Analysis of implementations of and issues associated with the parallel programming framework MapReduce. Related subjects include:
More on Cloudera Impala
What I wrote before about Cloudera Impala was quite incomplete. After a followup call, I now feel I have a better handle on the whole thing.
First, some basics:
- Impala is open source code, developed to date entirely by Cloudera people, which adds analytic DBMS capabilities to Hadoop as an alternative to Hive.
- Impala is in public beta, and is targeted for general availability Q1 2013 or so.
- Cloudera plans to get paid for Impala by providing support, and by offering Impala management through its proprietary Cloudera Manager.
- Impala has been under development for about 2 years. A team of 7 or so developers has been mainly in place for a over a year. Furthermore, …
- … notwithstanding that it’s best viewed as a Hive alternative, Impala actually reuses a lot of Hive.
The general technical idea of Impala is:
- It’s an additional daemon that runs on each of your Hadoop nodes.
- Thus, Impala is not subject to Hadoop MapReduce’s latency in starting up Java processes or in storing intermediate result sets to disk.
- Impala operates as a distributed parallel analytic DBMS.*
- Impala works with a variety of Hadoop storage options, each with its own implications for latency or performance.
Categories: Cloudera, Data models and architecture, Data warehousing, Hadoop, HBase, MapReduce, Open source, Predictive modeling and advanced analytics, SQL/Hadoop integration | 12 Comments |
Introduction to Continuuity
I chatted with Todd Papaioannou about his new company Continuuity. Todd is as handy at combining buzzwords as he is at concatenating vowels, and so Continuuity — with two “U”s — is making a big data fabric platform as a service with REST APIs that runs over Hadoop and HBase in the private or public clouds. I found the whole thing confusing, in that:
- I recoil against buzzwords. In particular …
- … I pay as little attention to distinctions among PaaS/IaaS/WaaS — Platform/Infrastructure/Whatever as a Service — as I can.
- The Continuuity story sounds Heroku-like, but Todd doesn’t want Continuuity compared to Heroku.
- Todd does want Continuuity discussed in terms of the application server category, but:
- It is hard to discuss app servers without segueing quickly amongst development, deployment, and data connectivity, and Continuuity is no exception to that rule.
- There is doubt as to whether using app servers makes any sense.
But all confusion aside, there are some interesting aspects to Continuuity. Read more
Categories: Application servers, Cloud computing, Hadoop, HBase, MapReduce, Parallelization, Predictive modeling and advanced analytics, Software as a Service (SaaS) | 7 Comments |
Quick notes on Impala
Edit: There is now a follow-up post on Cloudera Impala with substantially more detail.
In my world it’s possible to have a hasty 2-hour conversation, and that’s exactly what I had with Cloudera last week. We touched on hardware and general adoption, but much of the conversation was about Cloudera Impala, announced today. Like Hive, Impala turns Hadoop into a basic analytic RDBMS, with similar SQL/Hadoop integration benefits to those of Hadapt. In particular:
- Impala is Hive-compatible in query language (HQL, which is a whole lot like SQL), metadata, JDBC/ODBC drivers, etc.
- Unlike Hive, Impala does not work through Hadoop MapReduce.
- Unlike Hadoop MapReduce and hence Hive, Impala does not persist intermediate results to disk. This is good for performance, but on extremely long-running queries it increases the risk you’ll have a node failure and have to restart the query from scratch.
- Impala in its first version is missing some Hive syntax, notably in support for UDFs (User-Defined Functions).
Beyond that: Read more
Categories: Cloudera, Columnar database management, Database compression, Hadapt, Hadoop, MapReduce, Open source, SQL/Hadoop integration | 6 Comments |
Introduction to Cirro
Stuart Frost, of DATAllegro fame, has started a small family of companies, and they’ve become my clients sort of as a group. The first one that I’m choosing to write about is Cirro, for which the basics are:
- Cirro does data federation for analytics.
- Cirro has 10 full-time people plus 4 part-timers.
- Cirro launched its product in June.
- Cirro doesn’t have customers yet, but hopes to fix that soon.
Data federation stories are often hard to understand because, until you drill down, they implausibly sound as if they do anything for everybody. That said, it’s reasonable to think of Cirro as a layer between Hadoop and your BI tool that:
- Helps with data transformations.
- Helps join Hadoop data to relational tables, even if the joins are large ones.
In both cases, Cirro is calling on your data management software for help, RDBMS or Hadoop as the case may be.
More precisely, Cirro’s approach is: Read more
Categories: Business intelligence, Cirro, Data integration and middleware, Hadoop, MapReduce, Tableau Software | 5 Comments |
Hadapt Version 2
My clients at Hadapt are coming out with a Version 2 to be available in Q1 2013, and perhaps slipstreaming some of the features before then. At that point, it will be reasonable to regard Hadapt as offering:
- A very tight integration between an RDBMS-based analytic platform and Hadoop …
- … that is decidedly immature as an analytic RDBMS …
- … but which strongly improves the SQL capabilities of Hadoop (vs., say, the alternative of using Hive).
Solr is in the mix as well.
Hadapt+Hadoop is positioned much more as “better than Hadoop” than “a better scale-out RDBMS”– and rightly so, due to its limitations when viewed strictly from an analytic RDBMS standpoint. I.e., Hadapt is meant for enterprises that want to do several of:
- Dump multi-structured data into Hadoop.
- Refine or just move some of it into an RDBMS.
- Bring in data from other RDBMS.
- Process of all the above via Hadoop MapReduce.
- Process of all the above via SQL.
- Use full-text indexes on the data.
Hadapt has 6 or so production customers, a dozen or so more coming online soon, 35 or so employees (mainly in Cambridge or Poland), reasonable amounts of venture capital, and the involvement of a variety of industry luminaries. Hadapt’s biggest installation seems to have 10s of terabytes of relational data and 100s of TBs of multi-structured; Hadapt is very confident in its ability to scale an order of magnitude beyond that with the Version 2 product, and reasonably confident it could go even further.
At the highest level, Hadapt works like this: Read more
Bearing in mind the difficulties in covering big companies and their products, I had a call with IBM about its core ETL technology (Extract/Transform/Load), and have some notes accordingly. It’s pretty reasonable to say that there are and were a Big Three of high-end ETL vendors:
- Informatica
- IBM/Ascential
- Ab Initio
However, IBM fondly thinks there are a Big Two, on the theory that Informatica Powercenter can’t scale as well as IBM and Ab Initio can, and hence gets knocked out of deals when particularly strong scalability and throughput are required. Read more
Categories: EAI, EII, ETL, ELT, ETLT, MapReduce, Parallelization | 7 Comments |
Hadoop notes: Informatica, Splunk, and IBM
Informatica, Splunk, and IBM are all public companies, and correspondingly reticent to talk about product futures. Hence, anything I might suggest about product futures from any of them won’t be terribly detailed, and even the vague generalities are “the Good Lord willin’ an’ the creek don’ rise”.
Never let a rising creek overflow your safe harbor.
1. Hadoop can be an awesome ETL (Extract/Transform/Load) execution engine; it can handle huge jobs and perform a great variety of transformations. (Indeed, MapReduce was invented to run giant ETL jobs.) Thus, if one offers a development-plus-execution stack for ETL processes, it might seem appealing to make Hadoop an ETL execution option. And so:
- I’ve already posted that BI-plus-light-ETL vendors Pentaho and Datameer are using Hadoop in that way.
- Informatica will be using Hadoop as an execution option too.
Informatica told me about other interesting Hadoop-related plans as well, but I’m not sure my frieNDA allows me to mention them at all.
IBM, however, is standing aside. Specifically, IBM told me that it doesn’t see the point of doing the same thing, as its ETL engine — presumably derived from the old Ascential product line — is already parallel and performant enough.
2. Last year, I suggested that Splunk and Hadoop are competitors in managing machine-generated data. That’s still true, but Splunk is also preparing a Hadoop co-opetition strategy. To a first approximation, it’s just Hadoop import/export. However, suppose you view Splunk as offering a three-layer stack: Read more
Categories: EAI, EII, ETL, ELT, ETLT, Hadoop, IBM and DB2, Informatica, Log analysis, MapReduce, Splunk | 9 Comments |
In-database analytics — analytic glossary draft entry
This is a draft entry for the DBMS2 analytic glossary. Please comment with any ideas you have for its improvement!
Note: Words and phrases in italics will be linked to other entries when the glossary is complete.
“In-database analytics” is a catch-all term for analytic capabilities, beyond standard SQL, running on the same machine as and under the management of an analytic DBMS. These can run in one or both of two modes:
- In-process or unfenced, i.e. in the same process as the DBMS itself. This option gives maximum performance, but any defects in the analytic code may crash the whole DBMS. Also, it generally requires that the code be in the same language as the DBMS, i.e. C++.
- Out-of-process or fenced, i.e. in a separate process. This option sacrifices performance, in favor of reliability and language flexibility.
In-database analytics may offer great performance and scalability advantages versus the alternative of extracting data and having it be processed on a separate server. This is particularly likely to be the case in MPP (Massively Parallel Processing) analytic DBMS environments.
Examples of in-database analytics include:
- Creating temporary data structures that persist past the life of a query.
- Creating temporary data structures that are non-tabular.
- Predictive modeling that uses all the same nodes in an MPP cluster where the data resides.
- Predictive analytics (scoring only).
Other common domains for in-database analytics include sessionization, time series analysis, and relationship analytics.
Notable products offering in-database analytics include:
- Teradata Aster SQL/MR.
- Multiple other analytic platforms, such as Sybase IQ, Vertica, or IBM Netezza. Indeed, in-database analytics are a defining feature of analytic platforms.
- Fuzzy Logix (for predictive analytics).
Categories: Analytic glossary, Aster Data, Data warehousing, IBM and DB2, MapReduce, Netezza, Parallelization, Predictive modeling and advanced analytics, Sybase, Teradata, Vertica Systems | 8 Comments |
Hadoop YARN — beyond MapReduce
A lot of confusion seems to have built around the facts:
- Hadoop MapReduce is being opened up into something called MapReduce 2 (MRv2).
- Something called YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator) is involved.
- One purpose of the whole thing is to make MapReduce not be required for Hadoop.
- MPI (Message Passing Interface) was mentioned as a paradigmatic example of a MapReduce alternative, yet the MPI/YARN/Hadoop effort is somehow troubled.
- Cloudera shipped YARN in June, yet simultaneously warned people away from actually using it.
Here’s my best effort to make sense of all that, helped by a number of conversations with various Hadoop companies, but most importantly a chat Friday with Arun Murthy and other Hortonworks folks.
- YARN, as an aspect of Hadoop, has two major kinds of benefits:
- The ability to use programming frameworks other than MapReduce.
- Scalability, no matter what programming framework you use.
- The YARN availability story goes:
- YARN is in alpha.
- YARN is expected to be in production at year-end, give or take.
- Cloudera made the marketing decision to include YARN in its June Hadoop distribution release anyway, but advised that it was for experimentation rather than production.
- Hortonworks, in its own June release, only shipped code it advised putting into production.
- My take on the YARN/MPI story goes something like this:
- Numerous people have told me of YARN/MPI delays.
- One person suggested that Greenplum is taking the lead in YARN/MPI integration, but has gotten slow and reclusive, apparently due to some big company-itis.
- I find that credible because of the Greenplum/SAS/MPI connection.
- If I understood Arun correctly, the latency story on Hadoop MapReduce is approximately:
- Arun says that Hadoop’s reputation for taking 10s of seconds to start a Hadoop job is old news. It takes a low single-digit number of seconds.
- However, starting all that Java does take 100s of milliseconds at best — 200 milliseconds in an ideal case, 500 milliseconds more realistically, and that’s just on a single server.
- Thus, if you want human real-time interaction, Hadoop MapReduce is not and likely never will be the way to go. Getting Hadoop MapReduce latencies under a few seconds is likely to be more trouble than it’s worth — because of MapReduce, not because of Hadoop.
- In particular — instead of incurring the overhead of starting processes up, Arun thinks low-latency needs should be met in a different way, namely by serving them from already-running processes. The examples he kept mentioning were the event processing projects Storm (out of Twitter, via an acquisition) and S4 (out of Yahoo).
Categories: Cloudera, Hadoop, Hortonworks, MapReduce, Workload management, Yahoo | 7 Comments |
Teradata SQL-H, using HCatalog
When I grumbled about the conference-related rush of Hadoop announcements, one example of many was Teradata Aster’s SQL-H. Still, it’s an interesting idea, and a good hook for my first shot at writing about HCatalog. Indeed, other than the Talend integration bundled into Hortonworks’ HDP 1, Teradata SQL-H is the first real use of HCatalog I’m aware of.
The Teradata SQL-H idea is:
- Register your Hadoop data to HCatalog. I’ll confess to being unclear about the details of how that works, for example in the case of data that just doesn’t fit well into flat relational tables. Stay tuned for future posts. For now, I’ll just note that:
- HCatalog is closely based on Hive’s metadata management. If you’ve run Hive against the data, HCatalog should already know about it.
- HCatalog can handle Pig and HBase data as well.
- Write SQL DDL (Data Description Language) so that your Aster cluster knows about the data.
- Write any Teradata Aster SQL/MR against that data. Some of the execution will be done on the Hadoop cluster, but pulling data back into Aster may well be necessary.
At least in theory, Teradata SQL-H lets you use a full set of analytic tools against your Hadoop data, with little limitation except price and/or performance. Teradata thinks the performance of all this can be much better than if you just use Hadoop (35X was mentioned in one particularly favorable example), but perhaps much worse than if you just copy/extract the data to an Aster cluster in the first place.
So what might the use cases be for something like SQL-H? Offhand, I’d say:
- SQL-H use cases are probably focused in areas where copying the data to Aster in advance doesn’t make a lot of sense. So presumably …
- … the Hadoop clusters involved would hold a lot more data than you’d want to pay for storing in Teradata Aster. E.g., think of cases where Hadoop is used as a big bit bucket or archival data store.
- There could be a kind of investigative workflow. First you play around with the Hadoop data via SQL-H. Then when you think you’re onto something, you set up ETL (Extract/Transform/Load) to get the data into Aster and ratchet up the effort.
By way of contrast, the whole thing makes less sense for dashboarding kinds of uses, unless the dashboard users are very patient when they want to drill down.