Analysis of open source DBMS vendor MySQL (recently acquired by Sun Microsystems), its products, and other products in the MySQL ecosystem. Related subjects include:
Oracle, Tangosol, objects, caching, and disruption
Oracle made a slick move in picking up Tangosol, a leader in object/data caching for all sorts of major OLTP apps. They do financial trading, telecom operations, big web sites (Fedex, Geico), and other good stuff. This is a reminder that the list of important memory-centric data handling technologies is getting fairly long, including:
- Object caching (e.g., Tangosol, Progress ObjectStore)
- In-memory RDBMS (e.g., Oracle TimesTen, Solid BoostEngine, McObject eXtremeDB)
- Stream processing (e.g., Progress Apama, Streambase)
And that’s just for OLTP; there’s a whole other set of memory-centric technologies for analytics as well.
When one connects the dots, I think three major points jump out:
- There’s a lot more to high-end OLTP than relational database management.
- Oracle is determined to be the leader in as many of those areas as possible.
- This all fits the market disruption narrative.
I write about Point #1 all the time. So this time around let me expand a little more on #2 and #3.
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Opportunities for disruption in the OLTP database management market (deck-clearing post #2)
The standard Clayton Christensen “Innovator’s Dilemma” disruption narrative goes something like this:
- Market leaders have many advantages, including top technology.
- Followers come up with good technology too.
- The leaders stay ahead by making their products ever better and more complex.
- The followers sell into new or non-mainstream markets, at prices the leaders can’t match. So they dominate new markets.
- Old markets turn into low-margin commodity-fests.
- Old leaders are screwed.
And it’s really hard for market leaders to avert this sad fate, because the short- and intermediate-term margin hit would be too great.
I think the OLTP DBMS market is ripe for that kind of disruption – riper than commentators generally realize. Here are some key potential drivers:
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OLTP database management system market – the consensus isn’t ALL wrong (deck-clearing post #1)
Most of what I’ve written lately about database management seems to have been focused on analytic technologies. But I have a lot to say on the OLTP (OnLine Transaction Processing) side too. So let’s start by clearing the decks. Here’s a list of some consensus views that I in essence agree with:
- Oracle is the top of the line, and has nothing wrong with it other than cost of ownership and the non-joys of doing business with Oracle Corporation.
- DB2/mainframe is a fine product, but only if you like IBM mainframes.
- DB2/open systems is another fine product, but it’s hard to think of reasons to use it over Oracle.
- Microsoft SQL Server has great cost of ownership if you’re a Windows (server) shop anyway, especially on the administrative side. It does most but not all of what Oracle does.
- Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise is a lot like SQL Server, but without the Windows dependence or the great Microsoft tools. If you have it installed or are Chinese, you should strongly consider using it, but otherwise there are better alternatives.
- Progress’ DBMS is great if you don’t need any of the features it’s missing. Administration, for example, is a super-low-cost breeze. But why use it unless you’re also using the Progress development tools?
- Intersystems’ Cache’ is another fine mid-range product that involves buying into the vendors’ whole tool set – all the more so because it isn’t relational.
- Small-footprint embedded DBMS, from vendors such as Sybase’s iAnywhere division or Solid Information Technologies, are off in their own little world. Mainly, that world is telecom, with a satellite in medical devices, although other kinds of networked equipment also sometimes use these products.
- IBM’s non-DB2 database management products – IMS, Informix, etc. – are fine things to stick with until you have to change. Ditto products from Software AG, Computer Associates, Cincom, etc.
- MySQL Version 4 is an OLTP joke, but it’s a joke many people share. (Hey — a lot of blogs, including mine, run on WordPress and MySQL 4.)
- Until Ingres is meaningfully marketed and sold outside its installed base, it’s not worth worrying about.
- PostgreSQL is more significant as the underpinning of other products — mainly EnterpriseDB in the OLTP space — than it is in its own right.
MySQL IPO — not so fast
MySQL told Computer Business Review they’re thinking strongly of an IPO this year, but also wouldn’t mind waiting. Frankly, I think they shouldn’t come public until they can prove solid acceptance of Version 5, because Version 4 remains in too many ways an embarrassment.
Also, investors need a chance to see whether MySQL’s new enterprise all-you-can-eat pricing scheme is a success, both financially and in terms of service delivery.
Categories: MySQL, Open source | 4 Comments |
Can MySQL scale?
Making the rounds of cyberspace is a report by MediaTemple, a hosting company, on how it believes it will solve its difficulties with grid-based MySQL hosting.
Takeaways include:
- MySQL has real issues with handling diverse, high-volume workloads.
- When MySQL gets overloaded, database corruption is routine.
- Some people write really, really bad MySQL web applications.
With the possible exception of #2, I doubt any of this surprises anybody.
Categories: MySQL, Open source | 6 Comments |
Federation in the MySQL empire
Marten Micklos, CEO of MySQL, gave a recent speech speculating about a big federated “database in the sky,” providing all sorts of Web 2.0 benefits. Apparently, the idea isn’t at all fleshed out yet. Even so, I have a nagging suspicion he’s pointing in somewhat the wrong direction.
That’s because I think federating relational databases is a generically bad idea. You can federate sets of services, and you can generate services from relational databases – and that’s where DBMS2 (DataBase Management System Services) got its name. This is a superior approach to direct database federation, for two main reasons. (By “direct federation,” I mean some sort of structure in which there’s a giant virtual database whose schema more or less directly incorporates much of the schema of each individual database.)
Categories: MySQL, Open source, Theory and architecture | 8 Comments |
Solid’s MySQL engine
Solid Information Technology is making the beta of its MySQL engine available for download midday on Tuesday. So I talked with them today, mercifully unembargoed. Here’s the story.
Categories: Memory-centric data management, Mid-range, MySQL, OLTP, Open source | 4 Comments |
Solid/MySQL fit and positioning
I felt like writing a lot about the great potential fit between MySQL and Solid over the weekend, but Solid didn’t want me to do so. Now, however, I’m not in the mood, so I’ll just say that in OLTP, Solid’s technology is strong where MySQL’s is weak, and vice-versa. E.g., Solid is so proud of its zero-administration capabilities that, without MySQL, it doesn’t have much in the way of admin tools at all. Conversely, I think that many of those websites that crash all the time with MySQL errors would crash less with the Solid engine underneath. (Solid happens to be proud of its BLOB-handling capability, efficiency-wise.)
Neither outfit is good in data warehousing, or in text search, image search, etc. (Solid slings big files around, but it doesn’t peer closely inside them). But for OLTP of tabular or dumb media data, this looks like a great fit.
Whether anybody will care, however, is a different matter.
Lisa Vaas of eWeek offers a survey of the many MySQL engine options.
EDIT: Another Lisa Vaas article makes it clear that MySQL is planning to compete in data warehousing/OLAP as well.
Categories: Memory-centric data management, Mid-range, MySQL, OLTP, Open source, solidDB | 4 Comments |
More on Solid and MySQL?
In a stunningly self-defeating move, my friends at Solid have decided that anything about their already-leaked possible cooperation with MySQL is embargoed.
Indeed, they’ve emphasized to me multiple times that they do not wish me to write about it.
I shall honor their wishes. I hope they are pleased with the sophistication and insight of the coverage they receive from other sources.
Categories: Memory-centric data management, Mid-range, MySQL, OLTP, Open source, solidDB | 3 Comments |
MySQL gets the Solid engine
Solid and MySQL have struck a deal (and for some odd reason I had to find out about it from Slashdot and then here rather than from one one the companies). Apparently Solid will open source a version of its storage engine, to be used with the MySQL front-end.
Solid’s core technology is a lightweight, zero-administration OLTP RDBMS. And they really mean “zero-administration,” because as they like to point out, a typical deployment is embedded in a piece of telecom equipment that doesn’t even have a keyboard. Now, that doesn’t really mean the Solid engine would still be zero-administration in other applications, but sure aren’t talking about something as prickly as, say, Oracle.
That said, Solid’s technology has its limitations. It isn’t historically designed for the query load (volume or mix) of, say, an SAP installation. It certainly doesn’t have much in the way of data warehousing functionality. And it doesn’t have much in the way of administration tools itself (although presumably MySQL will fill that gap).
One very important aspect of the Solid technology is its hybrid memory-centric design. Much more on that soon. My white paper on memory-centric data management is finally close to publication, with Solid as a co-sponsor. At some point I’ll even do a webinar for them associated with the paper.
I don’t know whether that’s part of the MySQL relationship — it would be very cool if it were.
Categories: Memory-centric data management, Mid-range, MySQL, OLTP, Open source, solidDB | 2 Comments |