Theory and architecture

Analysis of design choices in databases and database management systems. Related subjects include:

October 10, 2011

Text data management, Part 2: General and short-request

This is Part 2 of a three post series. The posts cover:

  1. Confusion about text data management.
  2. Choices for text data management (general and short-request).
  3. Choices for text data management (analytic).

I’ve recently given widely varied advice about managing text (and similar files — images and so on), ranging from

Sure, just keep going with your old strategy of keeping .PDFs in the file system and pointing to them from the relational database. That’s an easy performance optimization vs. having the RDBMS manage them as BLOBs.


I suspect MongoDB isn’t heavyweight enough for your document management needs, let alone just dumping everything into Hadoop. Why don’t you take a look at MarkLogic?

Here are some reasons why.

There are three basic kinds of text management use case:

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October 10, 2011

Text data management, Part 1: Confusion

This is Part 1 of a three post series. The posts cover:

  1. Confusion about text data management.
  2. Choices for text data management (general and short-request).
  3. Choices for text data management (analytic).

There’s much confusion about the management of text data, among technology users, vendors, and investors alike. Reasons seems to include:

Above all: The use cases for text data vary greatly, just as the use cases for simply-structured databases do.

There are probably fewer people now than there were six years ago who need to be told that text and relational database management are very different things. Other misconceptions, however, appear to be on the rise. Specific points that are commonly overlooked include: Read more

October 2, 2011

Defining NoSQL

A reporter tweeted:  “Is there a simple plain English definition for NoSQL?” After reminding him of my cynical yet accurate Third Law of Commercial Semantics, I gave it a serious try, and came up with the following. More precisely, I tweeted the bolded parts of what’s below; the rest is commentary added for this post.

NoSQL is most easily defined by what it excludes: SQL, joins, strong analytic alternatives to those, and some forms of database integrity. If you leave all four out, and you have a strong scale-out story, you’re in the NoSQL mainstream. Read more

September 30, 2011

Oracle NoSQL is unlikely to be a big deal

Alex Williams noticed that there will be a NoSQL session at Oracle OpenWorld next week, and is wondering whether this will be a big deal. I think it won’t be.

There really are three major points to NoSQL.

Oracle can address the latter two points as aggressively as it wishes via MySQL. It so happens I would generally recommend MySQL enhanced by dbShards, Schooner, and/or dbShards/Schooner, rather than Oracle-only MySQL … but that’s a detail. In some form or other, Oracle’s MySQL is a huge player in the scale-out, open source, short-request database management market.

So that leaves us with dynamic schemas. Oracle has at least four different sets of technology in that area:

If Oracle is now refreshing and rebranding one or more of these as “NoSQL”, there’s no reason to view that as a big deal at all.

*That’s Mike Olson’s former company, if you’re keeping score at home.

September 25, 2011

Workload management and RAM

Closing out my recent round of Teradata-related posts, here’s a little anomaly:

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September 24, 2011

Confusion about Teradata’s big customers

Evidently further attempts to get information on this subject would be fruitless, but anyhow:

September 22, 2011

DataStax pivots back to its original strategy

The DataStax and Cassandra stories are somewhat confusing. Unfortunately, DataStax chose to clarify them in what has turned out to be a crazy news week. I’m going to use this post just to report on the status of the DataStax product line, without going into any analysis beyond that.

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September 22, 2011

Hybrid-columnar soundbites

Busy couple of days talking with reporters. A few notes on hybrid-columnar analytic DBMS, all backed up by yesterday’s post on Teradata columnar:

Edit: The Wall Street Journal got this wrong, writing that Teradata was the first-ever hybrid columnar system. Specifically, they wrote

While columnar technology has been around for years, Teradata says its product is unique because it allows users to include both columns and rows in the same database.

Googling on “Teradata To Unveil New Analytics Product To Speed Business Adoption” might get you around the paywall to see the offending piece.

September 22, 2011

Aster Database Release 5 and Teradata Aster appliance

It was obviously just a matter of time before there would be an Aster appliance from Teradata and some tuned bidirectional Teradata-Aster connectivity. These have now been announced. I didn’t notice anything particularly surprising in the details of either. About the biggest excitement is that Aster is traditionally a Red Hat shop, but for the purposes of appliance delivery has now embraced SUSE Linux.

Along with the announcements comes updated positioning such as:

and of course

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September 22, 2011

Teradata Columnar and Teradata 14 compression

Teradata is pre-announcing Teradata 14, for delivery by the end of this year, where by “Teradata 14” I mean the latest version of the DBMS that drives the classic Teradata product line. Teradata 14’s flagship feature is Teradata Columnar, a hybrid-columnar offering that follows in the footsteps of Greenplum (now part of EMC) and Aster Data (now part of Teradata).

The basic idea of Teradata Columnar is:

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