Data types
Analysis of data management technology optimized for specific datatypes, such as text, geospatial, object, RDF, or XML. Related subjects include:
- Any subcategory
- Database diversity
Native XML storage, Part 1 (technology)
IBM’s “Viper” version of DB2 is in open beta test, whatever that means, and Microsoft’s SQL Server 2005, nee Yukon, is in general release. Both have native XML capabilities surpassing Oracle’s – which is interesting in its own right, because it’s rare for either of those vendors to pull ahead of Oracle in an OLTP feature, and almost unprecedented for both to do so at once.
So let’s talk about native XML support, what it is, and who might or should care about it. (Well, the apps part is actually in a separate Part 2 post.) Most of this is based on research that’s several months old, but except for a scarcity of actual user interviews, that shouldn’t matter much.
There are two main non-native ways to put XML into a SQL database such as Oracle – shredding and LOBs (BLOBs or CLOBs – i.e., Binary or Character Large OBjects). Both can perform poorly, for different reasons. Shredding takes XML documents and distributes them among a bunch of tables. So one update in XML can become many updates when shredded, and one lookup in XML can become a complex join from shredded storage. LOB storage obviates those problems, but creates another – even when you’re only looking for part of a document, you have to retrieve and handle the whole thing, and the same goes for updates.
So native storage can be a good thing when you can afford neither the performance hit of shredding, nor of LOB storage, nor of any available hybrid. It also could be good if getting good performance from non-native storage, while possible, would create undue burdens on application development, or if there’s some other reason one or both of the shredding and LOB approaches isn’t viable.
One nice feature is that native-XML storage has almost no downside, at least if you get it from the high-end DBMS vendors. IBM, Oracle, and Microsoft have all worked out ways to have integrated query parsing and query optimization, while letting storage be more or less separate. More precisely, Oracle actually still sticks everything into one data store (hence the lack of native XML support), but allows near-infinite flexibility in how it is accessed. Microsoft has already had separate servers for tabular data, text, and MOLAP, although like Sybase, it doesn’t have general datatype extensibility that it can expose to customers, or exploit itself to provide a great variety of datatypes. IBM has had Oracle-like extensibility all along, although it hasn’t been quite as aggressive at exploiting it; now it’s introduced a separate-server option for XML. Both Microsoft and IBM claim that their administrative tools are slick enough that the DBA has little extra work from their offerings than would be present in a true single-server solution.
So how does the storage actually work? The basic idea is exactly what you’d think. Data is stored in name-value pairs, with pointers connecting parents to children. The secret sauce (and here I have less detail than I’d like) is the extra information that’s stored, either at the nodes directly, or in an overarching index. Obviously, there’s a tradeoff between update and retrieval speed. And equally obviously, I need to learn more of the particulars.
And on that somewhat lame note, let me point you at Part 2 of this post, which discusses whether and how this stuff will actually be used. (Preview: It will, big time – I think.)
Categories: IBM and DB2, Microsoft and SQL*Server, Oracle, Structured documents | 9 Comments |
Defining and surveying “Memory-centric data management”
I’m writing more and more about memory-centric data management technology these days, including in my latest Computerworld column. You may be wondering what that term refers to. Well, I’ve basically renamed what are commonly called “in-memory DBMS,” for what I think is a very good reason: Most of the products in the category aren’t true DBMS, aren’t wholly in-memory, or both! Indeed, if you catch me in a grouchy mood I might argue that “in-memory DBMS” is actually a contradiction in terms.
I’ll give a quick summary of the vendors and products I am focusing on in this newly-named category, and it should be clearer what I mean:
- TimesTen (now owned by Oracle): TimesTen is the quintessentional “in-memory DBMS.” It’s a fairly full relational DBMS, but if you want to persist memory to disk it has to be handed off to a conventional DBMS. Historically, that has usually been MySQL or Oracle. TimesTen’s biggest market penetration has been in financial trading.
- Solid Information Technology‘s BoostEngine: Solid is a Finnish company (or was — it’s pretty American now) specializing in embedded DBMS sold mainly for telecommunication uses. Big OEM customers include several well-known telecom equipment manufacturers and HP (for OpenView). “Embedded” often means no DBA, no monitor, no keyboard — they box manufacturer installs it and there it stays for the life of the product. Solid has to offer strong replication capabilities, since its products are often used in highly distributed (e.g., multiblade, multibox) environments. So it’s taken the next step and exploited the replication by allowing customers to use some instances of the product disklessly.
- Event-stream products from Streambase and Progress: The canonical application for event-stream products is automating financial trading decisions based on the flow of market information. Mike Stonebraker, the brains behind Streambase, has recently popularized the idea; Progress bought Apama, who actually have been in the business longer. These applications require even more speed than the financial trading apps that TimesTen handles, and they discard most of the information they look at. In-memory is the only way to go.
- Progress’s ObjectStore: ObjectStore comes from the company Object Design, which merged into Excelon, which was acquired by Progress. It’s really a toolkit for building DBMS and similar systems, which is why it’s at various times been marketed as an OODBMS and an XML DBMS, without a lot of success either way. But there have been a few sterling apps built in ObjectStore even so, including a key part of the Amazon bookstore Despite this limited market success, a significant fraction of Progress’s best engineering talent has moved over to the Real-Time Division to focus on ObjectStore and other memory-centric products. The memory-centric aspect of ObjectStore is this: ObjectStore’s big virtue is that it gets objects from disk to memory and vice-versa very efficiently, then distributes and caches them around a network as needed. This was originally invented for client/server processing, but works fine in a multi-server thin client setup as well. And object processing, of course, relies on a whole lot of pointers. And pointer-chasing is pretty much the worst way to deal with the disk speed barrier, unless you do it in main memory.
- Applix‘s TM1: Like many companies in the analytics area, Applix has had trouble deciding whether it sells applications, BI system software, or both. But in any case its core technology is TM1, a memory-centric MOLAP offering. Traditional MOLAP products reside on the horns of a nasty dilemma: They rely on precalculation to give good performance, but that causes ghastly database explosion. Applix gets out of this problem by doing no precalculation whatsoever, loading the data into main memory, and executing all queries on the fly.
- SAP’s BI Accelerator: SAP is building out an elaborate technology stack with NetWeaver, especially in the BI area. One important aspect is that the full data warehouse is logically broken (or copied) into a series of data marts called “InfoCubes.” BI Accelerator takes the logical next step, loading an entire InfoCube into main memory. Almost every query is executed via a full table scan, which would be insane on disk but makes perfect sense when the data is already in RAM.
So there you have it. There are a whole lot of technologies out there that manage data in RAM, in ways that would make little or no sense if disks were more intimately involved. Conventional DBMS also try to exploit RAM and limit disk access, via caching; but generally the data access methods they use in RAM are pretty similar to those they use when going out to disk. So memory-centric systems can have a major advantage.
Gartner on “The Death of the Database”
Gartner had a recent conference session on “The Death of the Database,” as described in David Berlind’s and Kathy Somebodyorother’s blogs. The core idea was that data in the future might be stored closest to where it would need to be used, which might not be in a traditional DBMS.
Before getting to the real meat of that, let me push back at some of the extremist boobirds. First, I doubt the analysts really talked about “the intersection of a row and a tuple”; it’s much more likely that that is a misquote due to reporting error. Second, their claim that BI will switch from being an “application” to a “service” is not at all unreasonable. BI should never have been viewed as an application; it’s much more a collection of application-enabling technologies. And the analysts explicitly said that DBMS will continue to be useful for analytics. As for their claim that some data needs to be only briefly persistent — they’re absolutely right, but let me defer that point to a separate post on memory-centric OLTP.
All that said — while a lot of their points ring true, it sounds as if they overstated their case in one important area. They’re making it sound as if some of today’s OLTP databases will no longer be needed, and as if tomorrow’s new kinds of OLTP data won’t need to be at least partly persisted to conventional DBMS. Wrong and wrong. Every important transaction needs to wind up in a DBMS. Those DBMS may not be as centralized as previously thought. The data may be copied to non-DBMS data stores (or, more likely, kept in a lightweight local DBMS and copied from there to serioius OLTP database). These DBMS may use native XML rather than traditional tabular data structures. But at the end of the day, transactional databases will continue to be needed for all the reasons they’ve been necessary in the past.
Categories: Business intelligence, Database diversity, Structured documents, Theory and architecture | Leave a Comment |
The bookstore is a huge, modern OLTP app. So is it relational?
I don’t know for a fact that the bookstore is the world’s biggest OLTP application — but if it isn’t, it’s close.
And the thing is — that’s never been an entirely relational application. Oh, the ordering part surely is. But the inventory lookup is currently driven by an OODBMS (from Progress). The personalization used to be done in Red Brick (I knew which software replaced it, but I’m forgetting at the moment — it may even be one of the relational warehouse appliance vendors). And of course the full-text search is a custom in-house system.