March 6, 2011

Three ways Fedex is a metaphor for data integration

It occurs to me that there are three reasons why Federal Express, aka Fedex, is a great metaphor for data integration.  Read more

February 5, 2011

The Continuent Tungsten MySQL replication story

To the consternation of its then-CEO, I wrote very little about my then-client Continuent. However, when I knew Schooner’s recent announcement was coming, I reached out to other MySQL scale-out vendors too. I’ve already posted accordingly about CodeFutures (the dbShards guys) and ScaleBase. Now it’s late-responding Continuent’s turn.

Actually, what I’m mainly going to do is quote a very long email that Continuent’s current CEO/former CTO Robert Hodges sent me, and which I lightly edited.  Read more

October 12, 2010

Vertica-Hadoop integration

DBMS/Hadoop integration is a confusing subject. My post on the Cloudera/Aster Data partnership awaits some clarification in the comment thread. A conversation with Vertica left me unsure about some Hadoop/Vertica Year 2 details as well, although I’m doing better after a follow-up call. On the plus side, we also covered some rather cool Hadoop/Vertica product futures, and those seemed easier to understand. 🙂

I say “Year 2” because Hadoop/Vertica integration has been going on since last year. Indeed, Vertica says that there are now over 25 users of the Hadoop/Vertica combination and hence Vertica’s Hadoop connector. Vertica is now introducing — for immediate GA — a new version of its Hadoop connector. So far as I understood:  Read more

September 28, 2010

Evidently IBM bought Cast Iron Systems for $190 million

Sequoia told TechCrunch that Cast Iron Systems was acquired for $190 million. That’s a much more successful exit than I thought.

September 20, 2010

Some thoughts on the announcement that IBM is buying Netezza

As you’ve probably read, IBM and Netezza announced a deal today for IBM to buy Netezza. I didn’t sit in on the conference call, but I’ve seen the reporting. Naturally, I have some quick thoughts, which I’ve broken up into several sections below:

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August 22, 2010

The Workday architecture — a new kind of OLTP software stack

One of my coolest company visits in some time was to SaaS (Software as a Service) vendor Workday, Inc., earlier this month. Reasons included:

Workday kindly allowed me to post this Workday slide deck. Otherwise, I’ve split out a quick Workday, Inc. company overview into a separate post.

The biggie for me was the data and object management part. Specifically:  Read more

June 30, 2010

Cloudera Enterprise and Hadoop evolution

I talked with Cloudera a couple of weeks ago in connection with the impending release of Cloudera Enterprise. I’d say:  Read more

June 26, 2010

Netezza’s version of EnterpriseDB-based Oracle compatibility

EnterpriseDB has some deplorable business practices (my stories of being screwed by EnterpriseDB have been met by “Well, you’re hardly the only one”). But a couple of more successful DBMS vendors have happily partnered with EnterpriseDB even so, to help pick off Oracle users. IBM’s approach was in the vein of an EnterpriseDBinfused version of SQL handling within DB2.* Netezza just announced an EnterpriseDB-based Netezza Migrator that is rather different.

*The comment threads are the most informative parts of those posts.

I’m a little unclear as to the Netezza Migrator details, not least because Netezza folks don’t seem to care too much about Netezza Migrator themselves. That said, the core ideas of Netezza Migrator are:  Read more

June 25, 2010

Flash is coming, well …

I really, really wanted to title this post “Flash is coming in a flash.” That seems a little exaggerated — but only a little.

Uptake of solid-state memory (i.e. flash) for analytic database processing will probably stay pretty low in 2010, but in 2011 it should be a notable (b)leading-edge technology, and it should get mainstreamed pretty quickly after that.  Read more

May 25, 2010

VoltDB finally launches

VoltDB is finally launching today. As is common for companies in sectors I write about, VoltDB — or just “Volt” — has discovered the virtues of embargoes that end 12:01 am. Let’s go straight to the technical highlights:

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