Analysis of data integration products and technologies, especially ones related to data warehousing, such as ELT (Extract/Transform/Load). Related subjects include:

November 28, 2011

Agile predictive analytics — the “easy” parts

I’m hearing a lot these days about agile predictive analytics, albeit rarely in those exact terms. The general idea is unassailable, in that it boils down to using data as quickly as reasonably possible. But discussing particulars is hard, for several reasons:

At least three of the generic arguments for agility apply to predictive analytics:

But the reasons to want agile predictive analytics don’t stop there.

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November 16, 2011

QlikView 11 and the rise of collaborative BI

QlikView 11 came out last month. Let me start by pointing out:

*One confusing aspect to that paper:  non-standard uses of the terms “analytic app” and “document”.

As QlikTech tells it, QlikView 11 adds two kinds of collaboration features:

I’d add a third kind, because QlikView 11 also takes some baby steps toward what I regard as a key aspect of BI collaboration — the ability to define and track your own metrics. It’s way, way short of what I called for in metric flexibility in a post last year, but at least it’s a small start.

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November 3, 2011

MarkLogic’s Hadoop connector

It’s time to circle back to a subject I skipped when I otherwise wrote about MarkLogic 5: MarkLogic’s new Hadoop connector.

Most of what’s confusing about the MarkLogic Hadoop Connector lies in two pairs of options it presents you:

Otherwise, the whole thing is just what you would think:

MarkLogic said that it wrote this Hadoop connector itself.

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October 25, 2011

Where Datameer is positioned

I’ve chatted with Datameer a couple of times recently, mainly with CEO Stefan Groschupf, most recently after XLDB last Tuesday. Nothing I learned greatly contradicts what I wrote about Datameer 1 1/2 years ago.  In a nutshell, Datameer is designed to let you do simple stuff on large amounts of data, where “large amounts of data” typically means data in Hadoop, and “simple stuff” includes basic versions of a spreadsheet, of BI, and of EtL (Extract/Transform/Load, without much in the way of T).

Stefan reports that these capabilities are appealing to a significant fraction of enterprise or other commercial Hadoop users, especially the EtL and the BI. I don’t doubt him.

July 5, 2011

Eight kinds of analytic database (Part 2)

In Part 1 of this two-part series, I outlined four variants on the traditional enterprise data warehouse/data mart dichotomy, and suggested what kinds of DBMS products you might use for each. In Part 2 I’ll cover four more kinds of analytic database — even newer, for the most part, with a use case/product short list match that is even less clear.  Read more

June 26, 2011

What to think about BEFORE you make a technology decision

When you are considering technology selection or strategy, there are a lot of factors that can each have bearing on the final decision — a whole lot. Below is a very partial list.

In almost any IT decision, there are a number of environmental constraints that need to be acknowledged. Organizations may have standard vendors, favored vendors, or simply vendors who give them particularly deep discounts. Legacy systems are in place, application and system alike, and may or may not be open to replacement. Enterprises may have on-premise or off-premise preferences; SaaS (Software as a Service) vendors probably have multitenancy concerns. Your organization can determine which aspects of your system you’d ideally like to see be tightly integrated with each other, and which you’d prefer to keep only loosely coupled. You may have biases for or against open-source software. You may be pro- or anti-appliance. Some applications have a substantial need for elastic scaling. And some kinds of issues cut across multiple areas, such as budget, timeframe, security, or trained personnel.

Multitenancy is particularly interesting, because it has numerous implications. Read more

June 19, 2011

Investigative analytics and derived data: Enzee Universe 2011 talk

I’ll be speaking Monday, June 20 at IBM Netezza’s Enzee Universe conference. Thus, as is my custom:

The talk concept started out as “advanced analytics” (as opposed to fast query, a subject amply covered in the rest of any Netezza event), as a lunch break in what is otherwise a detailed “best practices” session. So I suggested we constrain the subject by focusing on a specific application area — customer acquisition and retention, something of importance to almost any enterprise, and which exploits most areas of analytic technology. Then I actually prepared the slides — and guess what? The mix of subjects will be skewed somewhat more toward generalities than I first intended, specifically in the areas of investigative analytics and derived data. And, as always when I speak, I’ll try to raise consciousness about the issues of liberty and privacy, our options as a society for addressing them, and the crucial role we play as an industry in helping policymakers deal with these technologically-intense subjects.

Slide 3 refers back to a post I made last December, saying there are six useful things you can do with analytic technology:

Slide 4 observes that investigative analytics:

Slide 5 gives my simplest overview of investigative analytics technology to date:  Read more

June 15, 2011

Metaphors amok

It all started when I disputed James Kobielus’ blogged claim that Hadoop is the nucleus of the next-generation cloud EDW. Jim posted again to reiterate the claim, only this time he wrote that all EDW vendors [will soon] bring Hadoop into their heart of their architectures. (All emphasis mine.)

That did it. I tweeted, in succession:

*Woody Allen said in Sleeper that the brain was his second-favorite organ.

Of course, that body of work was quickly challenged. Responses included:  Read more

June 5, 2011

Hadoop confusion from Forrester Research

Jim Kobielus started a recent post

Most Hadoop-related inquiries from Forrester customers come to me. These have moved well beyond the “what exactly is Hadoop?” phase to the stage where the dominant query is “which vendors offer robust Hadoop solutions?”

What I tell Forrester customers is that, yes, Hadoop is real, but that it’s still quite immature.

So far, so good. But I disagree with almost everything Jim wrote after that.

Jim’s thesis seems to be that Hadoop will only be mature when a significant fraction of analytic DBMS vendors have own-branded versions of Hadoop alongside their DBMS, possibly via acquisition. Based on this, he calls for a formal, presumably vendor-driven Hadoop standardization effort, evidently for the whole Hadoop stack. He also says that

Hadoop is the nucleus of the next-generation cloud EDW, but that promise is still 3-5 years from fruition

where by “cloud” I presume Jim means first and foremost “private cloud.”

I don’t think any of that matches Hadoop’s actual strengths and weaknesses, whether now or in the 3-7 year future. My reasoning starts:

As for the rest of Jim’s claim — I see three main candidates for the “nucleus of the next-generation enterprise data warehouse,” each with better claims than Hadoop:

May 13, 2011

Introduction to SnapLogic

I talked with the SnapLogic team last week, in connection with their SnapReduce Hadoop-oriented offering. This gave me an opportunity to catch up on what SnapLogic is up to overall. SnapLogic is a data integration/ETL (Extract/Transform/Load) company with a good pedigree: Informatica founder Gaurav Dillon invested in and now runs SnapLogic, and VC Ben Horowitz is involved. SnapLogic company basics include:

SnapLogic’s core/hub product is called SnapCenter. In addition, for any particular kind of data one might want to connect, there are “snaps” which connect to — i.e. snap into — SnapCenter.

SnapLogic’s market position(ing) sounds like Cast Iron’s, by which I mean: Read more

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