Aster Data

Analysis of data warehouse DBMS vendor Aster Data. Related subjects include:

August 26, 2008

Three approaches to parallelizing data transformation

Many MPP data warehousing vendors have told me their products are used for ELT (Extract/Load/Transform) instead of ETL (Extract/Transform/Load). I.e., needed data transformations are done on the MPP system, rather than on the — probably SMP — system the data comes from.* If the data transformation is being applied on a record-by-record basis, then it’s automatically fully parallelized. Even if the transforms are more complex, considerable parallel processing may still be going on.

*Or it’s some of each, at which point it’s called ETLT — I bet you can work out what that stands for.

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August 25, 2008

MapReduce sound bites

Last Thursday, both Greenplum and Aster Data — the two most recent of my numerous data warehouse specialist customers — both told me of the same major innovation. Both were rushing to announce it first, before anybody else did. This led to considerable tap dancing, with the upshot being that both are releasing the information tonight or tomorrow morning.

What’s going on is that Aster Data and Greenplum have both integrated MapReduce into their respective MPP shared-nothing data warehouse DBMS. Read more

August 24, 2008

My current customer list among the data warehouse specialists

One of my favorite pages on the Monash Research website is the list of many current and a few notable past customers. (Another favorite page is the one for testimonials.) For a variety of reasons, I won’t undertake to be more precise about my current customer list than that. But I don’t think it would hurt anything to list the data warehouse DBMS/appliance specialists in the group. They are:

All of those are Monash Advantage members.

If you care about all this, you may also be interested in the rest of my standards and disclosures.

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