Data types

Analysis of data management technology optimized for specific datatypes, such as text, geospatial, object, RDF, or XML. Related subjects include:

January 31, 2006

DB2 Express-C

IBM announced the freeware version of DB2 today. I’ll post links to the details later, but I want to highlight a couple of interesting implications:

1. They define the cutoff between the free and paid version not by how big a database you can manage on disk, but rather by how much RAM the software can address. This supports my thesis that effective use of RAM is crucial to DBMS performance, and is corollary — specially optimized memory-centric data management products deserve a place in most large enterprises’ product portfolios.

2. Having a free version of DB2 lets one play with whatever features DB2 may have that simply aren’t available in other DBMS, to see if they’re worth using. And the most significant such feature, in my opinion, is native XML storage. Whatever else this product does or doesn’t accomplish, it may serve to speed adoption of IBM’s native XML server technology.

January 26, 2006

More on the inventory database example

In my recent column on XML storage, I referenced a Microsoft-provided example of an inventory database. A retailer (I think an online one) wanted to manage books and DVDs and so on, and search across attributes that we common to the different entity kinds, such as title.

Obviously, there are relational alternatives. Items have unique SKU numbers, and they have one of a limited number of kinds, and a set of integrity constraints could mandate that an item was listed in the appropriate table for its kind and no other, and then common attributes could be search on via views that amounted to unions (or derived tables kept synchronized via their own integrity constraints).

I pushed back at Microsoft — which is, you may recall, not just an XML advocate but also one of the largest RDBMS vendors — with this kind of reasoning, and they responded with the following, which I just decided to (with permission) post verbatim.

“If all you ever do is manage books and DVDs, then managing them relationally works well, especially if their properties do not change. However, you many want to add CDs and MP3 on memory cards and many other items that all have different properties. Then you quickly run into an administration overhead and may not be able to keep up with your schema evolution (and you need an additional DBA for managing the complex relational schema). Even if you use a relational approach that stores common properties in joint tables, the recomposition costs of the information for one item may become too expensive to bear.”

January 16, 2006

Finally a column on XML storage

After several months of headfakes, I finally did a column on XML storage this month. There turned out to be room for application discussion, but not for much technical nitty-gritty.

The app discussion is pretty consistent with what I’d already posted here, although I wish I’d gone into more detail on the inventory database example. (Stay tuned for followup here!)

I also intend to post soon with some technical detail about how XML storage is actually handled.

I also got some good insight from Marklogic about what customers wanted in their text-centric markets. More on that soon too.

And by the way — I didn’t pick the Oracle-bashing title. I also didn’t pick the Oracle-bashing title for my Network World “Hot Seat” video. But somehow, the Oracle-doubting parts of my views are of special interest to my friends in the media. And it’s not as if the titles say anything I actually disagree with …

January 11, 2006

Another OLTP success for memory-centric OO

Computerworld published a Progress ObjectStore OLTP success story.

Hotel reservations system, this time. Not as impressive as the Amazon store — what is? — but still nice.

January 9, 2006

A possibly useful resource

It’s not that easy to find detailed, vendor-neutral explanations of XML storage in RDBMS. One reason may be that there isn’t much vendor-neutral reality to talk about yet; each implementation is different.

Anyhow, while it’s not overwhelming, I found one book chapter online that’s fairly useful for reviewing one or the other somewhat murky area of the technology. Here’s a link to the section on shredding.

The book in question is a collection of chapters by various XQuery experts, a couple of whom have made strong, direct contributions to my research for this blog. I’m not sure I see the point in buying ANY book about a technology area so ill-defined and fast-changing, especially one over a year old. But if I did want a book, it would be very high on my list of ones to consider.

December 14, 2005

Reasons to use native XML

From a DevX article on Microsoft’s SQL Server 2005

Depending on your situation, XML can also be the best choice for storing even highly structured data. Here are a few practical reasons to consider storing data in a field of type XML:

* Repeated shredding or publishing—On-demand transformations carry a performance penalty. If you have to shred or publish the same document over and over again, consider storing it natively as XML. You can always expose it to relational consumers with an XML view.
* Rapidly changing data structures—When modeled correctly, XML lives up to its name: It’s extensible. Developers can add new pieces of data—even new hierarchies—to a schema without compromising existing software. Extensibility is an extra advantage when prototyping, or when working with rapidly changing problem domains such as bioinformatics.
* Atomic data—Sometimes, you’ll have XML data that’s never consumed except as a whole. Think of this as logical atomicity—if you never access the parts individually, you might as well store it in one big chunk.
* Debugging—Especially for new releases, it can be a good idea to tuck away a copy of your XML imports. The data may be redundant, but keeping the original makes tracking down problems a whole lot easier.

Nothing there to disagree with too heavily, although I can think of some other reasons that might rank higher yet.

December 12, 2005

Two kinds of DBMS extensibility

Microsoft took slight exception to my claim that they lack fully general DBMS extensibility. The claim is actually correct, but perhaps it could lead to confusion. And anyhow there’s a distinction here worth drawing, namely:

There are two different kinds of DBMS extensibility.

The first one, which Microsoft has introduced in SQL Server 2005 (but which other vendors have had for many years) is UDTs (User-Defined Types), sometimes in other systems called user-defined functions. These are in essence datatypes that are calculated functions of existing datatypes. You could use a UDT, for example, to make the NULLs in SQL go away, if you hate them. Or you can calculate bond interest according to the industry-standard “360 day year.” Columns of these datatypes can be treated just like other columns — one can use them in joins, one can index on them, the optimizer can be aware of them, etc.

The second one, commonly known by the horrible name of abstract datatypes (ADTs), is found mainly in Oracle, DB2, and previously the Informix/Illustra products. Also, if my memory is accurate, Ingres has a very partial capability along those lines, and PostgresSQL is said to be implementing them too. ADTs offer a way to add totally new datatypes into a relational system, with their own data access methods (e.g., index structures). That’s how a DBMS can incorporate a full-text index, or a geospatial datatype. It can also be a way to more efficiently implement something that would also work as a UDT.

In theory, Oracle et al. expose the capability to users to create ADTs. In practice, you need to be a professional DBMS developer to write them, and they done either by the DBMS vendors themselves, or by specialist DBMS companies. E.g., much geospatial data today is stored in ESRI add-ons to Oracle; ESRI of course offered a speciality geospatial DBMS before ADTs were on the market.

Basically, implementing a general ADT capability is a form of modularity that lets new datatypes be added more easily than if you don’t have it. But it’s not a total requirement for new datatypes. E.g., I was wrong about Microsoft’s native XML implementation; XML is actually managed in the relational system. (More on that in a subsequent post.)

December 9, 2005

Relational DBMS versus text data

There seems to be tremendous confusion about “search,” “meaning,” “semantics,” the suitability of relational DBMS to manage text data, and similar subjects. Here are some observations that may help sort some of that out.

1. Relational database theorists like to talk about the “meaning” or “semantics” of data as being in the database (specifically its metadata, and more specifically its constraints). This is at best a very limited use of the words “meaning” or “semantics,” and has little to do with understanding the meaning of plain English (or other language) phrases, sentences, paragraphs, etc. that may be stored in the database. Hugh Darwen is right and his fellow relational theorists are confused.

2. The standard way to manage text is via a full-text index, designed like this: For hundreds of thousands of words, the index maintains a list of which documents the word appears in, and at what positions in the document it appears. This is a columnar, memory-centric approach, that doesn’t work well with the architecture of mainstream relational products. Oracle pulled off a decent single-server integration nonetheless, although performance concerns linger to this day. Others, like Sybase, which attempted a Verity integration, couldn’t make it work reasonably at all. Microsoft, which started from the Sybase architecture, didn’t even try, or if they tried it wasn’t for long; Microsoft’s text search strategy has been multi-server more or less from the getgo.

3. Notwithstanding point #2, Oracle, IBM, Microsoft, and others have SQL DBMS extended to handle text via the SQL3 (or SQL/MM ) standard. (Truth be told, I get the names and sequencing of the SQL standard versions mixed up.) From this standpoint, the full text of a document is in a single column, and one can write WHERE clauses on that column using a rich set of text search operators.

But while such SQL statements formally fit into the relational predicate logic model, the fit is pretty awkward. Text search functions aren’t two-valued binary yes/no types of things; rather, they give scores, e.g. with 101 possible values (the integers from 0 – 100). Compounding them into a two-valued function typically throws away information, especially since that compounding isn’t well understood (which is why it’s so hard to usefully federate text searches across different corpuses).

4. Something even trickier is going on. Text search can be carried out against many different kinds of things. One increasingly useful target is the tables of a relational database. Where a standard SQL query might have trouble finding all the references in a whole database to a particular customer organization or product line or whatever, a text search can do a better job. This kind of use is becoming increasingly frequent. And while it works OK against relational products, it doesn’t fit into the formal relational model at all (at least not without a tremendous amount of contortion).

5. Relational DBMS typically manage the data they index. Text search systems often don’t. But that difference is almost a small one compared with some of the others mentioned above, especially since it’s a checkmark item for leading RDBMS to have some sort of formal federation capability.

November 18, 2005

Two purely theoretical problems with TransRelational(TM)

There’s a vigorous discussion of TransRelational over on Alf Pedersen’s blog (Edit: Link died), although it’s completely polluted by some usual-suspects flame war BS.

Alf did poke through the dreck, however, to make a reasonable challenge, which can be paraphrased as:

OK.  Suppose you’re right that no implementation has ever provided evidence of TransRelational’s usefulness for building a True Relational DBMS. It’s still theoretically fascinating.

My response was as follows:

Here are two big problems with TransRelational that are perfectly theoretical.

First, it assumes that values can be concisely stated, presumably as numbers or character strings. That isn’t a good match to complex datatypes such as, say, documents that should be full-text indexed.

Second, it assumes that there’s a natural sort order. That could be a bit of a problem even for, say, geospatial. One would think there’s a workaround in the geospatial case, e.g. like Oracle’s old hhencode. But hhencode was a fiasco, I think because it didn’t actually measure proximity very effectively.

Admittedly, both of my objections also apply to good old b-trees. Still, they speak against the potential of a TransRelational implementation to achieve the kind of generality I think modern applications do and will increasingly demand.

Basically, I think a “True Relational” DBMS that was only useful for columns with natural sort orders wouldn’t be particularly interesting. And “The Third Manifesto” notwithstanding, that’s the only kind anybody seems to have even hinted at trying to bring to market.

November 17, 2005

Native XML Storage, Part 2 (apps)

The introduction and technical-implementation part of this discussion was in Part 1.

It seems likely that widespread adoption of native XML storage is, at best, several years off, if for no other reason than that the DML (Data Manipulation Language) situation is still rather primitive. But looking beyond that nontrivial problem, it does seem as if there are broad classes of application that might go better in native XML. Here’s a survey.

First of all, there’s what might be called custom document composition – technical publishing, customized technical manuals, etc. If you make complex products, or sell information, this is obviously an important specialty application for you. Otherwise, it probably is rather peripheral, at least for now. If you do have an interest in this area, by the way, you shouldn’t only look at the big guys’ XML offerings; you should even talk to specialists like Mark Logic. (Mark Logic sells an XML-only DBMS with a strong text-search orientation.)

Second, there are complex documents with low update rates. Medical records are a prime example – and, by the way, may of those are stored in InterSystems’ OODBMS Cache rather than in a relational system. Other examples might include insurance claims, media assets, etc. – basically, the areas that have been thought of as the purview of document management systems. In many cases, these apps ain’t broke and shouldn’t be fixed, such as when they exist mainly to satisfy slow-changing regulatory requirements. Besides, it’s not obvious that native XML is particularly useful for these apps anyway. Often, the information is in a DBMS for three main reasons: General manageability (e.g., backup), ad-hoc searchability, and management of metadata. If the metadata is simple enough to fit comfortably into a tabular structure, extended-relational DBMS may be satisfactory as underpinnings for these apps indefinitely.

Third, and here’s where it really begins to get interesting, is complex transactional documents. One of the flagship apps in Viper’s alpha test was financial derivatives trading, with complex, number-laden, term-laden contracts being processed very quickly, and it’s easy to envision that kind of functionality spreading across the trading sector. Governments – wisely or not – may want to require new complex forms to be filled out, or to make older ones easier to process. (E.g., tax returns, or applications for various kinds of permits.) If privacy concerns allow, medical information might be collected and processed centrally by governments or large insurance providers. Complex service-level agreements could be negotiated for a broad variety of product and service categories. Customers might demand radically faster processing of insurance claims than has historically been necessary. Indeed, it’s hard to think of an industry sector where complex transactional documents might not gain a foothold. And if you’re looking for high performance access to portions of documents, native XML may well be the best storage choice.

Finally, there’s a fourth category, which I’ll give the trendy-looking name Profiles 2.0, in imitation of Web 2.0, Identity 2.0, and so on. Here’s what I mean by it. A number of the hottest buzzconcepts in computing focus on collecting, organizing, and using information about individual people – presence, identity, personalization/customization, narrowcasting/market-of-one, data mining/predictive analytics, weblog analysis, social software, and so on. Put all those together, and you have a humongous hairball of a user profile that no current systems come close to handling properly.

Let’s think about some characteristics of this data. Some of it is transient. Some of it is unreliable. Some of it indeed is guesswork – albeit educated guesswork – rather than fact (e.g., the results of data mining analyses). Much of it exists for some profilees but not others. Much of it is naturally tree- or graph-shaped (e.g., information about website traversal, product category interests, relationship networks, role-based authorizations, etc.) There are many kinds of it; pulling it all together relationally can lead to Joins From Hell.

And this isn’t just for individuals; similar kinds of stories can be told for information about organizations, battleships, and so on. Those are objects with rich internal structures. True, those can usually be modeled hierarchically – but at each node, some of the complications mentioned in the prior paragraph occur. Profiling an enterprise is even messier than profiling a single individual who shops or works there.

Applications using this kind of information are typically extremely primitive, even though the beginnings of the personalization hype are now 7-8 years in the past. I don’t think we’re going to get these systems kind right until we take a true, holistic view of individuals and their profiles – and until we learn how to think about apps whose fundamental objects keep changing in shape. But as hard as the problem is, it has to be worked on immediately, because what I’m talking about here are some of the major classes of competitive-advantage app.

So Profiles 2.0 isn’t something we can just ignore. And when we do pay attention to it, I don’t think we’ll find that it looks very natural dressed in rows and columns.

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