
Analysis of issues in parallel computing, especially parallelized database management. Related subjects include:

February 8, 2011

Membase and CouchOne merged to form Couchbase

Membase, the company whose product is Membase and whose former company name is Northscale, has merged with CouchOne, the company whose product is CouchDB and whose former name is The result (product and company) will be called Couchbase. CouchDB inventor Damien Katz will join the Membase (now Couchbase) management team as CTO. Couchbase can reasonably be regarded as a document-oriented NoSQL DBMS, a product category I not coincidentally posted about yesterday.

In essence, Couchbase will be CouchDB with scale-out. Alternatively, Couchbase will be Membase with a richer programming interface. The Couchbase sweet spot is likely to be:  Read more

February 7, 2011

Notes on document-oriented NoSQL

When people talk about document-oriented NoSQL or some similar term, they usually mean something like:

Database management that uses a JSON model and gives you reasonably robust access to individual field values inside a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) object.

Or, if they really mean,

The essence of whatever it is that CouchDB and MongoDB have in common.

well, that’s pretty much the same thing as what I said in the first place. 🙂

Of the various questions that might arise, three of the more definitional ones are:

Let me take a crack at each.  Read more

February 5, 2011

The Continuent Tungsten MySQL replication story

To the consternation of its then-CEO, I wrote very little about my then-client Continuent. However, when I knew Schooner’s recent announcement was coming, I reached out to other MySQL scale-out vendors too. I’ve already posted accordingly about CodeFutures (the dbShards guys) and ScaleBase. Now it’s late-responding Continuent’s turn.

Actually, what I’m mainly going to do is quote a very long email that Continuent’s current CEO/former CTO Robert Hodges sent me, and which I lightly edited.  Read more

February 3, 2011

ParAccel PADB technical notes

I posted last October about PADB (ParAccel Analytic DataBase), but held back on various topics since PADB 3.0 was still under NDA. By the time PADB 3.0 was released, I was on blogging hiatus. Let’s do a bit of ParAccel catch-up now.

One big part of PADB 3.0 was an analytics extensibility framework. If we match PADB against my recent analytic computing system checklistRead more

January 28, 2011

Schooner — flash-based, now software-only, and very fast

Last October I wrote about Schooner Information Technology, which made flash-based appliances, for MySQL, memcached, or persistent memcached. Schooner sold those appliances to close to 20 customers, but even so decided software-only was a better way to go.

Schooner’s core value proposition is that one Schooner box with flash does the job of a lot of MySQL or NoSQL boxes with hard drives. Highlights of the Schooner story — of which you can find more detail at the Schooner website — now include:  Read more

January 25, 2011

ScaleBase, another MPP OLTP quasi-DBMS

Liran Zelkha of ScaleBase raised his hand on Twitter. It turns out ScaleBase has a story rather similar to that of CodeFutures/dbShards. That is:

Our talk didn’t get deeply technical, and I don’t know exactly how ScaleBase’s replication works. But a website reference to a small transaction log in a distributed cache does sound, while not identical to the dbShards approach, at least directionally similar.

ScaleBase is a year or so old, with about 6 people, based in the Boston area despite strong Israeli roots. ScaleBase has raised a round of venture capital; I didn’t ask for details.

Liran says that ScaleBase is in closed beta, with some production users, at least one of whom has over 100 database servers.

January 25, 2011

dbShards update

I talked yesterday with Cory Isaacson of CodeFutures, and hence can follow up on my previous post about dbShards. dbShards basics include:

One dbShards customer writes 1/2 billion rows on a busy day, and serves 3-4,000 pages per second, naturally with multiple queries per page. This is on a 32-node cluster, with uninspiring hardware, in the cloud. The database has 16 shards, aggregating 128 virtual shards. I forgot to ask how big the database actually is. Overall, dbShards is up to a dozen or so signed customers, half of whom are in production or soon will be.

dbShards’ replication scheme works like this:  Read more

January 24, 2011

Choices in analytic computing system design

When I posted a long list of architectural options for analytic DBMS, I left a couple of IOUs in for missing parts. One was in the area of what is sometimes called advanced-analytics functionality, which roughly speaking means aspects of analytic database management systems that are not directly related to conventional* SQL queries.

*Main examples of “conventional” = filtering, simple aggregrations.

The point of such functionality is generally twofold. First, it helps you execute analytic algorithms with high performance, due to reducing data movement and/or executing the analytics in parallel. Second, it helps you create and execute sophisticated analytic processes with (relatively) little effort.

For now, I’m going to refer to an analytic RDBMS that has been extended by advanced-analytics functionality as an analytic computing system, rather than as some kind of “platform,” although I suspect the latter term is more likely to wind up winning.  So far, there have been five major categories of subsystem or add-on module that contribute to making an analytic DBMS a more fully-fledged analytic computing system:

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October 13, 2010

Notes on the EMC Greenplum Data Computing Appliance

The big confidential part of my visit last week to EMC’s Data Computing Division, nee’ Greenplum, was of course this week’s announcement of the first EMC/Greenplum “Data Computing Appliance.” Basics include:  Read more

October 12, 2010

Vertica-Hadoop integration

DBMS/Hadoop integration is a confusing subject. My post on the Cloudera/Aster Data partnership awaits some clarification in the comment thread. A conversation with Vertica left me unsure about some Hadoop/Vertica Year 2 details as well, although I’m doing better after a follow-up call. On the plus side, we also covered some rather cool Hadoop/Vertica product futures, and those seemed easier to understand. 🙂

I say “Year 2” because Hadoop/Vertica integration has been going on since last year. Indeed, Vertica says that there are now over 25 users of the Hadoop/Vertica combination and hence Vertica’s Hadoop connector. Vertica is now introducing — for immediate GA — a new version of its Hadoop connector. So far as I understood:  Read more

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