Analysis of database management systems designed with a focus on OTLP (OnLine Transaction Processing) uses.

January 22, 2010

Two cornerstones of Oracle’s database hardware strategy

After several months of careful optimization, Oracle managed to pick the most inconvenient* day possible for me to get an Exadata update from Juan Loaiza. But the call itself was long and fascinating, with the two main takeaways being:

And by the way, Oracle doesn’t make its storage-tier software available to run on anything than Oracle-designed boxes.  At the moment, that means Exadata Versions 1 and 2. Since Exadata is by far Oracle’s best DBMS offering (at least in theory), that means Oracle’s best database offering only runs on specific Oracle-sold hardware platforms. Read more

January 15, 2010

Intersystems Cache’ highlights

I talked with Robert Nagle of Intersystems last week, and it went better than at least one other Intersystems briefing I’ve had. Intersystems’ main product is Cache’, an object-oriented DBMS introduced in 1997 (before that Intersystems was focused on the fourth-generation programming language M, renamed from MUMPS). Unlike most other OODBMS, Cache’ is used for a lot of stuff one would think an RDBMS would be used for, across all sorts of industries. That said, there’s a distinct health-care focus to Intersystems, in that:

Note: Intersystems Cache’ is sold mainly through VARs (Value-Added Resellers), aka ISVs/OEMs. I.e., it’s sold by people who write applications on top of it.

So far as I understand – and this is still pretty vague and apt to be partially erroneous – the Intersystems Cache’ technical story goes something like this: Read more

November 23, 2009

Boston Big Data Summit keynote outline

Last month, Bob Zurek asked me to give a talk on “Big Data”, where “big” is anything from a few terabytes on up, then moderate a panel on cloud computing. We agreed that I could talk just from notes, without slides. So, since I have them typed up, I’m posting them below.

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September 29, 2009

Thoughts on the integration of OLTP and data warehousing, especially in Exadata 2

Oracle is pushing Exadata 2 as being a great system for any of OLTP (OnLine Transaction Processing), data warehousing or, presumably, the integration of same. This claim rests on a few premises, namely: Read more

September 21, 2009

Notes on the Oracle Database 11g Release 2 white paper

The Oracle Database 11g Release 2 white paper I cited a couple of weeks ago has evidently been edited, given that a phrase I quoted last month is no longer to be found. Anyhow, here are some quotes from and comments on what evidently is the latest version. Read more

August 4, 2009

The Boston Globe had an article on VoltDB

The Boston Globe article has more detail than Vertica and VoltDB have ever OKed me to put out, and some business details they’ve never given me.

July 30, 2009

Groovy Corp puts out a ridiculous press release

I knew Groovy Corp’s press release today would be bad, as it was pitched in advance as being about an awe-inspiring benchmark.  That part met my very low expectations, emphasizing how the Groovy SQL Switch massively outperformed MySQL* in a benchmark, and how this supposedly shows the Groovy SQL Switch would outperform every other competitive RDBMS by at least similar margins.

*While a few use cases are exceptions, being “better than MySQL” for a DBMS is basically like being “better than Pabst Blue Ribbon” for a beer. Unless price is your top consideration, why are you even making the comparison?

Even worse, the press release, from its subhead and very first sentence, emphasizes the claim “the Groovy SQL Switch’s ability to significantly outperform relational databases.” As CEO Joe Ward quickly agreed by email, that’s not accurate.  As you would expect from the “SQL” in its name, the Groovy SQL Switch is just as relational as the products it’s being contrasted to.  Unfortunately for Joe, who I gather aspires to edit it to say something more sensible, the press release is out already in multiple places.

More favorably, Renee Blodgett has a short, laudatory post about Groovy, with some kind of embedded video.

July 29, 2009

What are the best choices for scaling Postgres?

March, 2011 edit: In its quaintness, this post is a reminder of just how fast Short Request Processing DBMS technology has been moving ahead.  If I had to do it all over again, I’d suggest they use one of the high-performance MySQL options like dbShards, Schooner, or both together.  I actually don’t know what they finally decided on in that area. (I do know that for analytic DBMS they chose Vertica.)

I have a client who wants to build a new application with peak update volume of several million transactions per hour.  (Their base business is data mart outsourcing, but now they’re building update-heavy technology as well. ) They have a small budget.  They’ve been a MySQL shop in the past, but would prefer to contract (not eliminate) their use of MySQL rather than expand it.

My client actually signed a deal for EnterpriseDB’s Postgres Plus Advanced Server and GridSQL, but unwound the transaction quickly. (They say EnterpriseDB was very gracious about the reversal.) There seem to have been two main reasons for the flip-flop.  First, it seems that EnterpriseDB’s version of Postgres isn’t up to PostgreSQL’s 8.4 feature set yet, although EnterpriseDB’s timetable for catching up might have tolerable. But GridSQL apparently is further behind yet, with no timetable for up-to-date PostgreSQL compatibility.  That was the dealbreaker.

The current base-case plan is to use generic open source PostgreSQL, with scale-out achieved via hand sharding, Hibernate, or … ??? Experience and thoughts along those lines would be much appreciated.

Another option for OLTP performance and scale-out is of course memory-centric options such as VoltDB or the Groovy SQL Switch.  But this client’s database is terabyte-scale, so hardware costs could be an issue, as of course could be product maturity.

By the way, a large fraction of these updates will be actual changes, as opposed to new records, in case that matters.  I expect that the schema being updated will be very simple — i.e., clearly simpler than in a classic order entry scenario.

July 28, 2009

The Groovy SQL Switch

I’ve now had a chance to talk with Groovy Corporation CEO Joe Ward, and can add to what Groovy advisor Tony Bain wrote about Groovy Corp and its SQL Switch DBMS. Highlights include: Read more

July 11, 2009

Groovy Corp

Groovy Corp sent over a press release and apparently suggested I write about the company’s wonderfulness immediately. This was without any kind of briefing. I don’t do that kind of thing.

However, a Twitter check revealed that Tony Bain is familiar with Groovy Corp and the Groovy SQL Switch (apparently they started out in Australia, where he lives and works, and he evidently knows the guys).  Tony’s take, in summary, is (emphasis mine):

There’s a little more detail at the above link.

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