In-memory DBMS
Analysis of memory-centric OLTP DBMS. Related subjects include:
Some quick notes on HP-Vertica
HP is acquiring Vertica. Read more
Categories: In-memory DBMS, Investment research and trading, Memory-centric data management, StreamBase, Streaming and complex event processing (CEP), VoltDB and H-Store | 13 Comments |
Notes and links October 22, 2010
A number of recent posts have had good comments. This time, I won’t call them out individually.
Evidently Mike Olson of Cloudera is still telling the machine-generated data story, exactly as he should be. The Information Arbitrage/IA Ventures folks said something similar, focusing specifically on “sensor data” …
… and, even better, went on to say: Read more
Some interesting links
In no particular order: Read more
Categories: Business intelligence, EnterpriseDB and Postgres Plus, Fun stuff, Hadoop, Humor, In-memory DBMS, MapReduce, Memory-centric data management, Open source, Oracle, SAP AG | 2 Comments |
Details and analysis of the VoltDB argument
Todd Hoff (High Scalability blog) posted a lengthy examination of the case and use cases for VoltDB. That excellent post, in turn, is based on a Mike Stonebraker* webinar for VoltDB, for which the slide deck is happily available. It’s all nicely consistent with what I wrote about VoltDB last month, in connection with its launch. Read more
Categories: In-memory DBMS, Michael Stonebraker, OLTP, Parallelization, Theory and architecture, VoltDB and H-Store | 3 Comments |
VoltDB finally launches
VoltDB is finally launching today. As is common for companies in sectors I write about, VoltDB — or just “Volt” — has discovered the virtues of embargoes that end 12:01 am. Let’s go straight to the technical highlights:
- VoltDB is based on the H-Store technology, which I wrote about in February, 2009. Most of what I said about H-Store then applies to VoltDB today.
- VoltDB is a no-apologies ACID relational DBMS, which runs entirely in RAM.
- VoltDB has rather limited SQL. (One example: VoltDB can’t do SUMs in SQL.) However, VoltDB guy Tim Callaghan (Mark Callaghan’s lesser-known but nonetheless smart brother) asserts that if you code up the missing functionality, it’s almost as fast as if it were present in the DBMS to begin with, because there’s no added I/O from the handoff between the DBMS and the procedural code. (The data’s in RAM one way or the other.)
- VoltDB’s Big Conceptual Performance Story is that it does away with most locks, latches, logs, etc., and also most context switching.
- In particular, you’re supposed to partition your data and architect your application so that most transactions execute on a single core. When you can do that, you get VoltDB’s performance benefits. To the extent you can’t, you’re in two-phase-commit performance land. (More precisely, you’re doing 2PC for multi-core writes, which is surely a major reason that multi-core reads are a lot faster in VoltDB than multi-core writes.)
- VoltDB has a little less than one DBMS thread per core. When the data partitioning works as it should, you execute a complete transaction in that single thread. Poof. No context switching.
- A transaction in VoltDB is a Java stored procedure. (The early idea of Ruby on Rails in lieu of the Java/SQL combo didn’t hold up performance-wise.)
- Solid-state memory is not a viable alternative to RAM for VoltDB. Too slow.
- Instead, VoltDB lets you snapshot data to disk at tunable intervals. “Continuous” is one of the options, wherein a new snapshot starts being made as soon as the last one completes.
- In addition, VoltDB will also spool a kind of transaction log to the target of your choice. (Obvious choice: An analytic DBMS such as Vertica, but there’s no such connectivity partnership actually in place at this time.)
Further quick SAP/Sybase reactions
Raj Nathan of Sybase has been calling around to chat quickly about the SAP/Sybase deal and related matters. Talking with Raj didn’t change any of my initial reactions to SAP’s acquisition of Sybase. I also didn’t bother Raj with too many hard questions, as he was clearly in call-and-reassure mode, reaching out to customers and influencers alike.
That said, Read more
Quick reactions to SAP acquiring Sybase
SAP is acquiring Sybase. On the conference call SAP said Sybase would be run as a separate division of SAP (no surprise). Most of the focus was on Sybase’s mobile technology, which is forecast at >$400 million in 2010 revenues (which would be 30%ish of the total). My quick reactions include: Read more
Notes on Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise
It had been a very long time since I was remotely up to speed on Sybase’s main OLTP DBMS, Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE). Raj Rathee, however, was kind enough to fill me in a few days ago. Highlights of our chat included: Read more
Categories: Cache, In-memory DBMS, Memory-centric data management, Sybase | 1 Comment |
The Sybase Aleri RAP
Well, I got a quick Sybase/Aleri briefing, along with multiple apologies for not being prebriefed. (Main excuse: News was getting out, which accelerated the announcement.) Nothing badly contradicted my prior post on the Sybase/Aleri deal.
To understand Sybase’s plans for Aleri and CEP, it helps to understand Sybase’s current CEP-oriented offering, Sybase RAP. So far as I can tell, Sybase RAP has to date only been sold in the form of Sybase RAP: The Trading Edition. In that guise, Sybase RAP has been sold to >40 outfits since its May, 2008 launch, mainly big names in the investment banking and stock exchange sectors. If I understood correctly, the next target market for Sybase RAP is telcos, for real-time network tuning and management.
In addition to any domain-specific applications, Sybase RAP has three layers:
- CEP (Complex Event Processing). Sybase RAP CEP is based on a version of the Coral8 engine Sybase licensed and has been subsequently developing.
- In-memory DBMS. Sybase’s IMDB is part of (but I guess separable from) and has the same API as Sybase’s OLTP DBMS Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE, aka Sybase Classic).
- Sybase IQ. Actually, Sybase used the phrase “based on Sybase IQ,” but I’m guessing it’s just Sybase IQ.
The Boston Globe had an article on VoltDB
The Boston Globe article has more detail than Vertica and VoltDB have ever OKed me to put out, and some business details they’ve never given me.