October 9, 2012

IBM Pure jargon

As best I can tell, IBM now has three related families of hardware/software bundles, aka appliances, aka PureSystems, aka something that sounds like “expert system” but in fact has nothing to do with the traditional rules-engine meaning of that term. In particular,

Within the PureData line, there are three sub-families:

The Netezza part of the story seems to start:

Perhaps someday I’ll be able to supply interesting details, for example about the concurrency improvement or about the uses (if any) customers are finding for Netezza’s in-database analytics — but as previously noted, analyzing big companies is hard.


4 Responses to “IBM Pure jargon”

  1. Oracle and IBM — strategic context | DBMS 2 : DataBase Management System Services on October 11th, 2012 1:36 am

    […] my standards, I’ve been writing a lot about Oracle and IBM recently. Let me now step back and review the context in which I view […]

  2. Paul Johnson on October 12th, 2012 9:05 am

    So when an ‘operational analytic workload’ running on PureData becomes an ‘analytic workload’, will a DB2 to Netezza migration be required?

  3. Marco Ullasci on October 14th, 2012 10:02 am

    Hi Paul,
    I see as more likely the opposite migration (NZ->DB2) as long as with ‘operational analytic workload’ is designated a more real-time and very selective (i.e. applied to a single customer at a time) workload than the ‘analytic workload’.
    I don’t see many companies moving the other way.

  4. DBMS acquisitions | Software Memories on April 29th, 2013 7:49 am

    […] IBM has sold a lot of Netezza into its installed base. Otherwise Netezza seems to be lagging. And it’s generally assumed that most noteworthy Netezza people have been or can be hired away. (Big exceptions: Phil Francisco, perhaps also John Metzger.) Wisely, IBM has made no moves to combine DB2 and Netezza into a single product. […]

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