Log analysis

Discussion of how data warehousing and analytic technologies are applied to logfile analysis. Related subjects include:

June 22, 2011

Citrusleaf RTA

Citrusleaf has released an add-on product called Citrusleaf RTA (Real-Time Attribution). It’s to be used when:

The metrics envisioned are:

A consistent relational schema is NOT assumed.

Citrusleaf’s solution is:

The downside is that when you do read 100 objects/records per person, you might need to do 100 seeks.

June 20, 2011

Temporal data, time series, and imprecise predicates

I’ve been confused about temporal data management for a while, because there are several different things going on.

In essence, the point of time series/event series SQL functionality is to do SQL against incomplete, imprecise, or derived data.* Read more

June 20, 2011

Columnar DBMS vendor customer metrics

Last April, I asked some columnar DBMS vendors to share customer metrics. They answered, but it took until now to iron out a couple of details. Overall, the answers are pretty impressive.  Read more

June 14, 2011

Infobright 4.0

Infobright is announcing its 4.0 release, with imminent availability. In marketing and product alike, Infobright is betting the farm on machine-generated data. This hasn’t been Infobright’s strategy from the getgo, but it is these days, with pretty good focus and commitment. While some fraction of Infobright’s customer base is in the Sybase-IQ-like data mart market — and indeed Infobright put out a customer-win press release in that market a few days ago — Infobright’s current customer targets seem to be mainly:

Key aspects of Infobright 4.0 include:  Read more

June 4, 2011

Dirty data, stored dirt cheap

A major driver of Hadoop adoption is the “big bit bucket” use case. Users take a whole lot of data, often machine-generated data in logs of different kinds, and dump it into one place, managed by Hadoop, at open-source pricing. Hadoop hardware doesn’t need to be that costly either. And once you get that data into Hadoop, there are a whole lot of things you can do with it.

Of course, there are various outfits who’d like to sell you not-so-cheap bit buckets. Contending technologies include Hadoop appliances (which I don’t believe in), Splunk (which in many use cases I do), and MarkLogic (ditto, but often the cases are different from Splunk’s). Cloudera and IBM, among other vendors, would also like to sell you some proprietary software to go with your standard Apache Hadoop code.

So the question arises — why would you want to spend serious money to look after your low-value data? The answer, of course, is that maybe your log data isn’t so low-value. Read more

October 6, 2010

eBay followup — Greenplum out, Teradata > 10 petabytes, Hadoop has some value, and more

I chatted with Oliver Ratzesberger of eBay around a Stanford picnic table yesterday (the XLDB 4 conference is being held at Jacek Becla’s home base of SLAC, which used to stand for “Stanford Linear Accelerator Center”). Todd Walter of Teradata also sat in on the latter part of the conversation. Things I learned included:  Read more

August 11, 2010

Big Data is Watching You!

There’s a boom in large-scale analytics. The subjects of this analysis may be categorized as:

The most varied, interesting, and valuable of those four categories is the first one.

Read more

July 31, 2010

Nested data structures keep coming up, especially for log files

Nested data structures have come up several times now, almost always in the context of log files.

I don’t have a grasp yet on what exactly is happening here, but it’s something.

July 6, 2010

Cassandra technical overview

Back in March, I talked with Jonathan Ellis of Rackspace, who runs the Apache Cassandra project. I started drafting a blog post then, but never put it up. Then Jonathan cofounded Riptano, a company to commercialize Cassandra, and so I talked with him again in May. Well, I’m finally finding time to clear my Cassandra/Riptano backlog. I’ll cover the more technical parts below, and the more business- or usage-oriented ones in a companion Cassandra/Riptano post.

Jonathan’s core claims for Cassandra include:

In general, Jonathan positions Cassandra as being best-suited to handle a small number of operations at high volume, throughput, and speed. The rest of what you do, as far as he’s concerned, may well belong in a more traditional SQL DBMS.  Read more

July 1, 2010

Why you should go to XLDB4

Scientific data commonly:

In those respects, it is akin to some of the hottest areas for big data analytics, including:

So when Jacek Becla started the XLDB conferences on the premise that scientific and big data analytic challenges have a lot in common, he had a point. There are several tough database problems that the science-focused folks have taken the leading in thinking about, but which are soon going to matter to the commercial world as well. And that’s one of two big reasons why you should consider participating in XLDB4, October 6-7, at the SLAC facility in Menlo Park, CA, as an attendee, sponsor, or both.

The other big reason is that it is important for the world that XLDB succeed. Read more

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