Data types

Analysis of data management technology optimized for specific datatypes, such as text, geospatial, object, RDF, or XML. Related subjects include:

May 26, 2009

Teradata Developer Exchange (DevX) begins to emerge

Every vendor needs developer-facing web resources, and Teradata turns out to have been working on a new umbrella site for its.  It’s called Teradata Developer Exchange — DevX for short.  Teradata DevX seems to be in a low-volume beta now, with a press release/bigger roll-out coming next week or so.  Major elements are about what one would expect:

If you’re a Teradata user, you absolutely should check out Teradata DevX.  If you just research Teradata — my situation 🙂 — there are some aspects that might be of interest anyway.  In particular, I found Teradata’s downloads instructive, most particularly those in the area of extensibility.  Mainly, these are UDFs (User-Defined Functions), in areas such as:

Also of potential interest is a custom-portlet framework for Teradata’s management tool Viewpoint.  A straightforward use would be to plunk some Viewpoint data into a more general system management dashboard.  A yet cooler use — and I couldn’t get a clear sense of whether anybody’s ever done this yet — would be to offer end users some insight as to how long their queries are apt to run.

April 24, 2009

IBM’s Oracle emulation strategy reconsidered

I’ve now had a chance to talk with IBM about its recently-announced Oracle emulation strategy for DB2. (This is for DB2 9.7, which I gather has been quasi-announced in April, will be re-announced in May, and will be re-re-announced as being in general availability in June.)

Key points include:

Because of Oracle’s market share, many ISVs focus on Oracle as the underlying database management system for their applications, whether or not they actually resell it along with their own software. IBM proposed three reasons why such ISVs might want to support DB2: Read more

April 15, 2009

Cloudera presents the MapReduce bull case

Monday was fire-drill day regarding MapReduce vs. MPP relational DBMS. The upshot was that I was quoted in Computerworld and paraphrased in GigaOm as being a little more negative on MapReduce than I really am, in line with my comment

Frankly, my views on MapReduce are more balanced than [my] weary negativity would seem to imply.

Tuesday afternoon the dial turned a couple notches more positive yet, when I talked with Michael Olson and Jeff Hammerbacher of Cloudera. Cloudera is a new company, built around the open source MapReduce implementation Hadoop. So far Cloudera gives away its Hadoop distribution, without charging for any sort of maintenance or subscription, and just gets revenue from professional services. Presumably, Cloudera plans for this business model to change down the road.

Much of our discussion revolved around Facebook, where Jeff directed a huge and diverse Hadoop effort. Apparently, Hadoop played much of the role of an enterprise data warehouse at Facebook — at least for clickstream/network data — including:

Some Facebook data, however, was put into an Oracle RAC cluster for business intelligence. And Jeff does concede that query execution is slower in Hadoop than in a relational DBMS. Hadoop was also used to build the index for Facebook’s custom text search engine.

Jeff’s reasons for liking Hadoop over relational DBMS at Facebook included: Read more

January 28, 2009

More Oracle notes

When I went to Oracle in October, the main purpose of the visit was to discuss Exadata. And so my initial post based on the visit was focused accordingly. But there were a number of other interesting points I’ve never gotten around to writing up. Let me now remedy that, at least in part. Read more

November 7, 2008

Big scientific databases need to be stored somehow

A year ago, Mike Stonebraker observed that conventional DBMS don’t necessarily do a great job on scientific data, and further pointed out that different kinds of science might call for different data access methods. Even so, some of the largest databases around are scientific ones, and they have to be managed somehow. For example:

Long-term, I imagine that the most suitable DBMS for these purposes will be MPP systems with strong datatype extensibility — e.g., DB2, PostgreSQL-based Greenplum, PostgreSQL-based Aster nCluster, or maybe Oracle.

October 14, 2008

Teradata Geospatial, and datatype extensibility in general

As part of it’s 13.0 release this week, Teradata is productizing its geospatial datatype, which previously was just a downloadable library. (Edit:  More precisely, Teradata announced 13.0, which will actually be shipped some time in 2009.) What Teradata Geospatial now amounts to is:

Teradata also intends in the future to implement actual geospatial indexing; candidates include r-trees and tesselation.

Hearing this was a good wake-up call for me, because in the past I’ve conflated two issues on datatype extensibility, namely:

But as Teradata just pointed out, those two issues can indeed be separated from each other.

October 5, 2008

Schema flexibility and XML data management

Conor O’Mahony, marketing manager for IBM’s DB2 pureXML, talks a lot about one of my favorite hobbyhorses — schema flexibility — as a reason to use an XML data model. In a number of industries he sees use cases based around ongoing change in the information being managed:

Conor also thinks market evidence shows that XML’s schema flexibility is important for data interchange. Read more

October 5, 2008

Vertical market XML standards

Tracking the alphabet soup of vertical market XML standards is hard. So as a starting point, I’m splitting a list I got from IBM into a standalone post.

Among the most important or successful IBM pureXMLsupported standards, in terms of downloads and other evidence of customer interest, are: Read more

October 5, 2008

Overview of IBM DB2 pureXML

On August 29, I had a great call with IBM about DB2 pureXML (most of the IBM side of the talking was done by Conor O’Mahony and Qi Jin). I’m finally getting around to writing it up now. (The world of tabular data warehousing has kept me just a wee bit busy …)

As I write it, I see there are a considerable number of holes, but that’s the way it seems to go when researching XML storage. I’m also writing up a September call from which I finally figured out (I think) the essence of how MarkLogic Server works – but only after five months of trying. It turns out that MarkLogic works rather differently from DB2 pureXML. Not coincidentally, IBM and Mark Logic focus on rather different use cases for native XML storage.

What I understand so far about the basic DB2 pureXML architecture goes like this: Read more

October 5, 2008

MarkLogic architecture deep dive

While I previously posted in great detail about how MarkLogic Server is an ACID-compliant XML-oriented DBMS with integrated text search that indexes everything in real time and executes range queries fairly quickly, I didn’t have a good feel for how all those apparently contradictory characteristics fit into a single product. But I finally had a call with Mark Logic Director of Engineering Ron Avnur, and think I have a better grasp of the MarkLogic architecture and story.

Ron described MarkLogic Server as a DBMS for trees. Read more

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