Data warehouse appliances

Analysis of data warehouse appliances – i.e., of hardware/software bundles optimized for fast query and analysis of large volumes of (usually) relational data. Related subjects include:

December 14, 2007

A quick survey of data warehouse management technology

There are at least 16 different vendors offering appliances and/or software that do database management primarily for analytic purposes.* That’s a lot to keep up with,. So I’ve thrown together a little overview of the analytic data management landscape, liberally salted with links to information about specific vendors, products, or technical issues. In some ways, this is a companion piece to my prior post about data warehouse appliance myths and realities.

*And that’s just the tabular/alphanumeric guys. Add in text search and you run the total a lot higher.

Numerous data warehouse specialists offer traditional row-based relational DBMS architectures, but optimize them for analytic workloads. These include Teradata, Netezza, DATAllegro, Greenplum, Dataupia, and SAS. All of those except SAS are wholly or primarily vendors of MPP/shared-nothing data warehouse appliances. EDIT: See the comment thread for a correction re Kognitio.

Numerous data warehouse specialists offer column-based relational DBMS architectures. These include Sybase (with the Sybase IQ product, originally from Expressway), Vertica, ParAccel, Infobright, Kognitio (formerly White Cross), and Sand. Read more

December 7, 2007

Netezza rolls out its compression story

The proximate cause for today’s flurry of Netezza-related posts is that the company has finally rolled out its compression story. In a nutshell, Netezza has developed its own version of columnar delta compression, slated to ship May, 2008. It compresses 2-5X, with the factor sometimes going up into double digits. Netezza estimates this produces a 2-3X improvement in overall performance, with the core marketing claim being that performance will “double” from compression alone. Read more

December 7, 2007


In 1993, Ted Codd introduced the term OLAP (OnLine Analytic Processing) to describe data management that wasn’t optimized for OLTP (OnLine Transaction Processing). Later in the 1990s, Henry Morris of IDC introduced the term analytic applications to describe apps that weren’t transactional. Since then, no better word than “analytic” has emerged to cover the broad class of IT apps and technologies that aren’t focused on transactional processing.

In the latest incarnation, analytic appliances are coming to the fore. Read more

December 7, 2007

Netezza is finally opening the kimono

I’ve bashed Netezza repeatedly for secrecy and obscurity about its technology and technical plans. Well, they’re getting a lot better. The latest post in a Netezza company blog, by marketing exec Phil Francisco, lays out their story clearly and concisely. And it’s backed up by a white paper that does more of the same. In particular, Page 11 of that white paper spells out possible future directions for enhancement, such as better compression, encryption, join filtering, and Netezza Developer Network stuff. Read more

December 7, 2007

The Netezza strategy for data shipping

I talked with Netezza today, and finally understand better why they don’t have node-to-node data shipping problems with only 1-gigabit (gigE) interconnects:

  1. Netezza boxes have lots of relatively small nodes, so all else being equal, each individual node has less communicating to do than, say, a DATAllegro node does.
  2. It’s not just just 1-gigabit. There’s a hierarchical communications architecture, and at one level in the hierarchy switches are talking to each other through 32 parallel 1-gigabit channels at a time.
December 3, 2007

Data warehouse appliances – fact and fiction

Borrowing the “Fact or fiction?” meme from the sports world:

If you liked this post, you might also like one on text mining fact and fiction.

November 29, 2007

Netezza has another big October quarter

Netezza reported a big October quarter, ahead of expectations. And official guidance for next quarter is essentially flat quarter-over-quarter, suggesting Q3 was indeed surprisingly big. However, Netezza’s year-over-year growth for Q3 was a little under 50%, suggesting the quarter wasn’t so remarkable after all. (Netezza has a January fiscal year.)

Tentative conclusion: Netezza just tends to have big October quarters, perhaps by timing sales cycles to finish soon after the late September user conference. If Netezza’s user conference ever moves to later in the fall, expect Q3 to be weak that year.

Netezza reported 18 new customers, double last year’s figure. Read more

November 7, 2007

Vertica update – HP appliance deal, customer information, and more

Vertica quietly announced an appliance bundling deal with HP and Red Hat today. That got me quickly onto the phone with Vertica’s Andy Ellicott, to discuss a few different subjects. Most interesting was the part about Vertica’s customer base, highlights of which included:

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October 31, 2007

Netezza cites three warehouses over 50 terabytes

Netezza is finally making it clear that they run some largish warehouses. Their latest press release cites Catalina Marketing, Epsilon, and NYSE Euronext as having 50+ terabytes each. I checked with Netezza’s Marketing VP Ellen Rubin, and she confirmed that those are clean figures — user data, single warehouses, etc. Ellen further tells me that Netezza’s total count of warehouses that big is “significantly more” than the 3 named in the release.

Of course, this makes sense, given that Netezza’s largest box, the NPS 10800, runs 100 terabytes. And Catalina was named as having bought a 10800 in a press release back in December, 2006. Read more

October 29, 2007

ParAccel opens the kimono slightly

Please do not rely on the parts of this post that draw a distinction between in-memory and disk-based operation. See our February 18, 2008 post about ParAccel instead. It turns out that communication with ParAccel was yet worse than I had realized.

Officially launched today at the TDWI conference, ParAccel is out to compete with Netezza. Right out of the chute, ParAccel may have surpassed Netezza in at least one area: pointlessly annoying secrecy. (In other regards I love them dearly, but that paranoia can be a real pain.) As best I can remember, here are some things about ParAccel that I both am allowed to say and find interesting:

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