Analysis of database management systems designed with a focus on OTLP (OnLine Transaction Processing) uses.
Hasso Plattner calls for in-memory OLTP column stores
Former SAP CEO Hasso Plattner has written a paper called A Common Database Approach for OLTP and OLAP Using an In-Memory Column Database, in association with a SIGMOD keynote address.* The approach Plattner advocates is an MPP in-memory column store, presumably somewhat akin to SAP’s frequently renamed Business Warehouse Accelerator/Business Intelligence Accelerator/BWA/BIA/Son-of-TREX technology. There also are strong similarities to the MPP in-memory row store project H-Store/VoltDB, although I don’t know whether Plattner would go so far as to adopt the H-Store view that all transactions should run in stored procedures. Unsurprisingly, SAP applications are used as the OLTP paradigm throughout.
*Thanks to Dave Kellogg for tipping me off to Plattner’s paper. I only went to two SIGMOD sessions, neither of which was Plattner’s. Nobody actually mentioned Plattner’s talk to me when I was down at SIGMOD.
Perhaps the most interesting part is Plattner’s claim that what’s demanding about OLTP isn’t database updating per se, but rather maintaining aggregates for quick-response analytics. In his main example of that point, Plattner proposes a real-life “more than 18” table schema, of which 2 are base tables, and (most of?) the rest are materialized views that his proposed database architecture dispenses with (because analytic performance is sufficiently good without them). Thus, Plattner’s core columnar argument seemingly is
columnar –> natively fast analytics –> no need to maintain aggregates –> much lower update burden.
That said — if Plattner’s paper contained a clear statement of how much more expensive it is to insert or update a single row in a columnar vs. row-based system, I overlooked it. Instead, Plattner seems to be arguing that the volume of base-table updates is low enough that — whatever it may be — column-store update overhead is an acceptable price to pay. (At one point he claims that only 5% of the data inserted in a financial application ever gets changed.) That may actually be true in a financial accounting system, but seems more questionable in a sufficiently large application that gets its updates from automatic devices, or from the consumer web.
Other highlights include: Read more
Eric Lai emailed today to ask what I thought about the NoSQL folks, and especially whether I thought their ideas were useful for enterprises in general, as opposed to just Web 2.0 companies. That was the first I heard of NoSQL, which seems to be a community discussing SQL alternatives popular among the cloud/big-web-company set, such as BigTable, Hadoop, Cassandra and so on. My short answers are:
- In most cases, no.
- Most of these technologies are designed for simple, high-volume OLTP (OnLine Transaction Processing.) Most large enterprises have an established way of doing OLTP, probably via relational database management systems. Why change?
- MapReduce is an exception, in that it’s designed for analytics. MapReduce may be useful for enterprises. But where it is, it probably should be integrated into an analytic DBMS.
- There’s one big countervailing factor to all these generalities — schema flexibility.
As for the longer form, let me start by noting that there are two main kinds of reason for not liking SQL. Read more
H-Store is now VoltDB
I’ve always honored more of an NDA about the H-Store project and its commercialization than I really felt obligated to, given how freely information was being bandied about to others. I’m still doing so. 🙂
But I think I’ll at least say that the H-Store project is now named VoltDB. The VoltDB website names two individuals — Mike Stonebraker and Andy Palmer — both of whom are founders of Vertica. Job listings on the site are for field engineer and trainer, but not developer, so that suggests something about the project’s/product’s maturity level.
If you have an extreme OLTP need, you should talk to VoltDB. If you don’t have access to Mike or Andy directly, I can hook you up with a key VoltDB marketing/outreach guy. Price may not be as much of a barrier as you’d initially fear.
If anybody from VoltDB wants to be less cloak-and-daggery and say more in the comment thread, I’d be pleased.
And yes — an open-secret working name for H-Store/VoltDB was, for a while, “Horizontica.”
Categories: In-memory DBMS, Memory-centric data management, OLTP, Vertica Systems, VoltDB and H-Store | 15 Comments |
Some DB2 highlights
I chatted with IBM Thursday, about recent and imminent releases of DB2 (9.5 through 9.7). Highlights included:
- DB2 is getting Oracle emulation, which I posted about separately.
- IBM says that it had >50 new DB2 data warehouse customers last year. I neglected to ask how many of these had been general-purpose DB2 customers all along.
- By “data warehouse customer” I mean a user for InfoSphere Warehouse, which previously was called DB2’s DPF (Data Partitioning Feature). Apparently, this includes both logical and physical partitioning. E.g., DB2 isn’t shared-nothing without this feature.
- IBM is proud of DB2’s compression, which it claims commonly reaches 70-80%. It calls this “industry-leading” in comparison to Oracle, SQL Server, and other general-purpose relational DBMS.
- DB2 compression’s overall effect on performance stems from a trade-off between I/O (lessened) and CPU burden (increased). For OLTP workloads, this is about a wash. For data warehousing workloads, IBM says 20% performance improvement from compression is average.
- DB2 now has its version of one of my favorite Oracle security features, called Label Based Access Control. A label-control feature can make it much easier to secure data on a row-by-row, value-by-value basis. The obvious big user is national intelligence, followed by financial services. IBM says the health care industry also has interest in LBAC.
- Also in the security area, IBM reworked DB2’s audit feature for 9.5
- I think what I heard in our discussion of DB2 virtualization is:
- Increasingly, IBM is seeing production use of VMware, rather than just test/development.
- IBM believes it is a much closer partner to VMware than Oracle or Microsoft is, because it’s not pushing its own competing technology.
- Generally, virtualization is more important for OLTP workloads than data warehousing ones, because OLTP apps commonly only need part of the resources of a node while data warehousing often wants the whole node.
- AIX data warehousing is an exception. I think this is because AIX equates to big SMP boxes, and virtualization lets you spread out the data warehousing processing across more nodes, with the usual parallel I/O benefits.
- When IBM talks of new autonomic/self-tuning features in DB2, they’re used mainly for databases under 1 terabyte in size. Indeed, the self-tuning feature set doesn’t work with InfoSphere Warehouse.
- Even with the self-tuning feature it sounds as if you need at least a couple of DBA hours per instance per week, on average.
- DB2 on Linux/Unix/Windows has introduced some enhanced workload management features analogous to those long found in mainframe DB2. For example, resource allocation rules can be scheduled by time. (The point of workload management is to allocate resources such as CPU or I/O among the simultaneous queries or other tasks that contend for them.) Workload management rules can have thresholds for amounts of resources consumed, after which the priority for a task can go up (“Get it over with!”) or down (“Stop hogging my system!”).
Categories: Application areas, Data warehousing, Database compression, IBM and DB2, Market share and customer counts, OLTP, Parallelization, Workload management | 2 Comments |
Ordinary OLTP DBMS vs. memory-centric processing
A correspondent from China wrote in to ask about products that matched the following application scenario: Read more
Categories: In-memory DBMS, McObject, Memory-centric data management, OLTP, Oracle TimesTen, solidDB | 7 Comments |
Data warehouse load speeds in the spotlight
Syncsort and Vertica combined to devise and run a benchmark in which a data warehouse got loaded at 5 ½ terabytes per hour, which is several times faster than the figures used in any other vendors’ similar press releases in the past. Takeaways include:
- Syncsort isn’t just a mainframe sort utility company, but also does data integration. Who knew?
- Vertica’s design to overcome the traditional slow load speed of columnar DBMS works.
The latter is unsurprising. Back in February, I wrote at length about how Vertica makes rapid columnar updates. I don’t have a lot of subsequent new detail, but it made sense then and now. Read more
High-end MySQL use
To a large extent, MySQL lives in two different alternate universes from most other DBMS. One is for low-end, simple database applications. For example, of all the DBMS I write about, MySQL is the one I actually use in my own business — because MySQL sits underneath WordPress, and WordPress is what runs my blogs. My largest database (the one for DBMS2) contains 12 megabytes of data in 11 tables, none of which has yet reached 5000 rows in size. Read more
Categories: Google, MySQL, OLTP, Open source, Parallelization | 1 Comment |
Another round of discussion on in-memory OLTP data management
Oracle Exadata was pre-teased as “Extreme performance.” Some incorrect speculation shortly before the announcement focused on the possibility of OLTP without disk, which clearly would speed things up a lot. I interpret that in part as being wishful thinking. 🙂
The most compelling approach I’ve seen to that problem yet is H-Store, which however makes some radical architectural assumptions. One point I didn’t stress in my earlier posts, but which turned out to be a deal-breaker for one early tire-kicker, is that to use H-Store you have to be able to shoehorn each transaction into its own stored procedure. Depending on how intricate your logic is, that might make it hard to port an existing app to H-Store.
Even for new apps, it could get in the way of some things you might want to do, such as rule-based processing. And that could be a problem. A significant fraction of the highest-performance OLTP apps are customer-facing, and customer-facing apps are one of the biggest areas where rule-based processing comes into play.
Categories: In-memory DBMS, Memory-centric data management, OLTP, VoltDB and H-Store | 3 Comments |
Sun’s Rock chip is going to revolutionize OLTP? Yeah, right.
Ted Dziuba offers a profane and passionate screed to the effect that it would be really, really wonderful if Sun’s forthcoming Rock chip magically revolutionized OLTP. His idea — if I may dignify it with that term — seems to be that by solving some programming issues in multithreading, Sun will achieve orders of magnitude performance improvements in DBMS processing, with MySQL as the beneficiary.
Frankly, I don’t know what in the world Dziuba is talking about, and I strongly suspect that neither does he. Wikipedia wasn’t terribly enlightening, except to point out that some of the ideas originated with Tom Knight, which is encouraging. Ars Technica has a decent article about the Rock chip, but it’s hard to find support for Dziuba’s enthusiasm in their more sober discussion.
Categories: MySQL, OLTP | 4 Comments |
Open source in-memory DBMS
I’ve gotten email about two different open source in-memory DBMS products/projects. I don’t know much about either, but in case you care, here are some pointers to more info.
First, the McObject guys — who also sell a relational in-memory product — have an object-oriented, apparently Java-centric product called Perst. They’ve sent over various press releases about same, the details of which didn’t make much of an impression on me. (Upon review, I see that one of the main improvements they cite in Perst 3.0 is that they added 38 pages of documentation.)
Second, I just got email about something called CSQL Cache. You can read more about CSQL Cache here, if you’re willing to navigate some fractured English. CSQL’s SourceForge page is here. My impression is that CSQL Cache is an in-memory DBMS focused on, you guessed it, caching. It definitely seems to talk SQL, but possibly its native data model is of some other kind (there are references both to “file-based” and “network”.)