February 19, 2009

Microstrategy tidbits

I chatted with Microstrategy Wednesday in a call focused on the upcoming Microstrategy 9. There wasn’t a lot of technical content, but I did glean:


3 Responses to “Microstrategy tidbits”

  1. Neil Raden on February 19th, 2009 4:51 pm


    I think I can answer that question about the multiple databases. 10-15 years ago when we first started with BI tools (Microstrategy, Brio, Information Advantage, etc.) it was pretty clear that if you wanted performance, you had to design the database (physical) to be compatible with the idiosyncrasies of the BI tool. That arguing against going against multiple databases and kept you pretty much tied to the data warehouse or data mart.


  2. Curt Monash on February 20th, 2009 2:26 am


    IIRC, Business Objects handled multiple databases a lot sooner than other BI tools, even before the server-side development focus of the late 1990s (“Darwin”) and so on. Is my memory off?


  3. Neil Raden on February 21st, 2009 5:47 pm


    BO “handled” multiple databases, but it was a contrived situation. A lot of work had to be done by IT to create a report environment that looked like a multisource ad hoc environment. The way they got around the performance issue was by pre-building SQL and loading data into a multidimensional structure. Microstrategy has introduced multisource query as an extension of what they already do – no pre-building, no intermediate structure required (they do have an in-memory ROLAP now but it is not a required for multisource).



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