April 5, 2012

Human real-time

I first became an analyst in 1981. And so I was around for the early days of the movement from batch to interactive computing, as exemplified by:

Of course, wherever there is interactive computing, there is a desire for interaction so fast that users don’t notice any wait time. Dan Fylstra, when he was pitching me the early windowing system VisiOn, characterized this as response so fast that the user didn’t tap his fingers waiting.* And so, with the move to any kind of interactive computing at all came a desire that the interaction be quick-response/low-latency. Read more

March 26, 2012

CodeFutures/dbShards update

I’ve been talking a fair bit with Cory Isaacson, CEO of my client CodeFutures, which makes dbShards. Business notes include:

Apparently, the figure of 6 dbShards customers in July, 2010 is more comparable to today’s 20ish contracts than to today’s 7-8 production users. About 4 of the original 6 are in production now.

NDA stuff aside, the main technical subject we talked about is something Cory calls “relational sharding”. The point is that dbShards’ transparent sharding can be done in such a way as to make many joins be single-server. Specifically:

dbShards can’t do cross-shard joins, but it can do distributed transactions comprising multiple updates. Cory argues persuasively that in almost all cases this is enough; but I see cross-shard joins as a feature that should someday be added to dbShards even so.

The real issue with dbShards’ transparent sharding is ensuring it’s really transparent. Cory regards as typical a customer with a couple thousand tables, who had to change a dozen or so SQL statements to implement dbShards. But there are near-term plans to automate the number of SQL changes needed down to 0. The essence of that change is this: Read more

March 26, 2012

Notes on the ClearStory Data launch, including an inaccurate quote from me

ClearStory Data launched, with nice coverage in the New York Times, Computerworld, and elsewhere. But from my standpoint, there were some serious problems:

I’m utterly disgusted with this whole mess, although after talking with her a lot I’m fine with CEO Sharmila Mulligan’s part in it, which is to say with ClearStory’s part in general.

*I avoid the term “platform” as much as possible; indeed, I still don’t really know what the “new platforms” part was supposed to refer to. The Frankenquote wound up with some odd grammar as well.

Actually, in principle I’m a pretty close adviser to ClearStory (for starters, they’re one of my stealth-mode clients). That hasn’t really ramped up yet; in particular, I haven’t had a technical deep dive. So for now I’ll just say:

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March 21, 2012

DataStax Enterprise 2.0

Edit: Multiple errors in the post below have been corrected in a follow-on post about DataStax Enterprise and Cassandra.

My client DataStax is announcing DataStax Enterprise 2.0. The big point of the release is that there’s a bunch of stuff integrated together, including at least:

DataStax stresses that all this runs on the same cluster, with the same administrative tools and so on. For example, on a single cluster:

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March 16, 2012

Juggling analytic databases

I’d like to survey a few related ideas:

Here goes. Read more

March 12, 2012

Kinds of data integration and movement

“Data integration” can mean many different things, to an extent that’s impeding me from writing about the area. So I’ll start by simply laying out some of the myriad ways that data can be brought to where it is needed, and worry about other subjects later. Yes, this is a massive wall of text, and incomplete even so — but that in itself is my central point.

There are two main paradigms for data integration:

Data movement and replication typically take one of three forms:

Beyond the core functions of movement, replication, and/or federation, there are other concerns closely connected to data integration. These include:

In particular, the following are largely different from each other. Read more

January 25, 2012

Departmental analytics — best practices

I believe IT departments should support and encourage departmental analytics efforts, where “support” and “encourage” are not synonyms for “control”, “dominate”, “overwhelm”, or even “tame”. A big part of that is:
Let, and indeed help, departments have the data they want, when they want it, served with blazing performance.

Three things that absolutely should NOT be obstacles to these ends are:

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November 28, 2011

Agile predictive analytics — the “easy” parts

I’m hearing a lot these days about agile predictive analytics, albeit rarely in those exact terms. The general idea is unassailable, in that it boils down to using data as quickly as reasonably possible. But discussing particulars is hard, for several reasons:

At least three of the generic arguments for agility apply to predictive analytics:

But the reasons to want agile predictive analytics don’t stop there.

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November 16, 2011

QlikView 11 and the rise of collaborative BI

QlikView 11 came out last month. Let me start by pointing out:

*One confusing aspect to that paper:  non-standard uses of the terms “analytic app” and “document”.

As QlikTech tells it, QlikView 11 adds two kinds of collaboration features:

I’d add a third kind, because QlikView 11 also takes some baby steps toward what I regard as a key aspect of BI collaboration — the ability to define and track your own metrics. It’s way, way short of what I called for in metric flexibility in a post last year, but at least it’s a small start.

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November 3, 2011

MarkLogic’s Hadoop connector

It’s time to circle back to a subject I skipped when I otherwise wrote about MarkLogic 5: MarkLogic’s new Hadoop connector.

Most of what’s confusing about the MarkLogic Hadoop Connector lies in two pairs of options it presents you:

Otherwise, the whole thing is just what you would think:

MarkLogic said that it wrote this Hadoop connector itself.

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