
Analysis of issues in parallel computing, especially parallelized database management. Related subjects include:

May 12, 2010

The Clustrix story

After my recent post, the Clustrix guys raised their hands and briefed me. Takeaways included:    Read more

May 7, 2010

Clarifying the state of MPP in-database SAS

I routinely am briefed way in advance of products’ introductions. For that reason and others, it can be hard for me to keep straight what’s been officially announced, introduced for test, introduced for general availability, vaguely planned for the indefinite future, and so on. Perhaps nothing has confused me more in that regard than the SAS Institute’s multi-year effort to get SAS integrated into various MPP DBMS, specifically Teradata, Netezza Twinfin(i), and Aster Data nCluster.

However, I chatted briefly Thursday with Michelle Wilkie, who is the SAS product manager overseeing all this (and also some other stuff, like SAS running on grids without being integrated into a DBMS). As best I understood, the story is: Read more

May 4, 2010

Clustrix may be doing something interesting

Clustrix launched without briefing me or, at least so far as I can tell, anybody else who knows much about database technology. But Clustrix did post a somewhat crunchy, no-registration-required, white paper. Based on that, I get the impression:

May 4, 2010

Revolution Analytics seems very confused

Revolution Analytics is a relaunch of a company previously known as REvolution Computing, built around the open source R language. Last week they sent around email claiming they were a new company (false), and asking for briefings in connection with an embargo this morning. I talked to Revolution Analytics yesterday, and they told me the embargo had been moved to Thursday.* However, Revolution apparently neglected to tell the press the same thing, and there’s an article out today — quoting me, because I’d given quotes in line with the original embargo, before I’d had the briefing myself. And what’s all this botched timing about? Mainly, it seems to be for a “statement of direction” about software Revolution Analytics hasn’t actually developed yet.

*More precisely, they spoke as if the embargo had been Thursday all along.

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May 1, 2010

Read-your-writes (RYW), aka immediate, consistency

In which we reveal the fundamental inequality of NoSQL, and why NoSQL folks are so negative about joins.

Discussions of NoSQL design philosophies tend to quickly focus in on the matter of consistency. “Consistency”, however, turns out to be a rather overloaded concept, and confusion often ensues.

In this post I plan to address one essential subject, while ducking various related ones as hard as I can. It’s what Werner Vogel of Amazon called read-your-writes consistency (a term to which I was actually introduced by Justin Sheehy of Basho). It’s either identical or very similar to what is sometimes called immediate consistency, and presumably also to what Amazon has recently called the “read my last write” capability of SimpleDB.

This is something every database-savvy person should know about, but most so far still don’t. I didn’t myself until a few weeks ago.

Considering the many different kinds of consistency outlined in the Werner Vogel link above or in the Wikipedia consistency models article — whose names may not always be used in, er, a wholly consistent manner — I don’t think there’s much benefit to renaming read-your-writes consistency yet again. Rather, let’s just call it RYW consistency, come up with a way to pronounce “RYW”, and have done with it. (I suggest “ree-ooh”, which evokes two syllables from the original phrase. Thoughts?)

Definition: RYW (Read-Your-Writes) consistency is achieved when the system guarantees that, once a record has been updated, any attempt to read the record will return the updated value.

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April 27, 2010

Gear6 seems to have failed in the memcached market too

As previously noted, I’ve briefly cut back on blogging (and research) due to some family health issues. The first casualty was a post about memcached. One of the two companies to be featured were my new clients at Northscale. The other was Gear6. What they had in common was:

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April 18, 2010

Aster Data’s site

Aster Data has started a site, which purports to compile “the best information about MapReduce.” At the moment, highlights include:

*I did a couple of MapReduce-related webinars for Aster late last year. 🙂 But seriously — Aster does a good job of writing clear and informative collateral.

April 16, 2010

Introduction to Datameer

Elder care issues have flared up with a vengeance, so I’m not going to be blogging much for a while, and surely not at any length. That said, my first post about Datameer was never going to be very long, so lets get right to it:

March 23, 2010

Three kinds of software innovation, and whether patents could possibly work for them

In connection with an attempt to articulate my views on software patents (more on those below), I was thinking about the different ways in which software development can be innovative. And it turns out that most forms of software innovation can, at their core, be assigned to one or more of three overlapping categories: Read more

March 16, 2010

Memcached-based company NorthScale launches

NorthScale, a start-up based around memcached, has just launched, two weeks after the Todd Hoff’s post arguing the MySQL/memcached combo is passe’. NorthScale wouldn’t necessarily argue with Todd, arguing that what you really should use instead is NorthScale’s combo of memcached and Membase, a memcached-like DBMS …

… or something like that. I don’t intend to write seriously about NorthScale until I have a better idea of what Membase is.

In the mean time,

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