August 20, 2008

Kevin Closson doesn’t like MPP

Kevin Closson of Oracle offers a long criticism of the popularity of MPP. Key takeaways include:

August 20, 2008

The Explosion in DBMS Choice

If there’s one central theme to DBMS2, it’s that modern DBMS alternatives should in many cases be used instead of the traditional market leaders. So it was only a matter of time before somebody sponsored a white paper on that subject. The paper, sponsored by EnterpriseDB, is now posted along with my other recent white papers. Its conclusion — summarizing what kinds of database management system you should use in which circumstances — is reproduced below.

Many new applications are built on existing databases, adding new features to already-operating systems. But others are built in connection with truly new databases. And in the latter cases, it’s rare that a market-leading product is the best choice. Mid-range DBMS (for OLTP) or specialty data warehousing systems (for analytics) are usually just as capable, and much more cost-effective. Exceptions arise mainly in three kinds of cases:

Otherwise, the less costly products are typically the wiser choice. Read more

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