8 not very technical problems with analytic technology
In a couple of talks, including last Thursday’s, I’ve rattled off a list of eight serious problems with analytic technology, all of them human or organizational much more than purely technical. At best, these problems stand in the way of analytic success, and at least one is a lot worse than that.
The bulleted list in my notes is:
Expense of expertise
Limited numeracy
Limited budgets
Legacy systems
General inertia
Obsolete systems
Clueless lawmakers
Obsolete legal framework
I shall explain. Read more
Categories: Analytic technologies, Business intelligence, Data integration and middleware, Data warehousing, EAI, EII, ETL, ELT, ETLT, Surveillance and privacy | Leave a Comment |
IBM puts Cast Iron Systems out of its misery
Long ago, the first enterprise application integration (EAI) vendors offered pairwise integrations between different specific packaged applications. That was, for example what was going on at Katrina Garnett’s Crossworlds/Crossroads, which eventually became one of IBM’s first data integration software acquisitions. Years later, Cast Iron Systems tried what seemed to be pretty much the same thing, only better implemented. Recently, however, Cast Iron has been pretty hard to get a hold of, and I also couldn’t find anybody (competitor, friend of management, whatever) who believed Cast Iron was doing particularly well. So today’s news that IBM is acquiring Cast Iron Systems comes as no big surprise.
Categories: Cast Iron Systems, Data integration and middleware, EAI, EII, ETL, ELT, ETLT, IBM and DB2 | 1 Comment |
ITA Software and Needlebase
Rumors are flying that Google may acquire ITA Software. I know nothing of their validity, but I have known about ITA Software for a while. Random notes include:
- ITA Software builds huge OLTP systems that it runs itself on behalf of airlines.
- Very, very unusually, ITA Software builds these huge OLTP systems in LISP.
- ITA Software is an Oracle shop (see Dan Weinreb’s comment).
- ITA Software is run by a techie (again, see Dan Weinreb’s comment).
- ITA Software has an interesting screen-scraping/web ETL project called Needlebase
ITA’s software does both price/reservation lookup/checking and reservation-making. I’ve had trouble keeping it straight, but I think the lookup is ITA’s actual business, and the reservation-making is ITA’s Next Big Thing. This is one of the ultimate federated-transaction-processing applications, because it involves coordinating huge OLTP systems run, in some cases, by companies that are bitter competitors with each other. Network latencies have to allow for intercontinental travel of the data itself.
Indeed, airline reservation systems are pretty much the OLTP ultimate in themselves. As the story goes, transaction monitors were pretty much invented for airline reservation systems in the 1960s.
A really small project for ITA Software is Needlebase. I stopped by ITA to look at Needlebase in January, and what it is is a very smart and hence interesting screen-scraping system. The idea is people publish database information to the web, and you may want to look at their web pages and recover the database records it is based on. Applications of this to the airline industry, which has 100s of 1000s of price changes per day — and I may be too low by one or two orders of magnitude when I say that — should be fairly obvious. ITA Software has aspirations of applying Needlebase to other sectors as well, or more precisely having users who do so. Last I looked, ITA hadn’t put significant resources behind stimulating Needlebase adoption — but Google might well change that.
Edit: I just re-found an old characterization of (some of) what ITA Software does by — who else? — Dan Weinreb:
I am working on our new product, an airline reservation system. It’s an online transaction-processing system that must be up 99.99% of the time, maintaining maximum response time (e.g. on www.aircanada.com). It’s a very, very complicated system. The presentation layer is written in Java using conventional techniques. The business rule layer is written in Common Lisp; about 500,000 lines of code (plus another 100,000 or so of open source libraries). The database layer is Oracle RAC. We operate our own data centers, some here in Massachusetts and a disaster-recovery site in Canada (separate power grid).
Related links
- ITA Software and Needlebase websites
- More about LISP 🙂
Categories: Data integration and middleware, EAI, EII, ETL, ELT, ETLT, Google, OLTP, Oracle | 5 Comments |
Introduction to Datameer
Elder care issues have flared up with a vengeance, so I’m not going to be blogging much for a while, and surely not at any length. That said, my first post about Datameer was never going to be very long, so lets get right to it:
- Datameer offers a business intelligence and analytics stack that runs on any distribution of Hadoop.
- Datameer is still building a lot of features that it talks about, for target release in (I think) the fall.
- Datameer’s pride and joy is its user interface. Very laudably for a software start-up, Datameer claims to have spent considerable time with professional user interface designers.
- Datameer’s core user interface metaphor is formula definition via a spreadsheet.
- Datameer includes 124 functions one can use in these formulae, ranging from math stuff to text tokenization.
- Datameer does some straight BI, with 4 kinds of “visualization” headed for 20 kinds later. But if you want to do hard-core BI, use Datameer to dump data into an RDBMS and then use the BI tool of your choice. (Datameer’s messaging does tend to obscure or even contradict that point.)
- Rather, Datameer seems to be designed for the classic MapReduce use cases of ETL and heavy data crunching.
- Datameer’s messaging includes a bit about “Datameer is real-time, even though Hadoop is generally thought of as batch.” So far as I can tell, what that boils down to is …
- … Datameer will let you examine sample and/or partial query results before a full Hadoop run is over. Apparently, there are three different ways Datameer lets you do this:
- You can truly query against a sample of the data set.
- You can query against intermediate results, when only some stages of the Hadoop process have already been run.
- You can drill down into a “distributed index,” whatever the heck that means when Datameer says it.
- Datameer will let you import data from 15 or so different kinds of sources, SQL, NoSQL, and file system alike.
Categories: Analytic technologies, Business intelligence, Datameer, EAI, EII, ETL, ELT, ETLT, Hadoop, MapReduce | 3 Comments |
Greenplum Chorus and Greenplum 4.0
Greenplum is making two product announcements this morning. Greenplum 4.0 is a revision of the core Greenplum database technology. In addition, Greenplum is announcing Greenplum Chorus, which is the first product release instantiating last year’s EDC (Enterprise Data Cloud) vision statement and marketing campaign.
Greenplum 4.0 highlights and related observations include: Read more
Two cornerstones of Oracle’s database hardware strategy
After several months of careful optimization, Oracle managed to pick the most inconvenient* day possible for me to get an Exadata update from Juan Loaiza. But the call itself was long and fascinating, with the two main takeaways being:
- Oracle thinks flash memory is the most important hardware technology of the decade, one that could lead to Oracle being “bumped off” if they don’t get it right.
- Juan believes the “bulk” of Oracle’s business will move over to Exadata-like technology over the next 5-10 years. Numbers-wise, this seems to be based more on Exadata being a platform for consolidating an enterprise’s many Oracle databases than it is on Exadata running a few Especially Big Honking Database management tasks.
And by the way, Oracle doesn’t make its storage-tier software available to run on anything than Oracle-designed boxes. At the moment, that means Exadata Versions 1 and 2. Since Exadata is by far Oracle’s best DBMS offering (at least in theory), that means Oracle’s best database offering only runs on specific Oracle-sold hardware platforms. Read more
Webinar on MapReduce for complex analytics (Thursday, December 3, 10 am and 2 pm Eastern)
The second in my two-webinar series for Aster Data will occur tomorrow, twice (both live), at 10 am and 2 pm Eastern time. The other presenters will be Jonathan Goldman, who was a Principal Scientist at LinkedIn but now has joined Aster himself, and Steve Wooledge of Aster (playing host). Key links are:
- Registration for tomorrow’s webinars
- Replay of the first webinar
- My slides from the first webinar
The main subjects of the webinar will be:
- Some review of material from the first webinar (all three presenters)
- Discussion of how MapReduce can help with three kinds of analytics:
- Pattern matching (Jonathan will give detail)
- Number-crunching (I’ll cover that, and it will be short)
- Graph analytics (I haven’t written the slides yet, but my starting point will be some of the relationship analytics ideas we discussed in August)
Arguably, aspects of data transformation fit into each of those three categories, which may help explain why data transformation has been so prominent among the early applications of MapReduce.
As you can see from Aster’s title for the webinar (which they picked while I was on vacation), at least their portion will be focused on customer analytics, e.g. web analytics.
Categories: Analytic technologies, Aster Data, Data integration and middleware, EAI, EII, ETL, ELT, ETLT, MapReduce, RDF and graphs, Web analytics | 4 Comments |
Aster Data 4.0 and the evolution of “advanced analytic(s) servers”
Since Linda and I are leaving on vacation in a few hours, Aster Data graciously gave me permission to morph its “12:01 am Monday, November 2” embargo into “late Friday night.”
Aster Data is officially announcing the 4.0 release of nCluster. There are two big pieces to this announcement:
- Aster is offering a slick vision for integrating big-database management and general analytic processing on the same MPP cluster, under the not-so-slick name “Data-Application Server.”
- Aster is also offering a sophisticated vision for workload management.
In addition, Aster has matured nCluster in various ways, for example cleaning up a performance problem with single-row updates.
Highlights of the Aster “Data-Application Server” story include: Read more
Categories: Aster Data, Cloud computing, Data warehousing, EAI, EII, ETL, ELT, ETLT, MapReduce, Market share and customer counts, Teradata, Theory and architecture, Workload management | 9 Comments |
Teradata’s nebulous cloud strategy
As the pun goes, Teradata’s cloud strategy is – well, it’s somewhat nebulous. More precisely, for the foreseeable future, Teradata’s cloud strategy is a collection of rather disjointed parts, including:
- What Teradata calls the Teradata Agile Analytics Cloud, which is a combination of previously existing technology plus one new portlet called the Teradata Elastic Mart(s) Builder. (Teradata’s Elastic Mart(s) Builder Viewpoint portlet is available for download from Teradata’s Developer Exchange.)
- Teradata Data Mover 2.0, coming “Soon”, which will ease copying (ETL without any significant “T”) from one Teradata system to another.
- Teradata Express DBMS crippleware (1 terabyte only, no production use), now available on Amazon EC2 and VMware. (I don’t see where this has much connection to the rest of Teradata’s cloud strategy, except insofar as it serves to fill out a slide.)
- Unannounced (and so far as I can tell largely undesigned) future products.
Teradata openly admits that its direction is heavily influenced by Oliver Ratzesberger at eBay. Like Teradata, Oliver and eBay favor virtual data marts over physical ones. That is, Oliver and eBay believe that the ideal scenario is that every piece of data is only stored once, in an integrated Teradata warehouse. But eBay believes and Teradata increasingly agrees that users need a great deal of control over their use of this data, including the ability to import additional data into private sandboxes, and join it to the warehouse data already there. Read more
Categories: Analytic technologies, Cloud computing, Data integration and middleware, Data warehousing, EAI, EII, ETL, ELT, ETLT, eBay, Teradata, Theory and architecture | 5 Comments |
This week at the Teradata Partners user conference
Teradata tells me that its press embargoes are ending at 9:00 this morning. Here are some highlights of what’s going on, although names, dates, and details will have to await conversations and press releases this week.
- Teradata is productizing “private cloud,” under names including “Teradata Enterprise Analytics Cloud,” “Teradata Agile Analytics Cloud,” and “Teradata Elastic Mart Builder.” I.e., Teradata hopes to leapfrog Greenplum in its “Enterprise Data Cloud” strategy. This is only fair, in that Greenplum lifted the idea from Teradata and eBay in the first place. It also provides major support for what I think is an extremely sensible trend. Give or take issues of who announces and ships what a couple months before or after a competitor, my early thinking is that the main differences between Greenplum and Teradata in this regard will be:
- Virtual as opposed to just physical data marts, based on robust workload management software. (Advantage: Teradata)
- Pricing, deployment options. (Advantage: Greenplum)
- Features that don’t directly relate to enterprise/private cloud. (Advantage: Either, often Teradata.)
- Teradata is generally strengthening its data movement technology, e.g. for making various appliances work in sync. I’m not too clear yet on the details of that. I think this is what Teradata’s phrase “ecosystem management” refers to.
- Teradata is (pre-)announcing – at least as a statement of direction — an appliance based on solid-state drives (SSDs). I’ve thought for a while that Teradata was a leader in thinking through the issues around solid-state memory in data warehousing, so it makes sense that they’re among the leaders in actually coming to market as well. I plan to say more after meeting with, e.g., Carson Schmidt.
- Teradata has achieved a 300%ish speed-up in geospatial processing. I gather this is largely a byproduct of the parallel analytics work Teradata did around strengthening its SAS integration. However, there don’t seem to be a lot of Teradata geospatial users yet.
- Teradata Express, Teradata’s free Windows-based crippleware, is being ported to Amazon EC2 and VMware as well. Presumably to avoid cannibalizing Teradata product sales, there are quite a few limitations on Teradata Express, including system capacity, database size, and “no production use.”
- Teradata continues to extend its optimizations to handle queries issued by business intelligence tools. Previously, the focus of what Teradata discussed in this regard was query rewrite. But soon automatic recommendation and creation of Aggregate Join Indexes – i.e.., materialized views – will be included as well.