Analysis of data integration products and technologies, especially ones related to data warehousing, such as ELT (Extract/Transform/Load). Related subjects include:

May 12, 2011

Data integration vendors and Hadoop

There have been many recent announcements about how data integration/ETL (Extract/Transform/Load) vendors are going to work with MapReduce.  Most of what they say boils down to one or more of a few things:

Some additional twists include:

Finally, my former clients at Pervasive, who haven’t briefed me for a while, seem to have told Doug Henschen that they have pointed DataRush at MapReduce.* However, I couldn’t find evidence of same on the Pervasive DataRush website beyond some help in using all the cores on any one Hadoop node.

*Also see that article because it names a bunch of ETL vendors doing Hadoop-related things.

April 7, 2011

Introduction to Syncsort and DMExpress

Let’s start with some Syncsort basics.

One of Syncsort’s favorite value propositions is to contrast the cost of doing ETL in Syncsort, on commodity hardware, to the cost of doing ELT (Extract/Load/Transform) on high-end Teradata gear.

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April 5, 2011

Comments on EMC Greenplum

I am annoyed with my former friends at Greenplum, who took umbrage at a brief sentence I wrote in October, namely “eBay has thrown out Greenplum“.  Their reaction included:

The last one really hurt, because in trusting them, I put in quite a bit of effort, and discussed their promise with quite a few other people.

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March 6, 2011

Three ways Fedex is a metaphor for data integration

It occurs to me that there are three reasons why Federal Express, aka Fedex, is a great metaphor for data integration.  Read more

October 12, 2010

Vertica-Hadoop integration

DBMS/Hadoop integration is a confusing subject. My post on the Cloudera/Aster Data partnership awaits some clarification in the comment thread. A conversation with Vertica left me unsure about some Hadoop/Vertica Year 2 details as well, although I’m doing better after a follow-up call. On the plus side, we also covered some rather cool Hadoop/Vertica product futures, and those seemed easier to understand. 🙂

I say “Year 2” because Hadoop/Vertica integration has been going on since last year. Indeed, Vertica says that there are now over 25 users of the Hadoop/Vertica combination and hence Vertica’s Hadoop connector. Vertica is now introducing — for immediate GA — a new version of its Hadoop connector. So far as I understood:  Read more

September 28, 2010

Evidently IBM bought Cast Iron Systems for $190 million

Sequoia told TechCrunch that Cast Iron Systems was acquired for $190 million. That’s a much more successful exit than I thought.

September 20, 2010

Some thoughts on the announcement that IBM is buying Netezza

As you’ve probably read, IBM and Netezza announced a deal today for IBM to buy Netezza. I didn’t sit in on the conference call, but I’ve seen the reporting. Naturally, I have some quick thoughts, which I’ve broken up into several sections below:

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August 22, 2010

The Workday architecture — a new kind of OLTP software stack

One of my coolest company visits in some time was to SaaS (Software as a Service) vendor Workday, Inc., earlier this month. Reasons included:

Workday kindly allowed me to post this Workday slide deck. Otherwise, I’ve split out a quick Workday, Inc. company overview into a separate post.

The biggie for me was the data and object management part. Specifically:  Read more

June 30, 2010

Cloudera Enterprise and Hadoop evolution

I talked with Cloudera a couple of weeks ago in connection with the impending release of Cloudera Enterprise. I’d say:  Read more

May 25, 2010

VoltDB finally launches

VoltDB is finally launching today. As is common for companies in sectors I write about, VoltDB — or just “Volt” — has discovered the virtues of embargoes that end 12:01 am. Let’s go straight to the technical highlights:

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