
Analysis of Netezza and its data warehouse appliances. Related subjects include:

February 23, 2009

MapReduce user eHarmony chose Netezza over Aster or Greenplum

Depending on which IDG reporter you believe, eHarmony has either 4 TB of data or more than 12 TB, stored in Oracle but now analyzed on Netezza.  Interestingly, eHarmony is a Hadoop/MapReduce shop, but chose Netezza over Aster Data or Greenplum even so.  Price was apparently an important aspect of the purchase decision. Netezza also seems to have had a very smooth POC. Read more

February 18, 2009

The Netezza guys propose a POC checklist

The Netezza guys at “Data Liberators” are being a bit too cute in talking about FULL DISCLOSURE yet not actually saying they’re from Netezza — but only a bit, in that their identity is pretty clear even so.  That said, they’ve proposed a not-terrible checklist of how to conduct POCs.  Of course, vendor-provided as it is, it’s incomplete; e.g., there’s no real mention of a baseball-bat test.

Here’s the first part of the Netezza list, with my comments interspersed. Read more

February 4, 2009

Draft slides on how to select an analytic DBMS

I need to finalize an already-too-long slide deck on how to select an analytic DBMS by late Thursday night.  Anybody see something I’m overlooking, or just plain got wrong?

Edit: The slides have now been finalized.

January 15, 2009

Netezza’s marketing goes retro again

Netezza loves retro images in its marketing, such as classic rock lyrics, or psychedelic paint jobs on its SPUs.  (Given the age demographics at, say, a Teradata or Netezza user conference, this isn’t as nutty as it first sounds.) Netezza’s latest is a creative peoples-liberation/revolution riff, under the name Data Liberators.  The ambience of that site and especially its first download should seem instinctively familiar to anybody who recalls the Symbionese Liberation Army when it was active, or who has ever participated in a chant of “The People, United, Will Never Be Defeated!”

The substance of the first “pamphlet”, so far as I can make out, is that you should only trust vendors who do short, onsite POCs, and Oracle may not do those for Exadata. Read more

January 12, 2009

Gartner’s 2008 data warehouse database management system Magic Quadrant is out

February, 2011 edit: I’ve now commented on Gartner’s 2010 Data Warehouse Database Management System Magic Quadrant as well.

Gartner’s annual Magic Quadrant for data warehouse DBMS is out.  Thankfully, vendors don’t seem to be taking it as seriously as usual, so I didn’t immediately hear about it.  (I finally noticed it in a Greenplum pay-per-click ad.)  Links to Gartner MQs tend to come and go, but as of now here are two working links to the 2008 Gartner Data Warehouse Database Management System MQ.  My posts on the 2007 and 2006 MQs have also been updated with working links. Read more

December 29, 2008

ParAccel actually uses relatively little PostgreSQL code

I often find it hard to write about ParAccel’s technology, for a variety of reasons:

ParAccel is quick, however, to send email if I post anything about them they think is incorrect.

All that said, I did get careless when I neglected to doublecheck something I already knew. Read more

November 15, 2008

High-performance analytics

For the past few months, I’ve collected a lot of data points to the effect that high-performance analytics – i.e., beyond straightforward query — is becoming increasingly important. And I’ve written about some of them at length. For example:

Ack. I can’t decide whether “analytics” should be a singular or plural noun. Thoughts?

Another area that’s come up which I haven‘t blogged about so much is data mining in the database. Data mining accounts for a large part of data warehouse use. The traditional way to do data mining is to extract data from the database and dump it into SAS. But there are problems with this scenario, including: Read more

November 7, 2008

Big scientific databases need to be stored somehow

A year ago, Mike Stonebraker observed that conventional DBMS don’t necessarily do a great job on scientific data, and further pointed out that different kinds of science might call for different data access methods. Even so, some of the largest databases around are scientific ones, and they have to be managed somehow. For example:

Long-term, I imagine that the most suitable DBMS for these purposes will be MPP systems with strong datatype extensibility — e.g., DB2, PostgreSQL-based Greenplum, PostgreSQL-based Aster nCluster, or maybe Oracle.

October 23, 2008

How to tell Teradata’s product lines apart

Once Netezza hit the market, Teradata had a classic “disruptive” price problem – it offered a high end product, at a high price, sporting lots of features that not all customers needed or were willing to pay for. Teradata has at times slashed prices in competitive situations, but there are obvious risks to that, especially when a customer already has a number of other Teradata systems for which it paid closer to full price.

This year, Teradata has introduced a range of products that flesh out its competitive lineup. There now are three mainstream Teradata offerings, plus two with more specialized applicability. Teradata no longer has to sell Cadillacs to customers on Corolla budgets.

But how do we tell the five Teradata product lines apart? The names are confusing, both in their hardware-vendor product numbers and their data-warehousing-dogma product names, especially since in real life Teradata products’ capabilities overlap. Indeed, Teradata executives freely admit that the Teradata Data Mart Appliance 551 can run smaller data warehouses, while the Teradata Data Warehouse Appliance 2550 is positioned in large part at what Teradata quite reasonably calls data marts.

When one looks past the difficulties of naming, Teradata’s product lineup begins to make more sense. Let’s start by considering the three main Teradata products. Read more

September 29, 2008

Eric Lai on Oracle Exadata, and some addenda

Eric Lai offers a detailed FAQ on Oracle Exadata, including a good selection of links and quotes. I’d like to offer a few comments in response: Read more

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