
Analysis of Netezza and its data warehouse appliances. Related subjects include:

September 8, 2008

The layered messaging marketing model as applied to Netezza

I just put up a post claiming that enterprise IT marketing arguments commonly boil down to one of two layered messaging templates. Let’s test how that claim applies to one of the most innovative technology companies of this decade: Netezza.

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September 4, 2008

More data on data warehouse sizes and issues

I spoke today with Paul Barth and Randy Bean of consultancy NewVantage Partners. The core of NewVantage’s business seems to be helping large enterprises (especially financial services) with their data warehouse strategies. Takeaways — none of which should shock regular readers of DBMS2 — included:

August 29, 2008

Enterprises are buying multiple brands of analytic DBMS each

Over the past few weeks I’ve had a lot of NDA discussions about analytic DBMS vendors’ specific customers. And so I’ve been acutely aware of something I already sort of knew — just as there was in prior generations of database management technology, there’s huge overlap among analytic DBMS vendors’ customer bases as well. As they always have, enterprises are investing in multiple different brands of DBMS, even in cases where those DBMS can do pretty much the same things.

For example:

August 24, 2008

My current customer list among the data warehouse specialists

One of my favorite pages on the Monash Research website is the list of many current and a few notable past customers. (Another favorite page is the one for testimonials.) For a variety of reasons, I won’t undertake to be more precise about my current customer list than that. But I don’t think it would hurt anything to list the data warehouse DBMS/appliance specialists in the group. They are:

All of those are Monash Advantage members.

If you care about all this, you may also be interested in the rest of my standards and disclosures.

August 9, 2008

Netezza update

In my usual dual role, I called Phil Francisco of Netezza to lay some post-Microsoft/DATAllegro consulting on him late on a Friday night — and then took the opportunity of being on the phone with him to get a general Netezza update. Netezza’s July quarter just ended, so they’re still in quiet period, so I didn’t press him for a lot of numerical detail. More generally, I didn’t find a lot out that wasn’t already covered in my May Netezza update. But notwithstanding all those disclaimers, it was still a pretty interesting chat. Read more

May 23, 2008

Data warehouse appliance power user TEOCO

If you had to name super-high-end users of data warehouse technology, your list might start with a few retailers, credit data processors, and telcos, plus the US intelligence establishment. Well, it turns out that TEOCO runs outsourced data warehouses for several of the top US telcos, making it one of the top data warehouse technology users around.

A few weeks ago, I had a fascinating chat with John Devolites of TEOCO. Highlights included:

May 22, 2008

Netezza on compression

Phil Francisco put up a nice post on Netezza’s company blog about a month ago, explaining the Netezza compression story. Highlights include:

May 20, 2008

Netezza has an EMC deal too

Netezza has an EMC deal too. As befits a hardware vendor, Netezza has an actual OEM relationship with EMC, in which it is offering CLARiiONs built straight into NPS appliances. 5 TB of CLARiiON will be free in any Netezza system from 2 racks on upward. (A rack holds about 12.5 TB.) In addition, you’ll be able to buy 10 TB more of CLARiiON in every Netezza rack, if you want. The whole thing is supposed to ship before year-end. Read more

May 19, 2008

Netezza, enterprise data warehouses, and the 100 terabyte mark

Phil Francisco of Netezza checked in tonight with some news that will be embargoed for a few hours. While I had him on the phone anyway, I asked him about large databases and/or enterprise data warehouses. Highlights included:

May 8, 2008

Outsourced data marts

Call me slow on the uptake if you like, but it’s finally dawned on me that outsourced data marts are a nontrivial segment of the analytics business. For example:

To a first approximation, here’s what I think is going on. Read more

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