February 6, 2012

Comments on the 2012 Forrester Wave: Enterprise Hadoop Solutions

Forrester has released its Q1 2012 Forrester Wave: Enterprise Hadoop Solutions. (Googling turns up a direct link, but in case that doesn’t prove stable, here also is a registration-required link from IBM’s Conor O’Mahony.) My comments include:

January 10, 2012

Notes on the Oracle Big Data Appliance

Oracle announced its Big Data Appliance. Specs may be found in the Oracle Big Data Appliance press release. Beyond that:

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January 10, 2012

A couple of links explaining Cloudera Manager

Predictably, I wasn’t pre-briefed on the details of Oracle’s Big Data Appliance announcement today, and an inquiry to partner Cloudera doesn’t happen to have been immediately answered.* But anyhow, it’s clear from coverage by Larry Dignan and Derrick Harris that Oracle’s Big Data Appliance includes:

In other words, it’s a lot like getting Cloudera Enterprise,* plus some hardware, plus some other stuff.

*Edit: About 2 minutes after I posted this, I got email from Cloudera CEO Mike Olson. Yes, the Oracle Big Data Appliance bundles Cloudera Enterprise.

That raises an anyway recurring question: What exactly is Cloudera Manager? Read more

October 23, 2011

NoSQL notes

Last week I visited with James Phillips of Couchbase, Max Schireson and Eliot Horowitz of 10gen, and Todd Lipcon, Eric Sammer, and Omer Trajman of Cloudera. I guess it’s time for a round-up NoSQL post. 🙂

Views of the NoSQL market horse race are reasonably consistent, with perhaps some elements of “Where you stand depends upon where you sit.”

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October 4, 2011

Cloudera versus Hortonworks

A few weeks ago I wrote:

The other big part of Hortonworks’ story is the claim that it holds the axe in Apache Hadoop development.


… just how dominant Hortonworks really is in core Hadoop development is a bit unclear. Meanwhile, Cloudera people seem to be leading a number of Hadoop companion or sub-projects, including the first two I can think of that relate to Hadoop integration or connectivity, namely Sqoop and Flume. So I’m not persuaded that the “we know this stuff better” part of the Hortonworks partnering story really holds up.

Now Mike Olson — CEO of my client Cloudera — has posted his analysis of the matter, in response to an earlier Hortonworks post asserting its claims. In essence, Mike argues:

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September 12, 2011

Hadoop notes

I visited California recently, and chatted with numerous companies involved in Hadoop — Cloudera, Hortonworks, MapR, DataStax, Datameer, and more. I’ll defer further Hadoop technical discussions for now — my target to restart them is later this month — but that still leaves some other issues to discuss, namely adoption and partnering.

The total number of enterprises in the world paying subscription and license fees that they would regard as being for “Hadoop or something Hadoop-related” probably is not much over 100 right now, but I’d expect to see pretty rapid growth. Beyond that, let’s divide customers into three groups:

Hadoop vendors, in different mixes, claim to be doing well in all three segments. Even so, almost all use cases involve some kind of machine-generated data, with one exception being a credit card vendor crunching a large database of transaction details. Multiple kinds of machine-generated data come into play — web/network/mobile device logs, financial trade data, scientific/experimental data, and more. In particular, pharmaceutical research got some mentions, which makes sense, in that it’s one area of scientific research that actually enjoys fat for-profit research budgets.

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July 18, 2011

HBase is not broken

It turns out that my impression that HBase is broken was unfounded, in at least two ways. The smaller is that something wrong with the HBase/Hadoop interface or Hadoop’s HBase support cannot necessarily be said to be wrong with HBase (especially since HBase is no longer a Hadoop subproject). The bigger reason is that, according to consensus, HBase has worked pretty well since the .90 release in January of this year.

After Michael Stack of StumbleUpon beat me up for a while,* Omer Trajman of Cloudera was kind enough to walk me through HBase usage. He is informed largely by 18 Cloudera customers, plus a handful of other well-known HBase users such as Facebook, StumbleUpon, and Yahoo. Of the 18 Cloudera customers using HBase that Omer was thinking of, 15 are in HBase production, one is in HBase “early production”, one is still doing R&D in the area of HBase, and one is a classified government customer not providing such details. Read more

July 10, 2011

Hadoop futures and enhancements

Hadoop is immature technology. As such, it naturally offers much room for improvement in both industrial-strengthness and performance. And since Hadoop is booming, multiple efforts are underway to fill those gaps. For example:

(Zettaset belongs in the discussion too, but made an unfortunate choice of embargo date.)

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July 10, 2011

Cloudera and Hortonworks

My clients at Cloudera have been around for a while, in effect positioned as “the Hadoop company.” Their business, in a nutshell, consists of:

Hortonworks spun out of Yahoo last week, with parts of the Cloudera business model, namely Hadoop support, training, and I guess conferences. Hortonworks emphatically rules out professional services, and says that it will contribute all code back to Apache Hadoop. Hortonworks does grudgingly admit that it might get into the proprietary software business at some point — but evidently hopes that day will never actually come.

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July 6, 2011

Hadapt update

I met with the Hadapt guys today.  I think I can be a bit crisper than before in positioning Hadapt and its use cases, namely:

Other evolution from what I wrote about Hadapt a few months ago includes:

In other news, Hadapt is our newest client.

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