Columnar database management

Analysis of products and issues in column-oriented database management systems. Related subjects include:

August 16, 2008

Exasol technical briefing

It took 5 ½ months after my non-technical introduction, but I finally got a briefing from Exasol’s technical folks (specifically, the very helpful Mathias Golombek and Carsten Weidmann). Here are some highlights: Read more

August 14, 2008

Patent nonsense in the data warehouse DBMS market

There are two recent patent lawsuits in the data warehouse DBMS market. In one, Sybase is suing Vertica. In another, an individual named Cary Jardin (techie founder of XPrime, a sort of predecessor company to ParAccel) is suing DATAllegro. Naturally, there’s press coverage of the DATAllegro case, due in part to its surely non-coincidental timing right after the Microsoft acquisition was announced and in part to a vigorous PR campaign around it. And the Sybase case so excited a troll who calls himself Bill Walters that he posted identical references to it on about 12 different threads in this blog, as well as to a variety of Vertica-related articles in the online trade press. But I think it’s very unlikely that any of these cases turn out to much matter. Read more

August 12, 2008

Compare/constrast of Vertica, ParAccel, and Exasol

I talked with Exasol today – at 5:00 am! — and of course want to blog about it. For clarity, I’d like to start by comparing/contrasting the fundamental data structures at Vertica, ParAccel, and Exasol. And it feels like that should be a separate post. So here goes.

Beyond the above, I plan to discuss in a separate post how Exasol does MPP shared-nothing software-only columnar data warehouse database management differently than Vertica and ParAccel do shared-nothing software-only columnar data warehouse database management. 🙂

August 8, 2008

Database compression coming to the fore

I’ve posted extensively about data-warehouse-focused DBMS’ compression, which can be a major part of their value proposition. Most notable, perhaps, is a short paper Mike Stonebraker wrote for this blog — before he and his fellow researchers started their own blog — on column-stores’ advantages in compression over row stores. Compression has long been a big part of the DATAllegro story, while Netezza got into the compression game just recently. Part of Teradata’s pricing disadvantage may stem from weak compression results. And so on.

Well, the general-purpose DBMS vendors are working busily at compression too. Microsoft SQL Server 2008 exploits compression in several ways (basic data storage, replication/log shipping, backup). And Oracle offers compression too, as per this extensive writeup by Don Burleson.

If I had to sum up what we do and don’t know about database compression, I guess I’d start with this:

Compression is one of the most important features a database management system can have, since it creates large savings in storage and sometimes non-trivial gains in performance as well. Hence, it should be a key item in any DBMS purchase decision.

August 6, 2008

Column stores vs. vertically-partitioned row stores

Daniel Abadi and Sam Madden followed up their post on column stores vs. fully-indexed row stores with one about column stores vs. vertically-partitioned row stores. Once again, the apparently reasonable way to set up the row-store database backfired badly.* Read more

August 5, 2008

Daniel Abadi and Sam Madden on column stores vs. indexed row stores

Daniel Abadi and Sam Madden — for whom I have the highest regard after our discussions regarding H-Store — wrote a blog post on Vertica’s behalf, arguing that column stores are far superior to fully-indexed row stores for not-very-selective queries. They link to a SIGMOD paper backing their argument up, provide some diagrams, and generally make a detailed case. As best I understand, here are some highlights: Read more

August 4, 2008

QlikTech/QlikView update

I talked with Anthony Deighton of memory-centric BI vendor QlikTech for an hour and a half this afternoon. QlikTech is quite the success story, with disclosed 2007 revenue of $80 million, up 80% year over year, and confidential year-to-date 2008 figures that do not disappoint as a follow-on. And a look at the QlikTech’s QlikView product makes it easy to understand how this success might have come about.

Let me start by reviewing QlikTech’s technology, as best I understand it.

Read more

May 29, 2008

Yahoo scales its web analytics database to petabyte range

Information Week has an article with details on what sounds like Yahoo’s core web analytics database. Highlights include:

May 22, 2008

Netezza on compression

Phil Francisco put up a nice post on Netezza’s company blog about a month ago, explaining the Netezza compression story. Highlights include:

May 8, 2008

Vertica update

Another TDWI conference approaches. Not coincidentally, I had another Vertica briefing. Primary subjects included some embargoed stuff, plus (at my instigation) outsourced data marts. But I also had the opportunity to follow up on a couple of points from February’s briefing, namely:

Vertica has about 35 paying customers. That doesn’t sound like a lot more than they had a quarter ago, but first quarters can be slow.

Vertica’s list price is $150K/terabyte of user data. That sounds very high versus the competition. On the other hand, if you do the math versus what they told me a few months ago — average initial selling price $250K or less, multi-terabyte sites — it’s obvious that discounting is rampant, so I wouldn’t actually assume that Vertica is a high-priced alternative.

Vertica does stress several reasons for thinking its TCO is competitive. First, with all that compression and performance, they think their hardware costs are very modest. Second, with the self-tuning, they think their DBA costs are modest too. Finally, they charge only for deployed data; the software that stores copies of data for development and test is free.

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