grew. Please also see the comment thread below.
Increasingly many data management systems store data in a cluster, putting several copies of data — i.e. “replicas” — onto different nodes, for safety and reliable accessibility. (The number of copies is called the “replication factor”.) But how do they know that the different copies of the data really have the same values? It seems there are three main approaches to immediate consistency, which may be called:
- Two-phase commit (2PC)
- Read-your-writes (RYW) consistency
- Prudent optimism 🙂
I shall explain.
Two-phase commit has been around for decades. Its core idea is:
- One node commands other nodes (and perhaps itself) to write data.
- The other nodes all reply “Aye, aye; we are ready and able to do that.”
- The first node broadcasts “Make it so!”
Unless a piece of the system malfunctions at exactly the wrong time, you’ll get your consistent write. And if there indeed is an unfortunate glitch — well, that’s what recovery is for.
But 2PC has a flaw: If a node is inaccessible or down, then the write is blocked, even if other parts of the system were able to accept the data safely. So the NoSQL world sometimes chooses RYW consistency, which in essence is a loose form of 2PC: Read more
Categories: Aster Data, Clustering, Hadoop, HBase, IBM and DB2, Netezza, NoSQL, Teradata, Vertica Systems | 11 Comments |
Hadoop notes: Informatica, Splunk, and IBM
Informatica, Splunk, and IBM are all public companies, and correspondingly reticent to talk about product futures. Hence, anything I might suggest about product futures from any of them won’t be terribly detailed, and even the vague generalities are “the Good Lord willin’ an’ the creek don’ rise”.
Never let a rising creek overflow your safe harbor.
1. Hadoop can be an awesome ETL (Extract/Transform/Load) execution engine; it can handle huge jobs and perform a great variety of transformations. (Indeed, MapReduce was invented to run giant ETL jobs.) Thus, if one offers a development-plus-execution stack for ETL processes, it might seem appealing to make Hadoop an ETL execution option. And so:
- I’ve already posted that BI-plus-light-ETL vendors Pentaho and Datameer are using Hadoop in that way.
- Informatica will be using Hadoop as an execution option too.
Informatica told me about other interesting Hadoop-related plans as well, but I’m not sure my frieNDA allows me to mention them at all.
IBM, however, is standing aside. Specifically, IBM told me that it doesn’t see the point of doing the same thing, as its ETL engine — presumably derived from the old Ascential product line — is already parallel and performant enough.
2. Last year, I suggested that Splunk and Hadoop are competitors in managing machine-generated data. That’s still true, but Splunk is also preparing a Hadoop co-opetition strategy. To a first approximation, it’s just Hadoop import/export. However, suppose you view Splunk as offering a three-layer stack: Read more
Categories: EAI, EII, ETL, ELT, ETLT, Hadoop, IBM and DB2, Informatica, Log analysis, MapReduce, Splunk | 9 Comments |
In-database analytics — analytic glossary draft entry
This is a draft entry for the DBMS2 analytic glossary. Please comment with any ideas you have for its improvement!
Note: Words and phrases in italics will be linked to other entries when the glossary is complete.
“In-database analytics” is a catch-all term for analytic capabilities, beyond standard SQL, running on the same machine as and under the management of an analytic DBMS. These can run in one or both of two modes:
- In-process or unfenced, i.e. in the same process as the DBMS itself. This option gives maximum performance, but any defects in the analytic code may crash the whole DBMS. Also, it generally requires that the code be in the same language as the DBMS, i.e. C++.
- Out-of-process or fenced, i.e. in a separate process. This option sacrifices performance, in favor of reliability and language flexibility.
In-database analytics may offer great performance and scalability advantages versus the alternative of extracting data and having it be processed on a separate server. This is particularly likely to be the case in MPP (Massively Parallel Processing) analytic DBMS environments.
Examples of in-database analytics include:
- Creating temporary data structures that persist past the life of a query.
- Creating temporary data structures that are non-tabular.
- Predictive modeling that uses all the same nodes in an MPP cluster where the data resides.
- Predictive analytics (scoring only).
Other common domains for in-database analytics include sessionization, time series analysis, and relationship analytics.
Notable products offering in-database analytics include:
- Teradata Aster SQL/MR.
- Multiple other analytic platforms, such as Sybase IQ, Vertica, or IBM Netezza. Indeed, in-database analytics are a defining feature of analytic platforms.
- Fuzzy Logix (for predictive analytics).
Categories: Analytic glossary, Aster Data, Data warehousing, IBM and DB2, MapReduce, Netezza, Parallelization, Predictive modeling and advanced analytics, Sybase, Teradata, Vertica Systems | 8 Comments |
Analytic platform — analytic glossary draft entry
This is a draft entry for the DBMS2 analytic glossary. Please comment with any ideas you have for its improvement!
Note: Words and phrases in italics will be linked to other entries when the glossary is complete.
In our usage, an “analytic platform” is an analytic DBMS with well-integrated in-database analytics, or a data warehouse appliance that includes one. The term is also sometimes used to refer to:
- Any analytic DBMS or data warehouse appliance.
- Other kinds of software, or software/hardware combination, that support broad analytic capabilities.
To varying extents, most major vendors of analytic DBMS or data warehouse appliances have extended their products into analytic platforms; see, for example, our original coverage of analytic platform versions of as Aster, Netezza, or Vertica.
Related posts
- Our original definition of “analytic platform” (February, 2011)
- Our original feature list for analytic platforms (January, 2011)
Categories: Analytic glossary, Aster Data, Data warehouse appliances, Data warehousing, Netezza, Vertica Systems | 3 Comments |
Data warehouse appliance — analytic glossary draft entry
This is a draft entry for the DBMS2 analytic glossary. Please comment with any ideas you have for its improvement!
Note: Words and phrases in italics will be linked to other entries when the glossary is complete.
A data warehouse appliance is a combination of hardware and software that includes an analytic DBMS (DataBase Management System). However, some observers incorrectly apply the term “data warehouse appliance” to any analytic DBMS.
The paradigmatic vendors of data warehouse appliances are:
- Teradata, which embraced the term “data warehouse appliance” in 2008.
- Netezza — now an IBM company — which popularized the term “data warehouse appliance” in the 2000s.
Further, vendors of analytic DBMS commonly offer — directly or through partnerships — optional data warehouse appliance configurations; examples include:
- Greenplum, now part of EMC.
- Vertica, now an HP company.
- IBM DB2, under the brand “Smart Analytic System”.
- Microsoft (Parallel Data Warehouse).
Oracle Exadata is sometimes regarded as a data warehouse appliance as well, despite not being solely focused on analytic use cases.
Data warehouse appliances inherit marketing claims from the category of analytic DBMS, such as: Read more
Categories: Analytic glossary, Data warehouse appliances, Data warehousing, EMC, Exadata, Greenplum, HP and Neoview, IBM and DB2, Microsoft and SQL*Server, Netezza, Oracle, Teradata | 4 Comments |
What kinds of metadata are important anyway?
In today’s post about HCatalog, I noted that the Hadoop/HCatalog community didn’t necessarily understand all the kinds of metadata that enterprises need and want, especially in the context of data integration and ETL and ELT (Extract/Transform/Load/Transform). That raises a natural question — what kinds of metadata do users need or want? In the hope of spurring discussion, from vendors and users alike, I’m splitting this question out into a separate post.
Please comment with your thoughts about ETL-related metadata needs. The conversation needs to advance.
In the relational world, there are at least three kinds of metadata:
- Definitional information about data structures, without which you can’t have a relational database at all. That area seems binary; either you have enough to make sense of your data or you don’t.
- Statistics about columns and tables, such as the most frequent values and how often they occur, which are kept for the purpose of optimization. Those seem to be nice-to-haves more than must-haves. The more information of this kind you have, the more chances you have to save resources.
- Historical and security information about data. This is where things get really complicated. It’s also where Hadoop is still in the “So what exactly should we build?” stage of design.
As I see it:
- Historical information about data answers questions in the realm of “Who did what to which data when?”
- Security information about data answers questions around “Who may do what to which data in the future?”
- They overlap because:
- They rely on closely related schemes for assessing roles and identity.
- Audit trails, a key aspect of security and compliance, could logically be viewed as falling in the realm of “history”.
Categories: EAI, EII, ETL, ELT, ETLT, Hadoop | 9 Comments |