DBMS product categories

Analysis of database management technology in specific product categories. Related subjects include:

June 7, 2009

Daniel Abadi on Kickfire and related subjects

Daniel Abadi has a new blog, whose first post centers around Kickfire.  The money quote is (emphasis mine):

In order for me to get excited about Kickfire, I have to ignore Mike Stonebraker’s voice in my head telling me that DBMS hardware companies have been launched many times in the past are ALWAYS fail (the main reasoning is that Moore’s law allows for commodity hardware to catch up in performance, eventually making the proprietary hardware overpriced and irrelevant). But given that Moore’s law is transforming into increased parallelism rather than increased raw speed, maybe hardware DBMS companies can succeed now where they have failed in the past

Good point.

More generally, Abadi speculates about the market for MySQL-compatible data warehousing.  My responses include:

Anyhow, as previously noted, I’m a big Daniel Abadi fan. I look forward to seeing what else he posts in his blog, and am optimistic he’ll live up to or exceed its stated goals.

May 22, 2009

Yet more on MySQL forks and storage engines

The issue of MySQL forks and their possible effect on closed-source storage engine vendors continues to get attention.  The underlying question is:

Suppose Oracle wants to make life difficult for third-party storage engine vendors via its incipient control of MySQL?  Can the storage engine vendors insulate themselves from this risk by working with a MySQL fork?

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May 15, 2009

MySQL forking heats up, but not yet to the benefit of non-GPLed storage engine vendors

Last month, I wrote “This is a REALLY good time to actively strengthen the MySQL forkers,” largely on behalf of closed-source/dual-source MySQL storage engine vendors such as Infobright, Kickfire, Calpont, Tokutek, or ScaleDB. Yesterday, two of my three candidates to lead the effort — namely Monty Widenius/MariaDB/Monty Program AB and Percona — came together to form something called the Open Database Alliance.  Details may be found:

But there’s no joy for the non-GPLed MySQL storage engine vendors in the early news. Read more

May 14, 2009

The secret sauce to Clearpace’s compression

In an introduction to archiving vendor Clearpace last December, I noted that Clearpace claimed huge compression successes for its NParchive product (Clearpace likes to use a figure of 40X), but didn’t give much reason that NParchive could compress a lot more effectively than other columnar DBMS. Let me now follow up on that.

To the extent there’s a Clearpace secret sauce, it seems to lie in NParchive’s unusual data access method.  NParchive doesn’t just tokenize the values in individual columns; it tokenizes multi-column fragments of rows.  Which particular columns to group together in that way seems to be decided automagically; the obvious guess is that this is based on estimates of the cardinality of their Cartesian products.

Of the top of my head, examples for which this strategy might be particularly successful include:

May 8, 2009

Oracle’s hardware strategy

Larry Ellison stated clearly in an email interview with Reuters (links here and here) that Oracle intends to keep Sun’s hardware business and indeed intends to invest in the SPARC chip. Naturally, I have a few thoughts about this.

As Stephen O’Grady points out, Sun’s main strength lay in selling to the large enterprise market. Well, that’s Oracle’s overwhelming focus too. As I noted two years ago:

One Oracle response is to provide lots of add-on technologies for high-end customers, on the database and middle tiers alike. In app servers it’s done surprisingly well against BEA. It’s sold a lot of clustering. And it’s bought into and tried to popularize niche technologies like TimesTen and Tangosol’s.

This all makes perfect sense – it’s a great fit for Oracle’s best customers, and a way to get thousands of extra dollars per server from enterprises that may already have bought all-you-can-eat licenses to the Oracle DBMS. And being so sensible, it fits into the Clayton Christensen disruption story in two ways:

  1. Oracle may be helpless against mid-tier competition, but it sure has the high-end core of its market locked up.

  2. As one type of technology is commoditized, value is created in other parts of the technology stack.

Oracle’s ongoing acquisition spree in system software, application software, and now hardware just supports that story. MySQL, embedded Java, and so on may be welcome to Oracle as yet more opportunities to tap additional markets — but Oracle’s emphasis is and surely will remain on the large enterprise market.

The next notable point may be found in Larry’s key quote: Read more

April 30, 2009

eBay’s two enormous data warehouses

A few weeks ago, I had the chance to visit eBay, meet briefly with Oliver Ratzesberger and his team, and then catch up later with Oliver for dinner. I’ve already alluded to those discussions in a couple of posts, specifically on MapReduce (which eBay doesn’t like) and the astonishingly great difference between high- and low-end disk drives (to which eBay clued me in). Now I’m finally getting around to writing about the core of what we discussed, which is two of the very largest data warehouses in the world.

Metrics on eBay’s main Teradata data warehouse include:

Metrics on eBay’s Greenplum data warehouse (or, if you like, data mart) include:

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April 28, 2009

Data warehouse storage options — cheap, expensive, or solid-state disk drives

This is a long post, so I’m going to recap the highlights up front. In the opinion of somebody I have high regard for, namely Carson Schmidt of Teradata:

In other news, Carson likes 10 Gigabit Ethernet, dislikes Infiniband, and is “ecstatic” about Intel’s Nehalem, which will be the basis for Teradata’s next generation of servers.

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April 24, 2009

Some DB2 highlights

I chatted with IBM Thursday, about recent and imminent releases of DB2 (9.5 through 9.7). Highlights included:

April 22, 2009

MySQL miscellany

For a guy who doesn’t go to the MySQL conference and routinely gets flamed by the MySQL community for being insufficiently adoring of their beloved product, I sure have been putting up a lot of MySQL-related posts recently. Here’s another, zooming through a few different topics. Read more

April 21, 2009

I don’t see why the GPL would be a major barrier to a useful MySQL fork

I posted suggesting that substantial elements of the MySQL community should throw their weight behind MySQL forks. Mike Olson of Cloudera helpfully pointed out, on Twitter and by email, how the GPL could appear to stand in the way of such an effort. But would it really?

Currently, any version of the MySQL code that isn’t proprietary to the MySQL company — which is owned by Sun and hence expected to be owned soon by Oracle — is covered by GPL 2. That license states (emphasis mine):

Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of running the Program is not restricted,

Hence it is hard for me to see how the MySQL company could in any way hinder another software vendor from saying “Please buy my software, then go download a free copy of GPLed MySQL and run the two together.”*

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