Data warehouse appliances

Analysis of data warehouse appliances – i.e., of hardware/software bundles optimized for fast query and analysis of large volumes of (usually) relational data. Related subjects include:

October 2, 2008

HP Neoview in the market to date

I evidently got HP’s attention by a recent post in which I questioned its stance on the relative positioning of the Exadata-based HP Oracle data warehouse appliance and the HP Neoview data warehouse appliance. A conversation with Greg Battas and John Miller (respectively CTO and CMO of HP’s BI group) quickly ensued. Mainly we talked about Neoview product goals and architecture. But before I get to that in a separate post, here are some Neoview market-presence highlights, so far as I’ve been able to figure them out: Read more

October 1, 2008

Automatic redistribution of data warehouse data

In a recent Oracle Exadata FAQ, Kevin Closson writes:

Q. […] don’t some of the DW vendors split the data up in a shared nothing method. Thus when the data has to be repartitioned it gets expensive. Whereas here you just add another cell and ASM goes to work in the background. (depending upon the ASM power level you set.)
A. All the DW Appliance vendors implement shared-nothing so, yes, the data is chopped up into physical partitions. If you add hardware to increase performance of queries against your current dataset the data will have to be reloaded into the new partitioning scheme. As has always been the case with ASM, adding new disks-and therefore Exadata Storage Server cells-will cause the existing data to be redistributed automatically over all (including the new) drives. This ASM data redistribution is an online function.

Hmm. That sounds much like the story I’ve heard from various other data warehousing DBMS vendors as well.

Rather than try to speak for them, however, I’ll just post this and see whether they choose to add anything to the comment thread.

October 1, 2008

Greenplum pricing

Edit: Actually, this post is completely incorrect. The $20K/terabyte is for software only. So far, my attempts to get Greenplum to estimate hardware costs have been unsuccessful.

Greenplum’s Scott Yara was recently quoted citing a $20K/terabyte figure for Greenplum pricing. That naturally raises the question:

Greenplum charges around $20K/terabyte of what?

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September 30, 2008

Oracle Database Machine and Exadata pricing: Part 2

My Oracle Database Machine and Exadata pricing spreadsheet has been updated. Specifically:

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September 29, 2008

Eric Lai on Oracle Exadata, and some addenda

Eric Lai offers a detailed FAQ on Oracle Exadata, including a good selection of links and quotes. I’d like to offer a few comments in response: Read more

September 28, 2008

Exadata and Oracle Database Machine parallelization clarified

Some kind Oracle development managers have reached out and helped me better understand where Oracle does or doesn’t stand in query and analytic parallelization. This post supersedes prior discussions of the subject over the past week. Read more

September 28, 2008

Oracle Database Machine performance and compression

Greg Rahn was kind enough to recite in his blog what Oracle has disclosed about the first Exadata testers. I don’t track hardware model details, so I don’t know how the testers’ respective current hardware environments compare to that of the Oracle Database Machine.

Each of the customers cited below received “half” an Oracle Database Machine. As I previously noted, an Oracle Database Machine holds either 14.0 or 46.2 terabytes of uncompressed data. This suggests the 220 TB customer listed below — LGR Telecommunications — got compression of a little under 10:1 for a CDR (Call Detail Record) database. By comparison, Vertica claims 8:1 compression on CDRs.

Greg also writes of POS (Point Of Sale) data being used for the demo. If you do the arithmetic on the throughput figures (13.5 vs. a little over 3), compression was a little under 4.5:1. I don’t know what other vendors claim for POS compression.

Here are the details Greg posted about the four most open Oracle Database Machine tests: Read more

September 28, 2008

Oracle Exadata list pricing

The figures in this post have now been updated.  There’s a new spreadsheet at that link as well.

I’ve been trying to figure out how much Oracle Exadata actually costs. My first cut comes up with prices of $58-190K/TB (user data), based on a total system price of $5,322,000, and user data figures of 28 and 92.4 TB for the two available sizes of disk drive. But of course there are a lot of uncertainties in these figures. You can use this spreadsheet (Edit: That’s the old one) to see where the final numbers come from, and to modify the estimates as you see fit. Read more

September 26, 2008

Oracle Exadata Smart Scan Join Processing

Oracle has put up an Exadata white paper (hat tip to Kevin Closson’s Exadata FAQ). There’s a section on Smart Scan Join Processing. Sounds exciting, huh? It reads, in its entirety:

Exadata performs joins between large tables and small lookup tables, a very common scenario for data warehouses with star schemas. This is implemented using Bloom Filters, which are a very efficient probabilistic method to determine whether a row is a member of the desired result set.

Jeez. That almost sounds as if Exadata is an immature, Release 1 data warehouse appliance!

September 26, 2008

So what does Oracle Exadata mean for HP Neoview?

That HP is committed to selling a lot of data warehouse hardware — and probably data warehouse appliances in particular — seems obvious, for reasons including:

But Oracle Exadata could produce those appliance sales. So where does HP Neoview fit in?

I was told by an investor today that HP’s investor relations department is saying Oracle Exadata is a Netezza competitor, while Neoview is more in the Teradata market. That’s laughable. Read more

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