Open source
Discussion of relational database management systems that are offered through some version of open source licensing. Related subjects include:
Why I’m so forward-leaning about Hadoop features
In my recent series of Hadoop posts, there were several cases where I had to choose between recommending that enterprises:
- Go with the most advanced features any vendor was credibly advocating.
- Be more cautious, and only adopt features that have been solidly proven in the field.
I favored the more advanced features each time. Here’s why.
To a first approximation, I divide Hadoop use cases into two major buckets, only one of which I was addressing with my comments:
1. Analytic data management.* Here I favored features over reliability because they are more important, for Hadoop as for analytic RDBMS before it. When somebody complains about an analytic data store not being ready for prime time, never really working, or causing them to tear their hair out, what they usually mean is that:
- It couldn’t do the work that needed doing …
- … with reasonable performance and turnaround time …
- … without undue effort in administration and/or programming.
Those complaints are much, much, more frequent than “It crashed”. So it was for Netezza, DATAllegro, Greenplum, Aster Data, Vertica, Infobright, et al. So it also is for Hadoop. And how does one address those complaints? By performance and feature enhancements, of the kind that the Hadoop community is introducing at high speed. Read more
Categories: Buying processes, Data warehousing, EAI, EII, ETL, ELT, ETLT, Hadoop, HBase, Hortonworks, Open source | 1 Comment |
Notes on HBase 0.92
This is part of a four-post series, covering:
- Annoying Hadoop marketing themes that should be ignored.
- Hadoop versions and distributions, and their readiness or lack thereof for production.
- In general, how “enterprise-ready” is Hadoop?
- HBase 0.92 (this post)
As part of my recent round of Hadoop research, I talked with Cloudera’s Todd Lipcon. Naturally, one of the subjects was HBase, and specifically HBase 0.92. I gather that the major themes to HBase 0.92 are:
- Performance, scalability, and so on.
- “Coprocessors”, which are like triggers or stored procedures.
- Security, as the first major application of co-processors.
HBase coprocessors are Java code that links straight into HBase. As with other DBMS extensions of the “links straight into the DBMS code” kind,* HBase coprocessors seem best suited for very sophisticated users and third parties.** Evidently, coprocessors have already been used to make HBase security more granular — role-based, per-column-family/per-table, etc. Further, Todd thinks coprocessors could serve as a good basis for future HBase enhancements in areas such as aggregation or secondary indexing. Read more
Categories: Benchmarks and POCs, Cloudera, Hadoop, HBase, MapReduce, NoSQL, Open source, Storage, Theory and architecture | 2 Comments |
“Enterprise-ready Hadoop”
This is part of a four-post series, covering:
- Annoying Hadoop marketing themes that should be ignored.
- Hadoop versions and distributions, and their readiness or lack thereof for production.
- In general, how “enterprise-ready” is Hadoop (this post)?
- HBase 0.92.
The posts depend on each other in various ways.
Cloudera, Hortonworks, and MapR all claim, in effect, “Our version of Hadoop is enterprise-ready, unlike those other guys’.” I’m dubious.
- Hortonworks has considerably fewer features than Cloudera, along with less of a production or support track record. (Edit: HCatalog may be a significant exception.)
- I doubt Cloudera really believes or can support the apparent claim in its CDH 4 press release that Hadoop is now suitable for every enterprise, whereas last month it wasn’t.
- While MapR was early with some nice enterprise features, such as high availability or certain management UI elements — quickly imitated in Cloudera Enterprise — I don’t think it has any special status as “enterprise-ready” either.
That said, “enterprise-ready Hadoop” really is an important topic.
So what does it mean for something to be “enterprise-ready”, in whole or in part? Common themes in distinguishing between “enterprise-class” and other software include:
- Usable by our existing staff.
- Sufficiently feature-rich.
- Integrates well with the rest of our environment.
- Fits well into our purchasing and vendor relations model.
- Well-supported.
- Sufficiently reliable, proven, and secure — which is to say, “safe”.
For Hadoop, as for most things, these concepts overlap in many ways. Read more
Categories: Buying processes, Cloudera, Clustering, Hadoop, HBase, Hortonworks, MapR, MapReduce, Open source | 9 Comments |
Metamarkets Druid overview
This is part of a three-post series:
- Introduction to Metamarkets and Druid
- Druid overview (this post)
- Metamarkets’ back-end technology
My clients at Metamarkets are planning to open source part of their technology, called Druid, which is described in the Druid section of Metamarkets’ blog. The timing of when this will happen is a bit unclear; I know the target date under NDA, but it’s not set in stone. But if you care, you can probably contact the company to get involved earlier than the official unveiling.
I imagine that open-source Druid will be pretty bare-bones in its early days. Code was first checked in early in 2011, and Druid seems to have averaged around 1 full-time developer since then. What’s more, it’s not obvious that all the features I’m citing here will be open-sourced; indeed, some of the ones I’m describing probably won’t be.
In essence, Druid is a distributed analytic DBMS. Druid’s design choices are best understood when you recall that it was invented to support Metamarkets’ large-scale, RAM-speed, internet marketing/personalization SaaS (Software as a Service) offering. In particular:
- Druid tries to use RAM well.
- Druid tries to stay up all the time.
- Druid has multi-valued fields. (Numeric, but of course you can use encoding tricks to be effectively more general.)
- Druid’s big limitation is to assume that there’s literally only one (denormalized) table per query; you can’t even join to dimension tables.
- SQL is a bit of an afterthought; I would expect Druid’s SQL functionality to be pretty stripped-down out of the gate.
Interestingly, the single-table/multi-valued choice is echoed at WibiData, which deals with similar data sets. However, WibiData’s use cases are different from Metamarkets’, and in most respects the WibiData architecture is quite different from that of Metamarkets/Druid.
Introduction to Metamarkets and Druid
I previously dropped a few hints about my clients at Metamarkets, mentioning that they:
- Have built vertical-market analytic platform technology.
- Use a lot of Hadoop.
- Throw good parties. (That’s where the background photo on my Twitter page comes from.)
But while they’re a joy to talk with, writing about Metamarkets has been frustrating, with many hours and pages of wasted of effort. Even so, I’m trying again, in a three-post series:
- Introduction to Metamarkets and Druid (this post)
- Druid overview
- Metamarkets’ back-end technology
Much like Workday, Inc., Metamarkets is a SaaS (Software as a Service) company, with numerous tiers of servers and an affinity for doing things in RAM. That’s where most of the similarities end, however, as Metamarkets is a much smaller company than Workday, doing very different things.
Metamarkets’ business is SaaS (Software as a Service) business intelligence, on large data sets, with low latency in both senses (fresh data can be queried on, and the queries happen at RAM speed). As you might imagine, Metamarkets is used by digital marketers and other kinds of internet companies, whose data typically wants to be in the cloud anyway. Approximate metrics for Metamarkets (and it may well have exceeded these by now) include 10 customers, 100,000 queries/day, 80 billion 100-byte events/month (before summarization), 20 employees, 1 popular CEO, and a metric ton of venture capital.
To understand how Metamarkets’ technology works, it probably helps to start by realizing: Read more
Thinking about market segments
It is a reasonable (over)simplification to say that my business boils down to:
- Advising vendors what/how to sell.
- Advising users what/how to buy.
One complication that commonly creeps in is that different groups of users have different buying practices and technology needs. Usually, I nod to that point in passing, perhaps by listing different application areas for a company or product. But now let’s address it head on. Whether or not you care about the particulars, I hope the sheer length of this post reminds you that there are many different market segments out there.
Last June I wrote:
In almost any IT decision, there are a number of environmental constraints that need to be acknowledged. Organizations may have standard vendors, favored vendors, or simply vendors who give them particularly deep discounts. Legacy systems are in place, application and system alike, and may or may not be open to replacement. Enterprises may have on-premise or off-premise preferences; SaaS (Software as a Service) vendors probably have multitenancy concerns. Your organization can determine which aspects of your system you’d ideally like to see be tightly integrated with each other, and which you’d prefer to keep only loosely coupled. You may have biases for or against open-source software. You may be pro- or anti-appliance. Some applications have a substantial need for elastic scaling. And some kinds of issues cut across multiple areas, such as budget, timeframe, security, or trained personnel.
I’d further say that it matters whether the buyer:
- Is a large central IT organization.
- Is the well-staffed IT organization of a particular business department.
- Is a small, frazzled IT organization.
- Has strong engineering or technical skills, but less in the way of IT specialists.
- Is trying to skate by without much technical knowledge of any kind.
Now let’s map those considerations (and others) to some specific market segments. Read more
DataStax Enterprise and Cassandra revisited
My last post about DataStax Enterprise and Cassandra didn’t go so well. As follow-up, I chatted for two hours with Rick Branson and Billy Bosworth of DataStax. Hopefully I can do better this time around.
For starters, let me say there are three kinds of data management nodes in DataStax Enterprise:
- Vanilla Cassandra.
- Cassandra plus Solr. Solr is a superset of the text-indexing system Lucene.
- Solr adds a lot more secondary indexing to Cassandra.
- In addition, these nodes serve as Solr emulation; you can run generic Solr apps on them.
- Cassandra plus Hadoop.
- You can use Hadoop MapReduce to manipulate generic Cassandra data.
- In addition, these nodes serve as Hadoop/HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) emulation; you can run generic Hadoop apps on them.
- Hadoop jobs can interweave access to the two kinds of data structure.
Cassandra, Solr, Lucene, and Hadoop are all Apache projects.
If we look at this from the standpoint of DML (Data Manipulation Language) and data access APIs:
- Cassandra is a column-group kind of NoSQL DBMS. You can get at its data programmatically.
- There’s something called CQL (Cassandra Query Language), said to be SQL-like.
- There’s a JDBC driver for CQL.
- With Hadoop MapReduce also come Hive, Pig, and Sqoop.
- With Solr and Lucene come full-text search.
In addition, it is sometimes recommended that you use “in-entity caching”, where an entire data structure (e.g. in JSON) winds up in a single Cassandra column.
The two main ways to get direct SQL* access to data in DataStax Enterprise are:
- Hive/Hadoop.
*or very SQL-like, depending on how you view things
Before going further, let’s recall some Cassandra basics: Read more
Categories: Cassandra, DataStax, Hadoop, MapReduce, Market share and customer counts, NoSQL, Open source, Text | 6 Comments |
The 2011/2012 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence Platforms — company-by-company comments
This is one of a series of posts on business intelligence and related analytic technology subjects, keying off the 2011/2012 version of the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence Platforms. The four posts in the series cover:
- Overview comments about the 2011/2012 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence Platforms, as well as a link to the actual document.
- Business intelligence industry trends — some of Gartner’s thoughts but mainly my own.
- (This post) Company-by-company comments based on the 2011/2012 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence Platforms.
- Third-party analytics, pulling together and expanding on some points I made in the first three posts.
The heart of Gartner Group’s 2011/2012 Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence Platforms was the company comments. I shall expound upon some, roughly in declining order of Gartner’s “Completeness of Vision” scores, dubious though those rankings may be. Read more
Quick notes on MySQL Cluster
According to the MySQL Cluster home page, today’s MySQL Cluster release has — give or take terminology details 🙂 — added transparent sharding (Edit: Actually, please see the first comment below) and a memcached interface. My quick comments on all this to a reporter a couple of days ago were:
- Persistent memcached is a useful thing. Couchbase’s sales illustrate that point:
- MySQL has always given good performance when used just as a key-value store, e.g. . So it’s reasonable to hope the memcached interface will have good performance out of the box.
- MySQL’s clustering capabilities have long been weak, providing a window of opportunity for companies and products such as Schooner Information and dbShards. The gold standard for clustering is:
- Efficient transparent sharding:
- Synchronous replication at much better than two-phase-commit speeds.
I don’t really know enough about MySQL Cluster right now to comment in more detail.
Categories: Clustering, memcached, MySQL, NoSQL, OLTP, Open source | 2 Comments |
Comments on the analytic DBMS industry and Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for same
This year’s Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Warehouse Database Management Systems is out.* I shall now comment, just as I did on the 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, and 2006 Gartner Data Warehouse Database Management System Magic Quadrants, to varying extents. To frame the discussion, let me start by saying:
- In general, I regard Gartner Magic Quadrants as a bad use of good research.
- Illustrating the uselessness of — or at least poor execution on — the overall quadrant metaphor, a large majority of the vendors covered are lined up near the line x = y, each outpacing the one below in both of the quadrant’s dimensions.
- I find fewer specifics to disagree with in this Gartner Magic Quadrant than in previous year’s versions. Two factors jump to mind as possible reasons:
- This year’s Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Warehouse Database Management Systems is somewhat less ambitious than others; while it gives as much company detail as its predecessors, it doesn’t add as much discussion of overall trends. So there’s less to (potentially) disagree with.
- Merv Adrian is now at Gartner.
- Whatever the problems may be with Gartner’s approach, the whole thing comes out better than do Forrester’s failed imitations.
*As of February, 2012 — and surely for many months thereafter — Teradata is graciously paying for a link to the report.
Specific company comments, roughly in line with Gartner’s rough single-dimensional rank ordering, include: Read more