March 23, 2011

DataStax introduces a Cassandra-based Hadoop distribution called Brisk

Cassandra company DataStax is introducing a Hadoop distribution called Brisk, for use cases that combine short-request and analytic processing. Brisk in essence replaces HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) with a Cassandra-based file system called CassandraFS. The whole thing is due to be released (Apache open source) within the next 45 days.

The core claims for Cassandra/Brisk/CassandraFS are:

There’s a pretty good white paper around all this, which also recites general Cassandra claims — [edit] and here at last is the link.


3 Responses to “DataStax introduces a Cassandra-based Hadoop distribution called Brisk”

  1. Hadoop futures and enhancements | DBMS 2 : DataBase Management System Services on July 11th, 2011 2:59 pm

    […] DataStax thinks you should blend HDFS and Cassandra. […]

  2. David Gruzman on August 4th, 2011 8:57 am

    In my understanding JobTracker is still be needed – since it is part of the MapReduce and not HDFS.
    What is very interesting – is to understand architecture of CassandraFS, and how Brisk ensure good data locality for the processing.
    Hadoop map reduce has serious per-task overhead, so objects should be big for efficient processing. I am curious how Brisk with CassandraFS do solve it, since cassandra is built to stroe many small objects, not a few large ones.

  3. DataStax pivots back to its original strategy | DBMS 2 : DataBase Management System Services on September 22nd, 2011 6:37 pm

    […] came out with a Hadoop-on-Cassandra offering called Brisk. For a while, it sounded as if Hadoop was as big a focus for DataStax as Cassandra […]

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