Notes on Hadoop adoption and trends
With Strata/Hadoop World being next week, there is much Hadoop discussion. One theme of the season is BI over Hadoop. I have at least 5 clients claiming they’re uniquely positioned to support that (most of whom partner with a 6th client, Tableau); the first 2 whose offerings I’ve actually written about are Teradata Aster and Hadapt. More generally, I’m hearing “Using Hadoop is hard; we’re here to make it easier for you.”
If enterprises aren’t yet happily running business intelligence against Hadoop, what are they doing with it instead? I took the opportunity to ask Cloudera, whose answers didn’t contradict anything I’m hearing elsewhere. As Cloudera tells it (approximately — this part of the conversation* was rushed): Read more
Notes on Hadoop hardware
I talked with Cloudera yesterday about an unannounced technology, and took the opportunity to ask some non-embargoed questions as well. In particular, I requested an update to what I wrote last year about typical Hadoop hardware.
Cloudera thinks the picture now is:
- 2-socket servers, with 4- or 6-core chips.
- Increasing number of spindles, with 12 2-TB spindles being common.
- 48 gigs of RAM is most common, with 64-96 fairly frequent.
- A couple of 1GigE networking ports.
Discussion around that included:
- Enterprises had been running out of storage space; hence the increased amount of storage. 🙂
- Even more storage can be stuffed on a node, and at times is. But at a certain point there’s so much data on a node that recovery from node failure is too forbidding.
- There are some experiments with 10 GigE.
Categories: Cloudera, Data warehouse appliances, Hadoop, MapR, Solid-state memory, Storage | 7 Comments |
Hadapt Version 2
My clients at Hadapt are coming out with a Version 2 to be available in Q1 2013, and perhaps slipstreaming some of the features before then. At that point, it will be reasonable to regard Hadapt as offering:
- A very tight integration between an RDBMS-based analytic platform and Hadoop …
- … that is decidedly immature as an analytic RDBMS …
- … but which strongly improves the SQL capabilities of Hadoop (vs., say, the alternative of using Hive).
Solr is in the mix as well.
Hadapt+Hadoop is positioned much more as “better than Hadoop” than “a better scale-out RDBMS”– and rightly so, due to its limitations when viewed strictly from an analytic RDBMS standpoint. I.e., Hadapt is meant for enterprises that want to do several of:
- Dump multi-structured data into Hadoop.
- Refine or just move some of it into an RDBMS.
- Bring in data from other RDBMS.
- Process of all the above via Hadoop MapReduce.
- Process of all the above via SQL.
- Use full-text indexes on the data.
Hadapt has 6 or so production customers, a dozen or so more coming online soon, 35 or so employees (mainly in Cambridge or Poland), reasonable amounts of venture capital, and the involvement of a variety of industry luminaries. Hadapt’s biggest installation seems to have 10s of terabytes of relational data and 100s of TBs of multi-structured; Hadapt is very confident in its ability to scale an order of magnitude beyond that with the Version 2 product, and reasonably confident it could go even further.
At the highest level, Hadapt works like this: Read more
Hadoop YARN — beyond MapReduce
A lot of confusion seems to have built around the facts:
- Hadoop MapReduce is being opened up into something called MapReduce 2 (MRv2).
- Something called YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator) is involved.
- One purpose of the whole thing is to make MapReduce not be required for Hadoop.
- MPI (Message Passing Interface) was mentioned as a paradigmatic example of a MapReduce alternative, yet the MPI/YARN/Hadoop effort is somehow troubled.
- Cloudera shipped YARN in June, yet simultaneously warned people away from actually using it.
Here’s my best effort to make sense of all that, helped by a number of conversations with various Hadoop companies, but most importantly a chat Friday with Arun Murthy and other Hortonworks folks.
- YARN, as an aspect of Hadoop, has two major kinds of benefits:
- The ability to use programming frameworks other than MapReduce.
- Scalability, no matter what programming framework you use.
- The YARN availability story goes:
- YARN is in alpha.
- YARN is expected to be in production at year-end, give or take.
- Cloudera made the marketing decision to include YARN in its June Hadoop distribution release anyway, but advised that it was for experimentation rather than production.
- Hortonworks, in its own June release, only shipped code it advised putting into production.
- My take on the YARN/MPI story goes something like this:
- Numerous people have told me of YARN/MPI delays.
- One person suggested that Greenplum is taking the lead in YARN/MPI integration, but has gotten slow and reclusive, apparently due to some big company-itis.
- I find that credible because of the Greenplum/SAS/MPI connection.
- If I understood Arun correctly, the latency story on Hadoop MapReduce is approximately:
- Arun says that Hadoop’s reputation for taking 10s of seconds to start a Hadoop job is old news. It takes a low single-digit number of seconds.
- However, starting all that Java does take 100s of milliseconds at best — 200 milliseconds in an ideal case, 500 milliseconds more realistically, and that’s just on a single server.
- Thus, if you want human real-time interaction, Hadoop MapReduce is not and likely never will be the way to go. Getting Hadoop MapReduce latencies under a few seconds is likely to be more trouble than it’s worth — because of MapReduce, not because of Hadoop.
- In particular — instead of incurring the overhead of starting processes up, Arun thinks low-latency needs should be met in a different way, namely by serving them from already-running processes. The examples he kept mentioning were the event processing projects Storm (out of Twitter, via an acquisition) and S4 (out of Yahoo).
Categories: Cloudera, Hadoop, Hortonworks, MapReduce, Workload management, Yahoo | 7 Comments |
Notes on HBase 0.92
This is part of a four-post series, covering:
- Annoying Hadoop marketing themes that should be ignored.
- Hadoop versions and distributions, and their readiness or lack thereof for production.
- In general, how “enterprise-ready” is Hadoop?
- HBase 0.92 (this post)
As part of my recent round of Hadoop research, I talked with Cloudera’s Todd Lipcon. Naturally, one of the subjects was HBase, and specifically HBase 0.92. I gather that the major themes to HBase 0.92 are:
- Performance, scalability, and so on.
- “Coprocessors”, which are like triggers or stored procedures.
- Security, as the first major application of co-processors.
HBase coprocessors are Java code that links straight into HBase. As with other DBMS extensions of the “links straight into the DBMS code” kind,* HBase coprocessors seem best suited for very sophisticated users and third parties.** Evidently, coprocessors have already been used to make HBase security more granular — role-based, per-column-family/per-table, etc. Further, Todd thinks coprocessors could serve as a good basis for future HBase enhancements in areas such as aggregation or secondary indexing. Read more
Categories: Benchmarks and POCs, Cloudera, Hadoop, HBase, MapReduce, NoSQL, Open source, Storage, Theory and architecture | 2 Comments |
“Enterprise-ready Hadoop”
This is part of a four-post series, covering:
- Annoying Hadoop marketing themes that should be ignored.
- Hadoop versions and distributions, and their readiness or lack thereof for production.
- In general, how “enterprise-ready” is Hadoop (this post)?
- HBase 0.92.
The posts depend on each other in various ways.
Cloudera, Hortonworks, and MapR all claim, in effect, “Our version of Hadoop is enterprise-ready, unlike those other guys’.” I’m dubious.
- Hortonworks has considerably fewer features than Cloudera, along with less of a production or support track record. (Edit: HCatalog may be a significant exception.)
- I doubt Cloudera really believes or can support the apparent claim in its CDH 4 press release that Hadoop is now suitable for every enterprise, whereas last month it wasn’t.
- While MapR was early with some nice enterprise features, such as high availability or certain management UI elements — quickly imitated in Cloudera Enterprise — I don’t think it has any special status as “enterprise-ready” either.
That said, “enterprise-ready Hadoop” really is an important topic.
So what does it mean for something to be “enterprise-ready”, in whole or in part? Common themes in distinguishing between “enterprise-class” and other software include:
- Usable by our existing staff.
- Sufficiently feature-rich.
- Integrates well with the rest of our environment.
- Fits well into our purchasing and vendor relations model.
- Well-supported.
- Sufficiently reliable, proven, and secure — which is to say, “safe”.
For Hadoop, as for most things, these concepts overlap in many ways. Read more
Categories: Buying processes, Cloudera, Clustering, Hadoop, HBase, Hortonworks, MapR, MapReduce, Open source | 9 Comments |
Hadoop distributions: CDH 4, HDP 1, Hadoop 2.0, Hadoop 1.0 and all that
This is part of a four-post series, covering:
- Annoying Hadoop marketing themes that should be ignored.
- Hadoop versions and distributions, and their readiness or lack thereof for production (this post).
- In general, how “enterprise-ready” is Hadoop?
- HBase 0.92.
The posts depend on each other in various ways.
My clients at Cloudera and Hortonworks have somewhat different views as to the maturity of various pieces of Hadoop technology. In particular:
- Cloudera introduced CDH 4* and Hortonworks introduced HDP 1*, both timed for the recent Hadoop Summit.
- CDH 4 is based mainly on Hadoop 2.0, which Cloudera says it has tested extensively.
- HDP 1 is based on Hadoop 1.0, on the theory that nobody has properly tested Hadoop 2.0, which is still characterized as “alpha”.
- CDH 4 boasts sub-second NameNode failover.
- Hortonworks is partnering with third parties such as VMware to address the high-availability problems caused by failover potentially taking several minutes.
- Hadoop 2.0 and CDH 4 also incorporate improvements to NameNode scalability, HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) performance, HBase performance, and HBase functionality.
- As does CDH 4, HDP 1 includes HCatalog, an extension of Hive technology that serves as a more general metadata store. (Edit: Actually, see the comment thread below.)
- Hortonworks thinks HCatalog is a big deal in improving Hadoop data management and connectivity, and already has a Talend partnership based on HCatalog. Cloudera is less sure, especially in HCatalog’s current form.
- HDP 1 includes Ambari, an Apache open source competitor to Cloudera Manager (the closed-source part of Cloudera Enterprise). Hortonworks concedes a functionality gap between Ambari and Cloudera Manager, but perhaps a smaller one than Cloudera sees.
- Hortonworks thinks Ambari being open source means better integration with other management platforms. Cloudera touts the integration features and integrations of Cloudera Manager 4.
- Nobody seems confident that MapReduce 2 is ready for prime time. While it’s in CDH 4, so is MapReduce 1.
*”CDH” stands, due to some trademarking weirdness, for “Cloudera’s Distribution including Apache Hadoop”. “HDP” stands for “Hortonworks Data Platform”.
Categories: Amazon and its cloud, Cloudera, Hadoop, Hortonworks, MapReduce, Market share and customer counts | 14 Comments |
Hadoop marketing themes that deserve to be ignored
This is part of a four-post series, covering:
- Annoying Hadoop marketing themes that should be ignored (this post).
- Hadoop versions and distributions, and their readiness or lack thereof for production.
- In general, how “enterprise-ready” is Hadoop?
- HBase 0.92.
The posts depend on each other in various ways.
I am subjected to much Hadoop marketing. Indeed, I even help various clients inflict Hadoop marketing upon the world. But a guy’s got to draw a line somewhere, and there are certain Hadoop marketing themes that I just refuse to take seriously.
1. Big data. I think the term “big data” long ago jumped the shark. If a firm uses the term “big data”, I teeth-grittingly let it pass. But if they send me PR email offering to “explain” the benefits or “real meaning” of “big data”, my response is apt to be unkind.
2. Conference-timed news. I’ve never liked the custom of multiple vendors piling announcements into the same conference week. It seems like a calculated strategy to ensure getting the least possible mind share and attention — unless, of course, your announcement is so lame that brief mentions in conference-week roundups are the most visibility you can hope to get. Even so, many vendors make the marketing choice to pile on. Fine. But I’ll write in response if and when I feel like it.
3. Contribution Olympics. The Urinary Olympics as to who contributed more lines of code, patches, whatever to various Hadoop sub-projects got pretty silly; and although it peaked last year, elements of it are with us still. I do see two scenarios where the whole discussion might have genuine value, namely:
- When two vendors — typically Hortonworks and Cloudera — differ about a particular Hadoop sub-project, I’m inclined to believe the one who asserts “Well, we built most of and then extensively tested the last release of this, and it does what we say it does.”
- If you have a specialized desire to see a particular aspect of Hadoop hacked, there are a limited number of developers who are best-suited to do it for you, and you might be best served to deal with the company that employs (most of) them.
Otherwise, however, I pay little attention to claims like “We thought this scheme up 2 years ago, and hence we’re the experts on whether it’s now ready for production.”
Categories: Cloudera, Hadoop, Hortonworks | 12 Comments |
Notes on the Hadoop and HBase markets
I visited my clients at Cloudera and Hortonworks last week, along with scads of other companies. A few of the takeaways were:
- Cloudera now has 220 employees.
- Cloudera now has over 100 subscription customers.
- Over the past year, Cloudera has more than doubled in size by every reasonable metric.
- Over half of Cloudera’s customers use HBase, vs. a figure of 18+ last July.
- Omer Trajman — who by the way has made a long-overdue official move into technical marketing — can no longer keep count of how many petabyte-scale Hadoop clusters Cloudera supports.
- Cloudera gets the majority of its revenue from subscriptions. However, professional services and training continue to be big businesses too.
- Cloudera has trained over 12,000 people.
- Hortonworks is training people too.
- Hortonworks now has 70 employees, and plans to have 100 or so by the end of this quarter.
- A number of those Hortonworks employees are executives who come from seriously profit-oriented backgrounds. Hortonworks clearly has capitalist intentions.
- Hortonworks thinks a typical enterprise Hadoop cluster has 20-50 nodes, with 50-100 already being on the large side.
- There are huge amounts of Elastic MapReduce/Hadoop processing in the Amazon cloud. Some estimates say it’s the majority of all Amazon Web Services processing.
- I met with 4 young-company clients who I regard as building vertical analytic stacks (WibiData, MarketShare, MetaMarkets, and ClearStory). All 4 are heavily dependent on Hadoop. (The same isn’t as true of older companies who built out a lot of technology before Hadoop was invented.)
- There should be more HBase information at HBaseCon on May 22.
- If MapR still has momentum, nobody I talked with has noticed.
Hadoop-related market categorization
I wasn’t the only one to be dubious about Forrester Research’s Hadoop taxonomy (or lack thereof). GigaOm’s Derrick Harris was as well, and offered a much superior approach of his own. In Derrick’s view, there’s Hadoop, Hadoop distributions, Hadoop management, and Hadoop applications. Taking those out of order, and recalling that no market categorization is ever precise:
- “Hadoop applications” is a catch-all category. Since Derrick offered suitable caveats around the label, I’m fine with what he said.
- Hadoop management software commonly comes in the form of suites. Derrick’s discussion was solid.
- Derrick seems to want to define “Hadoop” as being whatever is in the relevant Apache projects. Cool. He does seem to wind up on both sides of the “MapR and DataStax put Hadoop MapReduce on top of something that isn’t HDFS — so is that Hadoop or isn’t it?” question, but that’s a tough ambiguity to avoid.
- Derrick could have been a little clearer on the subject of Hadoop distributions.
Let’s drill down into that last one. Derrick refers to Hadoop distributions as “products” that:
package a set of Hadoop projects (MapReduce, Hive, Sqoop, Pig, etc.) in a way that in theory makes them integrate more naturally, and to run both smoothly and securely.
While that’s a reasonable recitation of the idea’s benefits, I’d rather say that a “distribution” of open source software comprises: Read more
Categories: Cloudera, Hadoop, MapReduce, Open source | Leave a Comment |