Data types

Analysis of data management technology optimized for specific datatypes, such as text, geospatial, object, RDF, or XML. Related subjects include:

April 29, 2008

Truviso and EnterpriseDB blend event processing with ordinary database management

Truviso and EnterpriseDB announced today that there’s a Truviso “blade” for Postgres Plus. By email, EnterpriseDB Bob Zurek endorsed my tentative summary of what this means technically, namely:

  • There’s data being managed transactionally by EnterpriseDB.

  • Truviso’s DML has all along included ways to talk to a persistent Postgres data store.

  • If, in addition, one wants to do stream processing things on the same data, that’s now possible, using Truviso’s usual DML.

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April 29, 2008

The Mark Logic story in XML database management

Mark Logic* has an interesting, complex story. They sell a technology stack based on an XML DBMS with text search designed in from the get go. They usually want to be known as a “content” technology provider rather than a DBMS vendor, but not quite always.

*Note: Product name = MarkLogic, company name = Mark Logic.

I’ve agreed to do a white paper and webcast for Mark Logic (sponsored, of course). But before I start serious work on those, I want to blog based on what I know. As always, feedback is warmly encouraged.

Some of the big differences between MarkLogic and other DBMS are:

Other architectural highlights include: Read more

March 28, 2008

XML versus sparse columns in variable schemas

Simon Sabin makes an interesting point: If you can have 30,000 columns in a table without sparsity management blowing up, you can handle entities with lots of different kinds of attributes. (And in SQL Server you can now do just that.) The example he uses is products — different products can have different sets of possible colors, different kinds of sizes, and so on. An example I’ve used in the past is marketing information — different prospects can reveal different kinds of information, which may have been gathered via non-comparable marketing programs.

I’ve suggested this kind of variability as a reason to actually go XML — you’re constantly adding not just new information, but new kinds of information, so your fixed schema is never up to date. But I haven’t detected many actual application designers who agree with me …

March 6, 2008

Microsoft SQL Server Data Services

As usual, Microsoft forgot to brief me, but Mary Jo Foley reports on Microsoft SQL Server Data Services. A look at the official site clarifies that this database-in-a-cloud offering uses “Microsoft SQL Server as a data storage node.” However, there seems to be a software layer on top of SQL Server providing scale-out and appropriate management.

In addition to the more-than-SQL-Server layer, there seems to be a less-than-SQL-Server aspect as well. In a particular, Microsoft SQL Server Data Services boasts “Support for simple types: string, numeric, datetime, boolean.” XML is the “primary wire format,” and hints dropped about the schema philosophy sound XMLish too.

Interestingly, Foley reports that Microsoft plans to offer an on-premises version of Microsoft SQL Server Data Services as well.

February 16, 2008

Mike Stonebraker’s DBMS taxonomy

In a response to my recent five-part series on DBMS diversity, Mike Stonebraker has proposed his own taxonomy of data management technologies over on Vertica’s Database Column blog. (Edit: Some good stuff disappeared when Vertica nuked that blog.)

  1. OLTP DBMSs focused on fast, reliable transaction processing
  2. Analytic/Data Warehouse DBMSs focused on efficient load and ad-hoc query performance
  3. Science DBMSs — after all MatLab does not scale to disk-sized arrays
  4. RDF stores focused on efficiently storing semi-structured data in this format
  5. XML stores focused on semi-structured data in this format
  6. Search engines — the big players all use proprietary engines in this area
  7. Stream Processing Engines focused on real-time StreamSQL
  8. “Lean and Mean,” less-than-a-database engines focused on doing a small number of things very well (embedded databases are probably in this category)
  9. MapReduce and Hadoop — after all Google has enough “throw weight” to define a category

He goes on to say that each will be architected differently, except that — as he already convinced me back in July — RDF will be well-managed by specialty data warehouse DBMS. Read more

February 15, 2008

Database management system choices – beyond relational

This is the fifth of a five-part series on database management system choices. For the first post in the series, please click here.

Relational database management systems have three essential elements:

  1. Rows and columns. Theoretically, rows and columns may be inessential to the relational model. But in reality, they are built into the design of every real-world relational product. If you don’t have rows and columns, you’re not using the product to do what it was well-designed for.
  2. Predicate logic. Theoretically, everything can be fitted into a predicate Procrustean bed. But if you’re looking for relevancy rankings on a text search, binary logic is a highly convoluted way to get them.
  3. Fixed schemas. Database theorists commonly assume that databases have fixed schemas. If this means that 90%+ of all information is null or missing, they have elegant ways of dealing with that. Even so, as computing gets ever more concerned with individuals — each with his/her/its unique “profile(s)” — fixed schemas get ever harder to maintain.

If any of these three elements is missing or inappropriate, then a traditional relational database management system may not be the best choice.

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February 1, 2008

Dan Weinreb on ObjectStore

Dan Weinreb was one of the key techies at Object Design, the company that made the object-oriented database management system ObjectStore. (Object Design later merger into Excelon, which was eventually sold to Progress, which has deemphasized but still supports ObjectStore.) Recently he wrote a pair of long and fascinating articles* about Object Design, ObjectStore, and OODBMS, the first of which makes the case that “object-oriented database management systems succeeded.”
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February 1, 2008

CouchDB — lazy database design taken to excess?

I’ve run into a research/alpha/whatever project called CouchDB a couple of times now. It’s yet another “Who needs relational databases? Who needs schemas?” kind of idea. Rather, CouchDB is for taking random documents and banging them into databases, then calculating views on the fly as needed. It’s REST-friendly. Lucene and a web server are built in.

Damien Katz seems to be the driving force behind CouchDB, and his discussion of document-oriented development seems to be a good starting point. Read more

January 31, 2008

5 kinds of data structure and 16 kinds of data access method

My recent post about datatype extensibility zoomed over at least one head, as per the comment thread. Since then I’ve googled, and come to suspect that part of what I was assuming as common knowledge may not be so common after all. So I’m going to back up and explain a bit about data access methods, as well as the sub-topic of data structures. If you take nothing else away from this post, I hope it will at least remind of you of the sheer variety of ways data can be stored on disk or in RAM.

First, let’s define the concept of data access method in three steps:

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January 28, 2008

Who is actually using native XML?

Question of the day #2

Who is actually using native XML?

Mark Logic is having a fine time using its native XML engine for custom publishing. One outfit I know of is using a native XML for something like web analytics, but is driving me crazy by never coming through on permission to divulge details. There’s a bit of native XML use out there supporting the insurance industry’s ACORD standard.

And after that I quickly run out of examples of native XML use. Read more

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